
Vertikordiya ( Azerbaijano )

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Vertikordiya: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

fornecido por wikipedia AZ

Vertikordiya (lat. Verticordia) - mərsinkimilər fəsiləsinə aid bitki cinsi.

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Vertikordie ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Vertikordie[1] (Verticordia) je rod rostlin z čeledi myrtovité. Jsou to bohatě kvetoucí keře s jednoduchými vstřícnými listy, rostoucí výhradně v Austrálii. Mají typické květy s pérovitě členěnými kališními lístky. Některé druhy jsou v Austrálii pěstovány pro trh s řezanými květinami. Vyžadují horké a suché léto a jsou citlivé na houbové choroby.

Pohádkové květy V. oculata


Vertikordie jsou stálezelené keře dorůstající výšky zpravidla do 2 metrů, výjimečně i stromy až 7 metrů vysoké. Listy jsou drobné až středně velké, jednoduché, kožovité, vstřícné nebo výjimečně přeslenité, čárkovité, řapíkaté nebo přisedlé. Čepel listů je žláznatě tečkovaná. Květy jsou drobné až středně velké (od 5 do 25 mm v průměru), pravidelné nebo dvoustranně souměrné, pětičetné, jednotlivé, úžlabní, nahloučené na koncích větévek. Češule je kuželovitá, chlupatá, vlnatá nebo lysá. Kalich je zbarvený jako koruna, pravidelný, tvořený 5 laloky, z nichž každý je dělený na 5 až 15 pérovitých segmentů. Koruna je bílá, žlutá, oranžová, červená, purpurová, růžová nebo hnědá, složená z 5 volných plátků. Korunní plátky jsou třásnité, prstovité nebo výjimečně celokrajné. Tyčinek je 5 nebo 10, jsou větvené a přirostlé k okraji češule nebo ke koruně. Mimo plodných tyčinek je přítomno 10 nebo 15 sterilních patyčinek. Semeník je spodní, srostlý ze 2 plodolistů, uvnitř s jedinou komůrkou. Čnělka je 1, zakončená hlavatou bliznou. Semeník obsahuje 1 až 13 vajíček. Plodem je jednosemenný oříšek.[2][3]


Rod vertikordie více než 100 druhů. Je rozšířen pouze v Austrálii. Převážná většina druhů jsou endemity jihozápadní Austrálie, pouze několik druhů roste v tropické severní Austrálii.[4]


Rod Verticodia je v rámci myrtovitých řazen do podčeledi Myrtoideae a tribu Chamelaucieae.

Význam a pěstování

Vertikordie jsou atraktivně a bohatě kvetoucí rostliny, mají však specifické nároky na pěstování. Vyžadují klima mediteránního typu, s horkým a suchým létem a mírnou zimou. Potřebují perfektně propustnou půdu a plné slunce a nesnášejí zástin jiných rostlin. Hnojí se málo. Ve vlhčím prostředí snadno podléhají houbovým chorobám, zejména padlí a černi střídavé. V Austrálii jsou některé druhy komerčně pěstovány pro trh s řezanými květinami a v minulosti byly sbírány i v divoké přírodě.[5] Vertikordie není uváděna ze žádné české botanické zahrady.[6] Řada druhů patří mezi ohrožené rostliny.



  1. SKALICKÁ, Anna; VĚTVIČKA, Václav; ZELENÝ, Václav. Botanický slovník rodových jmen cévnatých rostlin. Praha: Aventinum, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7442-031-3.
  2. Florabase - The Western Australian Flora [online]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  3. SHORT, P.S.; COWIE, I.D. Flora of the Darwin region. Myrtaceae [online]. 2010. (anglicky)
  4. GEORGE, Alex S.; BARRETT, Matthew D. Two new taxa of Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae) from south-western Australia. Nuytsia. 2010, čís. 20. Dostupné online.
  5. SEATON, Kevin. Verticordias for cutflower production [online]. Government of Western Australia. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  6. Florius - katalog botanických zahrad [online]. Dostupné online.

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wikipedia CZ

Vertikordie: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Vertikordie (Verticordia) je rod rostlin z čeledi myrtovité. Jsou to bohatě kvetoucí keře s jednoduchými vstřícnými listy, rostoucí výhradně v Austrálii. Mají typické květy s pérovitě členěnými kališními lístky. Některé druhy jsou v Austrálii pěstovány pro trh s řezanými květinami. Vyžadují horké a suché léto a jsou citlivé na houbové choroby.

 src= Pohádkové květy V. oculata
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Wikipedia autoři a editory
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wikipedia CZ

Verticordia ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Verticordia, selten Federblütensträucher genannt, sind eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Myrtengewächse (Myrtaceae). Die etwa 101 Arten kommen nur in den australischen Bundesstaaten Western Australia und Northern Territory vor.

Beschreibung und Ökologie

Verticordia-Arten sind immergrüne Sträucher oder selten Bäume, die Wuchshöhen von 1 bis selten 7 m erreichen. Alle Pflanzenteile enthalten ätherische Öle. Die gegenständig und selten wirtelig am Zweig angeordneten Laubblätter sind einfach, können winzig bis mittelgroß sein und haben einen glatten Blattrand. Nebenblätter sind keine vorhanden.[1]

Die Blüten stehen einzeln oder zu wenigen in unterschiedlich aufgebauten Blütenständen zusammen. Die zwittrigen und fünfzähligen Blüten sind radiärsymmetrisch bis stark zygomorph. Es sind 20 Staubblätter vorhanden, von denen nur meist zehn, selten fünf, fertil sind. Zwei Fruchtblätter sind zu einem unterständigen Fruchtknoten verwachsen mit einem Griffel und einer Narbe. Die Bestäubung erfolgt durch Insekten (Entomophilie) oder Vögel (Ornithophilie).[1]

Sie bilden trockene einkammerige Früchte enthalten meist nur einen, selten zwei Samen.[1]

Systematik und Verbreitung

Untergattung Chrysocoma Sektion Chrysocoma: Blütenstand von Verticordia acerosa
Untergattung Verticordia Sektion Verticordia: Verticordia plumosa
Untergattung Verticordia Sektion Corymbiformis: Habitus und Blütenstände von Verticordia eriocephala
Untergattung Verticordia Sektion Micrantha: Verticordia fastigiata
Untergattung Verticordia Sektion Intricata: Verticordia mitchelliana

Der botanische Gattungsname leitet sich aus dem Lateinischen Verticordia ab:

„Beiname der Venus, die Lenkerin der Herzen; ihr ward ein Tempel erbaut, als drei Vestalinnen zugleich gefallen waren, damit sie die Herzen der Frauen von der Unkeuschheit abwenden möchte. Um diesen Tempel zu weihen und das Bild der Göttin aufzustellen, wurden aus hundert der anerkannt keuschesten Frauen zehn durch's Loos erwählt, die dann aus ihrer Mitte Eine ernannten, und zwar Sulpicia, Gemahlin des Fulvius Flaccus.“[2]

Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Gattung Verticordia liegt im nördlichen, östlichen und südwestlichen Australien. Verticordia-Arten kommen nur in den australischen Bundesstaaten Western Australia (nur eine Art nicht) und Northern Territory (nur drei Arten) vor.[1] Sie gedeihen im mediterranen Klima.

Nach der Revision der Gattung Verticordia 1991 durch A. S. George[3] wird sie in drei Untergattungen mit 24 Sektionen gegliedert und enthält etwa 101 Arten:[4][5]

Untergattung Eperephes Sektion Pennuligera: Verticordia grandis
Untergattung Eperephes Sektion Pennuligera: Verticordia venusta


  1. a b c d Beschreibung in der Western Australian Flora.
  2. Vollmer's Mythologie aller Völker, Stuttgart 1874
  3. A. S. George: New taxa, combinations and typifications in Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae). In: Nuytsia. Volume 7, Issue 3, 1991, S. 254.
  4. Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Verticordia. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 28. Januar 2015.
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw Eintrag bei Australian Plant Name Index = APNI. letzter Zugriff am 22. Januar 2013
  6. a b c d e f g h EPBC Act List of Threatened Flora. letzter Zugriff am 28. Januar 2015


– Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
  • Verticordia im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  • Verticordia bei Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis Abgerufen am 28. Januar 2015.
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site do parceiro
wikipedia DE

Verticordia: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Verticordia, selten Federblütensträucher genannt, sind eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Myrtengewächse (Myrtaceae). Die etwa 101 Arten kommen nur in den australischen Bundesstaaten Western Australia und Northern Territory vor.

direitos autorais
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
wikipedia DE

Вертикордия ( Cômi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Вертикордия (латин Verticordia) — мирт котырса корья пу увтыр. Сійӧ быдмӧ Австралияын.


  • Verticordia subgenus Chrysoma
    • Verticordia sect. Chrysoma
      • Verticordia acerosa
      • Verticordia citrella
      • Verticordia subulata
      • Verticordia endlicheriana
    • Verticordia sect. Jugata
      • Verticordia chrysanthella
      • Verticordia chrysantha
      • Verticordia galatea
      • Verticordia brevifolia
      • Verticordia coronata
      • Verticordia amphigia
      • Verticordia laciniata
    • Verticordia sect. Unguiculata
      • Verticordia nobilis
      • Verticordia grandiflora
      • Verticordia rutilastra
    • Verticordia sect. Sigalantha
      • Verticordia serrata
      • Verticordia integra
    • Verticordia sect. Chrysorhoe
      • Verticordia patens
      • Verticordia nitens
      • Verticordia aurea
    • Verticordia sect. Cooloomia
      • Verticordia Cooloomia
    • Verticordia sect. Synandra
      • Verticordia staminosa
  • Verticordia subgenus Verticordia DC.
    • Verticordia sect. Verticordia
      • Verticordia crebra
      • Verticordia helichrysantha
      • Verticordia plumosa
      • Verticordia stenopetala
      • Verticordia sieberi
      • Verticordia harveyi
      • Verticordia pityrhops
      • Verticordia fimbrilepis
    • Verticordia sect. Corymbiformis
      • Verticordia polytricha
      • Verticordia densiflora
      • Verticordia brownii
      • Verticordia eriocephala
      • Verticordia capillaris
    • Verticordia sect. Micrantha
      • Verticordia minutiflora
      • Verticordia fastigiata
    • Verticordia sect. Infuscata
      • Verticordia oxylepis
      • Verticordia longistylis
    • Verticordia sect. Elachoschista
      • Verticordia verticordina
    • Verticordia sect. Pencillaris
      • Verticordia dasystylis
      • Verticordia penicillaris
    • Verticordia sect. Pilocosta
      • Verticordia huegelii
      • Verticordia brachypoda
      • Verticordia multiflora
    • Verticordia sect. Catocalypta
      • Verticordia roei
      • Verticordia inclusa
      • Verticordia apecta
      • Verticordia insignis
      • Verticordia habrantha
      • Verticordia lehmannii
      • Verticordia pritzelii
    • Verticordia sect. Platandra
      • Verticordia gracilis
    • Section Recondita
      • Verticordia humilis
    • Verticordia sect. Intricata
      • Verticordia monadelpha
      • Verticordia mitchelliana
      • Verticordia pulchella
  • Verticordia subgenus Eperephes A.SGeorge
    • Verticordia sect. Integripetala
      • Verticordia helmsii
      • Verticordia rennieana
      • Verticordia interioris
      • Verticordia mirabilis
      • Verticordia pictis
    • Verticordia sect. Tropica:
      • Verticordia cunninghamii
      • Verticordia verticillata
      • Verticordia decussata
    • Verticordia sect. Jamiesoniana
      • Verticordia jamiesoniana
    • Verticordia sect. Verticordella
      • Verticordia pennigera
      • Verticordia halophila
      • Verticordia blepharophylla
      • Verticordia lindleyi
      • Verticordia carinata
      • Verticordia attenuata
      • Verticordia drummondii
      • Verticordia wonganensis
      • Verticordia paludosa
      • Verticordia luteola
      • Verticordia bifimbriata
      • Verticordia tumida
      • Verticordia mitodes
      • Verticordia centipeda
      • Verticordia auriculata
      • Verticordia pholidophylla
      • Verticordia spicata
      • Verticordia hughanii
    • Verticordia sect. Corynatoca
      • Verticordia ovalifolia
    • Verticordia sect. Pennuligera:
      • Verticordia aereiflora
      • Verticordia albida
      • Verticordia argentea
      • Verticordia chrysostachys
      • Verticordia comosa
      • Verticordia dichroma
      • Verticordia etheliana
      • Verticordia × eurardyensis
      • Verticordia forrestii
      • Verticordia fragrans
      • Verticordia grandis
      • Verticordia lepidophylla
      • Verticordia muelleriana
      • Verticordia oculata
      • Verticordia serotina
      • Verticordia venusta
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging languages

Вертикордия ( Cômi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages

Вертикордия (лат. Verticordia) — мирт котырись корья пу увтыр. Вертикордия увтырӧ пырöны 101 вид. Вертикордия пантасьӧ Австралияын.


  • Verticordia subgenus Chrysoma
    • Verticordia sect. Chrysoma
      • Verticordia acerosa
      • Verticordia citrella
      • Verticordia subulata
      • Verticordia endlicheriana
    • Verticordia sect. Jugata
      • Verticordia chrysanthella
      • Verticordia chrysantha
      • Verticordia galatea
      • Verticordia brevifolia
      • Verticordia coronata
      • Verticordia amphigia
      • Verticordia laciniata
    • Verticordia sect. Unguiculata
      • Verticordia nobilis
      • Verticordia grandiflora
      • Verticordia rutilastra
    • Verticordia sect. Sigalantha
      • Verticordia serrata
      • Verticordia integra
    • Verticordia sect. Chrysorhoe
      • Verticordia patens
      • Verticordia nitens
      • Verticordia aurea
    • Verticordia sect. Cooloomia
      • Verticordia Cooloomia
    • Verticordia sect. Synandra
      • Verticordia staminosa
  • Verticordia subgenus Verticordia DC.
    • Verticordia sect. Verticordia
      • Verticordia crebra
      • Verticordia helichrysantha
      • Verticordia plumosa
      • Verticordia stenopetala
      • Verticordia sieberi
      • Verticordia harveyi
      • Verticordia pityrhops
      • Verticordia fimbrilepis
    • Verticordia sect. Corymbiformis
      • Verticordia polytricha
      • Verticordia densiflora
      • Verticordia brownii
      • Verticordia eriocephala
      • Verticordia capillaris
    • Verticordia sect. Micrantha
      • Verticordia minutiflora
      • Verticordia fastigiata
    • Verticordia sect. Infuscata
      • Verticordia oxylepis
      • Verticordia longistylis
    • Verticordia sect. Elachoschista
      • Verticordia verticordina
    • Verticordia sect. Pencillaris
      • Verticordia dasystylis
      • Verticordia penicillaris
    • Verticordia sect. Pilocosta
      • Verticordia huegelii
      • Verticordia brachypoda
      • Verticordia multiflora
    • Verticordia sect. Catocalypta
      • Verticordia roei
      • Verticordia inclusa
      • Verticordia apecta
      • Verticordia insignis
      • Verticordia habrantha
      • Verticordia lehmannii
      • Verticordia pritzelii
    • Verticordia sect. Platandra
      • Verticordia gracilis
    • Section Recondita
      • Verticordia humilis
    • Verticordia sect. Intricata
      • Verticordia monadelpha
      • Verticordia mitchelliana
      • Verticordia pulchella
  • Verticordia subgenus Eperephes A.SGeorge
    • Verticordia sect. Integripetala
      • Verticordia helmsii
      • Verticordia rennieana
      • Verticordia interioris
      • Verticordia mirabilis
      • Verticordia pictis
    • Verticordia sect. Tropica:
      • Verticordia cunninghamii
      • Verticordia verticillata
      • Verticordia decussata
    • Verticordia sect. Jamiesoniana
      • Verticordia jamiesoniana
    • Verticordia sect. Verticordella
      • Verticordia pennigera
      • Verticordia halophila
      • Verticordia blepharophylla
      • Verticordia lindleyi
      • Verticordia carinata
      • Verticordia attenuata
      • Verticordia drummondii
      • Verticordia wonganensis
      • Verticordia paludosa
      • Verticordia luteola
      • Verticordia bifimbriata
      • Verticordia tumida
      • Verticordia mitodes
      • Verticordia centipeda
      • Verticordia auriculata
      • Verticordia pholidophylla
      • Verticordia spicata
      • Verticordia hughanii
    • Verticordia sect. Corynatoca
      • Verticordia ovalifolia
    • Verticordia sect. Pennuligera:
      • Verticordia aereiflora
      • Verticordia albida
      • Verticordia argentea
      • Verticordia chrysostachys
      • Verticordia comosa
      • Verticordia dichroma
      • Verticordia etheliana
      • Verticordia × eurardyensis
      • Verticordia forrestii
      • Verticordia fragrans
      • Verticordia grandis
      • Verticordia lepidophylla
      • Verticordia muelleriana
      • Verticordia oculata
      • Verticordia serotina
      • Verticordia venusta
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia emerging languages

Вертикордия: Brief Summary ( Cômi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Вертикордия

Вертикордия (лат. Verticordia) — мирт котырись корья пу увтыр. Вертикордия увтырӧ пырöны 101 вид. Вертикордия пантасьӧ Австралияын.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia emerging languages

Вертикордия: Brief Summary ( Cômi )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Вертикордия

Вертикордия (латин Verticordia) — мирт котырса корья пу увтыр. Сійӧ быдмӧ Австралияын.

direitos autorais
Wikipedia authors and editors
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site do parceiro
wikipedia emerging languages

Verticordia ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN
For the clam genus, see Verticordia (bivalve).

Verticordia is a genus of more than 100 species of plants commonly known as featherflowers, in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae. They range in form from very small shrubs such as V. verticordina to trees like V. cunninghamii, some spindly, others dense and bushy, but the majority are woody shrubs up to 2.0 m (7 ft) tall. The flowers are variously described as "feathery", "woolly" or "hairy" and are found in most colours except blue. They often appear to be in rounded groups or spikes but in fact are always single, each flower borne on a separate stalk in a leaf axil. Each flower has five sepals and five petals all of a similar size with the sepals often having feathery or hairy lobes. There are usually ten stamens alternating with variously shaped staminodes. The style is simple, usually not extending beyond the petals and often has hairs near the tip. All but two species are found in Southwest Australia, the other two occurring in the Northern Territory.

The first scientific collection of verticordia specimens was made in 1791 and the first formal description of a verticordia was written in 1826 but the name Verticordia was not used until 1828. Alex George undertook a revision of the genus and in 1991 published a paper describing three subgenera, 24 sections, and 102 species.

Verticordia species occupy a wide variety of habitats, with some species widespread and abundant whilst others are rare and endangered. The profuse and striking display of intricate flowers of many species has led them to being harvested for floristry or simply admired as a wildflower.


The genus is best known for its flowers, often described in superlatives, which form massed displays in woodlands and heaths. These shrubs have appealed to amateur collectors and botanists, and were appreciated by the peoples of Australia before European settlement. The fringed or feathered appearance of the flowers is often enhanced by vivid and contrasting colours: this has given a common name for the genus, featherflower.[1] The variety displayed within the species, and between species in the genera is highly diverse.

V. chrysantha in Kalbarri National Park

The genus is part of the family Myrtaceae which exist, predominantly, in the southern hemisphere. The family was highly successful in southern Jurassic Gondwana, remaining as the highly diverse tree and woody shrub genera found in Australia. Verticordia are native to Western Australia and the Northern Territory, and are closely related to Chamelaucium, Rylstonea, and Darwinia. The genus Homoranthus, found in other states of Australia, contains two species previously supposed to be Verticordia.

The single flowers are often presented erect, these may be supported individually or grouped into tight displays of various arrangements. They may appear in succession or at once. The colour often varies as the flower ages, further adding to a painterly effect. The sepals are divided into lobes, with the exception of Verticordia verticordina, in a variety of thread-like or feathery forms. The colour of the sepals and petals is highly diverse, it may be solid, or variable, or mutable.

These may be of several colours, or solid, the striking combinations are of all colours except blue. There is no unisexual flowers in the species. Different species may be growing together, their massed displays creating painterly contrasts in flowering landscapes.

They are highly variable in appearance, often as a woody shrub, low or up to 2 metres, two tropical species are 7 metres. Branches may be upright or splayed out, sometimes pendulous, and are tightly or sparsely arranged. Leaves are very small or medium, scattered or opposite, and might be ciliated at the margin. The leaf shape is highly variable across, and these may differ at the base and floral leaves on individuals.

Hybrids of different species have been recorded and identified. A variant, known as 'Eric John', appears to be an intergeneric cross between V. plumosa and Chamelaucium floriferum.[2]


Archibald Menzies was the first European naturalist to make collections of verticordias. Menzies sailed on HMS Discovery during the Vancouver Expedition and made his collections in October 1791 near King George Sound, but these specimens would remain undescribed for 35 years.[3]: 5 

The first formal description of a plant now known as a verticordia was by René Desfontaines in 1826. Desfontaines described a specimen which Robert Brown had collected at Lucky Bay in January 1802. Brown had been engaged as naturalist aboard HMS Investigator led by Matthew Flinders. The specimen was given the name Chamaelaucium brownii,[4] in honour of Brown.[3]: 6 [5]

The first formal description of the genus Verticordia was written in 1828 by Augustin de Candolle and published in his Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis.[6] De Candolle transferred Chamelaucium brownii (as Verticordia brownii) and Chamelaucium fontanesii (now known as Verticordia plumosa) to the new genus but did not nominate a type species or provide an etymology for the name.[5] It is possible that the type for Chamelaucium fontanesii was collected by Archibald Menzies in 1791 but collections of this species had also been made by Leschenault in 1803. The derivation of the name Verticordia was not explained by de Candolle, but it has generally been taken as a reference to the epithet of the ancient Roman goddess Venus. Venus's sacred flower was the myrtle, of a plant in same family (Myrtaceae) as Verticordia. The name Verticordia, literally translated, means 'turner of hearts'.[7][3]: 6 

Other early additions to the genus were V. cunninghamii named in 1843 by Johannes Schauer for a collection made by Allan Cunningham,[8][9] and V. huegelii[10] and V. insignis[11] collected by Charles von Hügel and described by Stephan Endlicher in 1837.[12] The German botanist Ludwig Preiss collected more than 2,000 species of plants whilst living in Western Australia, including those named V. endlicheriana,[13] V. habrantha[14] and V. lehmannii[15] by Schauer in 1843.[9]

In 1991, Alex George undertook a review of the genus and described 84 new species, subspecies, and varieties. All were grouped into three subgenera and twenty-four sections.[16] His infrageneric classification was supported by a study of chromosome number in Verticordia and of barriers to hybridisation.[17]

In 2010, George described a new species, V. setacea and new subspecies of V. mitchelliana.[18]

At present, the subgenera are Chrysoma with seven sections and twenty-one species, subgenus Verticordia with eleven sections and thirty-six species, and subgenus Eperephes with six sections and forty-four species.[3]: 99–114 [16]

Distribution and habitat

Verticordia occur naturally in woodlands, sandy heaths and on granite outcrops. The mediterranean climate, sandy soils of the Southwest of the state, is where the greatest number of Verticordia species are found.

Use in horticulture

Verticordia are known for their feather-like or fringed flowers, the beauty of these is invariably included in any description. This has been accompanied by a high desirability as a garden plant, and as a cut flower. Restrictions exist on the collection of wildflowers in Western Australia, but previous collection of flowers for the floral industry is thought to have placed some species under duress.

They are generally somewhat difficult to grow in cultivation, but some success has been achieved. The most reliable species is V. Plumosa, the Plumed Featherflower, but many other species are found in highly specialised habitat.[19] Outside of their natural habitat Verticordia have shown consistently good results in the temperate regions of Australia. All species require excellent drainage and prefer Mediterranean-type climate of very dry summers and wet winters.

The cultivation of Verticordia in the Eastern states of Australia has proved difficult; many of the species are intolerant of the wet summers of those regions, especially with regard to root or collar rot and moulds and mildew. The successes achieved by some growers have been through the use of bell jars, attention to soil types and potting mixes, and, experimentally, the use of grafting onto plants of related genera, such as Darwinia citriodora and Geraldton Wax, Chamelaucium uncinatum.

See also


  1. ^ George, E.A. (2002), Verticordia: the turner of hearts: 101
  2. ^ Egerton-Warburton, Louise M.; Ghisalberti, Emilio L.; Burton, Neville C. (1998). "Intergeneric Hybridism between Chamelaucium and Verticordia (Myrtaceae) Based on Analysis of Essential Oils and Morphology". Australian Journal of Botany. 46 (2): 201–208. doi:10.1071/BT96125.
  3. ^ a b c d (Berndt) George, Elizabeth A.; Pieroni, Margaret (2002). Verticordia: the turner of hearts. Crawley, Western Australia; Canberra: University Of Western Australia Press. ISBN 978-1-876268-46-6.
  4. ^ "Chamelaucium brownii". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  5. ^ a b Desfontaines, René Louiche (1819). "Supplément au mémoire sur le genre Chamelaucium". Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. 5: 271. Retrieved 27 May 2016.
  6. ^ "Verticordia DC". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  7. ^ Sharr, F.A., ed. (1996). Western Australian plant names and their meanings : a glossary (2nd (Enlarged) ed.). University of Western Australia Press. p. 73. ISBN 1875560432.
  8. ^ "Verticordia cunninghamii". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  9. ^ a b Schauer, Johannes Conrad (1843). Monographia Myrtacearum Xerocarpicarum. p. 207. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  10. ^ "Verticordia huegelii". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  11. ^ "Verticordia insignis". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  12. ^ Endlicher, Stephan (1837). Enumeratio plantarum quas in Novae Hollandiae ora austro-occidentali ad fluvium Cygnorum et in Sinu Regis Georgii collegit Carolus liber baro de Hugel. Vienna. pp. 46–47. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  13. ^ "Verticordia endlicheriana". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  14. ^ "Verticordia habrantha". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  15. ^ "Verticordia lehmannii". APNI. Retrieved 25 September 2016.
  16. ^ a b George, Alex (1991). "New taxa, combinations and typifications in Verticordia (Myrtaceae : Chamelaucieae)". Nuytsia. 7 (3): 231–394.
  17. ^ Tyagi, AP.; Mccomb, J.; Considine, J. (1991). "Cytogenetic and Pollination Studies in the Genus Verticordia DC (Abstract)". Australian Journal of Botany. 39 (3): 261–272. doi:10.1071/BT9910261.
  18. ^ George, Alex S.; Barrett, Matthew D. (2010). "Two new taxa of Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae) from south-western Australia". Nuytsia. 20: 309–318.
  19. ^ Elliot, Rodger (December 1999). "Shrubby Myrtles". Australian Plants online. ASGAP. Retrieved 26 September 2008.

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Verticordia: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN
For the clam genus, see Verticordia (bivalve).

Verticordia is a genus of more than 100 species of plants commonly known as featherflowers, in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae. They range in form from very small shrubs such as V. verticordina to trees like V. cunninghamii, some spindly, others dense and bushy, but the majority are woody shrubs up to 2.0 m (7 ft) tall. The flowers are variously described as "feathery", "woolly" or "hairy" and are found in most colours except blue. They often appear to be in rounded groups or spikes but in fact are always single, each flower borne on a separate stalk in a leaf axil. Each flower has five sepals and five petals all of a similar size with the sepals often having feathery or hairy lobes. There are usually ten stamens alternating with variously shaped staminodes. The style is simple, usually not extending beyond the petals and often has hairs near the tip. All but two species are found in Southwest Australia, the other two occurring in the Northern Territory.

The first scientific collection of verticordia specimens was made in 1791 and the first formal description of a verticordia was written in 1826 but the name Verticordia was not used until 1828. Alex George undertook a revision of the genus and in 1991 published a paper describing three subgenera, 24 sections, and 102 species.

Verticordia species occupy a wide variety of habitats, with some species widespread and abundant whilst others are rare and endangered. The profuse and striking display of intricate flowers of many species has led them to being harvested for floristry or simply admired as a wildflower.

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Verticordia ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Verticordia es un género de 99 especies de arbustos perennes de la familia Myrtaceae. Son nativas de Australia. El nombre Verticordia significa "vuelta al corazón" , presumiblemente ese es el efecto que tuvo el botánico A. P. de Candolle que nombró el género. Se desarrolla en bosques y tierras arenosas.


El género fue descrito por Augustin Pyrame de Candolle y publicado en Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 3: 208. 1828.[2]


  • Verticordia subgénero Chrysoma Schauer (1840)
Este subgénero se divide en siete secciones. Se describe como Verticordia con flores amarillas o doradas.
  • Verticordia subgénero Verticordia de Candolle
contiene siete secciones.
  • Verticordia subgénero Eperephes A.S George (1991)
con seis secciones.
Género Verticordia
Subgénero Chrysoma
Sección Chrysoma
V. acerosa - V. citrella - V. subulata - V. endlicheriana
Sección Jugata
V. chrysanthella - V. chrysantha - V. galatea - V. brevifolia - V. coronata - V. amphigia - V. laciniata
Sección Unguiculata
V. nobilis - V. grandiflora - V. rutilastra
Sección Sigalantha
V. serrata - V. integra
Sección Chrysorhoe
V. patens - V. nitens - V. aurea
Sección Cooloomia
V. cooloomia
Sección Synandra
V. staminosa
Subgénero Verticordia
Sección Verticordia
V. crebra - V. helichrysantha - V. plumosa - V. stenopetala - V. sieberi - V. harveyi - V. pityrhops - V. fimbrilepis
Sección Corymbiformis
V. polytricha - V. densiflora - V. brownii - V. eriocephala - V. capillaris
Sección Micrantha
V. minutiflora - V. fastigiata
Sección Infuscata
V. oxylepis - V. longistylis
Sección Elachoschista
V. verticordina
Sección Pencillaris
V. dasystylis - V. penicillaris
Sección Pilocosta
V. huegelii - V. brachypoda - V. multiflora
Sección Catocalypta
V. roei - V. inclusa - V. apecta - V. insignis - V. habrantha - V. lehmannii - V. pritzelii
Sección Platandra
V. gracilis
Sección Recondita
V. humilis
Sección Intricata
V. monadelpha - V. mitchelliana - V. pulchella
Subgénero Eperephes
Sección Integripetala
V. helmsii - V. rennieana - V. interioris - V. mirabilis - V. pictis
Sección Tropica
V. cunninghamii - V. verticillata - V. decussata
Sección Jamiesoniana
V. Jamiesoniana
Sección Verticordella
V. pennigera - V. halophila - V. blepharophylla - V. lindleyi - V. carinata - V. attenuata - V. drummondii - V. wonganensis - V. paludosa - V. luteola - V. bifimbriata - V. tumida - V. mitodes - V. centipeda - V. auriculata - V. pholidophylla - V. spicata - V. hughanii
Sección Corynatoca
V. ovalifolia
Sección Pennuligera
V. comosa - V. lepidophylla - V. chrysostachys - V. aereiflora - V. dichroma - V. x eurardyensis - V. muelleriana - V. argentea - V. albida - V. fragrans - V. venusta - V. forrestii - V. serotina - V. oculata - V. etheliana - V. grandis


  1. «Verticordia». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 26 de abril de 2010.
  2. «Verticordia». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 28 de mayo de 2014.

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Verticordia: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

Verticordia es un género de 99 especies de arbustos perennes de la familia Myrtaceae. Son nativas de Australia. El nombre Verticordia significa "vuelta al corazón" , presumiblemente ese es el efecto que tuvo el botánico A. P. de Candolle que nombró el género. Se desarrolla en bosques y tierras arenosas.

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wikipedia ES

Verticordia ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Verticordia est un genre de plantes aromatiques de la famille des Myrtaceae.

Ce sont des arbustes ligneux à belles petites fleurs. On les trouve principalement dans le sud-ouest de l'Australie avec plusieurs espèces dans les régions septentrionales. Une révision du genre en 1991 a produit un classement de Verticordia en 3 sous-genres, 24 sections et 101 espèces. Les différentes espèces de Verticordia ont des formes très diverses, occupent une grande variété d'habitats et peuvent être abondantes ou rares. Leur abondante et remarquable floraison font qu'elles ont été exploitées pour la fleuristerie et qu'elles sont admirées comme fleurs sauvages


Genre Verticordia
Sous-genre Chrysoma
Section Chrysoma
V. acerosa - V. citrella - V. subulata - V. endlicheriana
Section Jugata
V. chrysanthella - V. chrysantha - V. galeata - V. brevifolia - V. coronata - V. amphigia - V. laciniata
Section Unguiculata
V. nobilis - V. grandiflora - V. rutilastra
Section Sigalantha
V. serrata - V. integra
Section Chrysorhoe
V. patens - V. nitens - V. aurea
Section Cooloomia
V. cooloomia
Section Synandra
V. staminosa
Sous-genre Verticordia
Section Verticordia
V. crebra - V. helichrysantha - V. plumosa - V. stenopetala - V. sieberi - V. harveyi - V. pityrhops - V. fimbrilepis
Section Corymbiformis
V. polytricha - V. densiflora - V. brownii - V. eriocephala - V. capillaris
Section Micrantha
V. minutiflora - V. fastigiata - V. vicinella
Section Infuscata
V. oxylepis - V. longistylis
Section Elachoschista
V. verticordina
Section Pencillaris
V. dasystylis - V. penicillaris
Section Pilocosta
V. huegelii - V. brachypoda - V. multiflora
Section Catocalypta
V. roei - V. inclusa - V. apecta - V. insignis - V. habrantha - V. lehmannii - V. pritzelii
Section Platandra
V. gracilis
Section Recondita
V. humilis
Section Intricata
V. monadelpha - V. mitchelliana - V. pulchella
Sous-genre Eperephes
Section Integripetala
V. helmsii - V. rennieana - V. interioris - V. mirabilis - V. picta
Section Tropica
V. cunninghamii - V. verticillata - V. decussata
Section Jamiesoniana
V. jamiesoniana
Section Verticordella
V. pennigera - V. halophila - V. blepharophylla - V. lindleyi - V. carinata - V. attenuata - V. drummondii - V. wonganensis - V. paludosa - V. luteola - V. bifimbriata - V. tumida - V. mitodes - V. centipeda - V. auriculata - V. pholidophylla - V. spicata - V. hughanii
Section Corynatoca
V. ovalifolia
Section Pennuligera
V. comosa - V. lepidophylla - V. chrysostachys - V. aereiflora - V. dichroma - V. x eurardyensis - V. muelleriana - V. argentea - V. albida - V. fragrans - V. venusta - V. forrestii - V. serotina - V. oculata - V. etheliana - V. grandis

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wikipedia FR

Verticordia: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Verticordia est un genre de plantes aromatiques de la famille des Myrtaceae.

Ce sont des arbustes ligneux à belles petites fleurs. On les trouve principalement dans le sud-ouest de l'Australie avec plusieurs espèces dans les régions septentrionales. Une révision du genre en 1991 a produit un classement de Verticordia en 3 sous-genres, 24 sections et 101 espèces. Les différentes espèces de Verticordia ont des formes très diverses, occupent une grande variété d'habitats et peuvent être abondantes ou rares. Leur abondante et remarquable floraison font qu'elles ont été exploitées pour la fleuristerie et qu'elles sont admirées comme fleurs sauvages

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Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Verticordia ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Verticordia é um género botânico pertencente à família Myrtaceae.[1]


Lista de espécies do género Verticordia

Referências bibliográficas

  • George, A.S. (1991) New taxa, combinations and typifications in Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae). Nuytsia 7(3): 254
  • George (Berndt), Elizabeth A.; Margaret Pieroni (illustrations) (2002). Verticordia: the turner of hearts. Crawley: University of Western Australia Press. pp. Pl. 1–101. ISBN 1 876 268 46 8.


  1. «pertencente à — World Flora Online». www.worldfloraonline.org. Consultado em 19 de agosto de 2020

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Verticordia: Brief Summary ( Português )

fornecido por wikipedia PT

Verticordia é um género botânico pertencente à família Myrtaceae.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia PT

Вертикордия ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Порядок: Миртоцветные
Семейство: Миртовые
Род: Вертикордия
Международное научное название

Verticordia DC.

Виды Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 834882NCBI 199439EOL 5461191GRIN g:12693IPNI ???

Вертикордия (лат. Verticordia) — род вечнозеленых кустарников семейства Миртовые. Основной ареал растений — юго-западная часть штата Западная Австралия с небольшими, изолированными районами в северной части штата. После пересмотра в 1991 году таксономической классификации были выделены 3 подрода, 24 секции и 102[2] вида. Род очень разнообразен по внешнему виду и среде обитания.

Биологическое описание

Verticordia nitens.
Ботаническая иллюстрация из книги Джона Линдли, A sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River Colony, 1839 год.

Вечнозелёный кустарник, высотой до 2 метров, два тропических вида достигают высоты 7 метров. Ствол прямой, ветвистый. Ветви чаще всего вертикальные, изредка поникшие

Листья от ланцентных до овальных, различных оттенков зелёного, собраны под соцветием.

Цветки яркие, всех цветов, кроме синего, собраны в горизонтальные соцветия. Каждый цветок состоит из пяти перистых лепестков и пяти цельных зубчатых лепестков. Распускаются одновременно или по очереди.


Близок к родам Chamelaucium, Rylstonea, и Darwinia, род Homoranthus, найденный в других штатах Австралии включает два вида, которые, как предполагается, раньше входили в род Вертикордия.

Александр Георг в 1991 году[3] пересмотел таксономическую классификацию рода Вертикордия, в результате были созданы или заново описаны три подрода и двадцать четыре секции. Эта внутривидовая классификация была поддержана изучением хромосомных наборов растений и вариантов гибридизаций[4]. Этот пересмотр сильно увеличил число таксонов — восемьдесят четыре новых вида, подвида и разновидностей[5].

В общих чертах таксономическая классификация выглядит следующим образом:

  • Подрод Chrysoma Schauer, (1840).
Этот подрод разделен на семь секций.
  • Подрод Verticordia A.DC..
Содержит одиннадцать секций.
Содержит шесть секций.

Таксономическое положение

отдел Цветковые, или Покрытосеменные (классификация согласно Системе APG II) порядок Миртоцветные ещё 44 порядка цветковых растений, из которых к миртоцветным наиболее близки Гераниецветные, Кизилоцветные, Кроссосомоцветные и Верескоцветные семейство Миртовые ещё 13 семейств, в том числе Комбретовые, Дербенниковые, Кипрейные и Пенеевые род Вертикордия ещё более 130 родов, в том числе Эвкалипт, Чайное дерево, Мирт 3 подрода, 24 секции и 101 вид

Список видов

Основная статья: Виды рода Вертикордия

Общее число видов — 101. Некоторые из них:


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. (Berndt) George, Elizabeth A. Verticordia : the turner of hearts / Elizabeth A. (Berndt) George, Pieroni. — Crawley, Western Australia ;Canberra : University Of Western Australia Press, 2002. — ISBN 1876268468.
  3. George, A.S. (1991) New taxa, combinations and typifications in Verticordia (Myrtaceae: Chamelaucieae). Nuytsia 7(3): 254
  4. “Cytogenetic and Pollination Studies in the Genus Verticordia DC (Abstract)”. Australian Journal of Botany. CSIRO. 39 (3): 261–272. 1991. Используется устаревший параметр |coauthors= (справка)
  5. Search on reference:nuytsia 7 1991 (неопр.). FloraBase. Government of Western Australia. Проверено 17 ноября 2008. Архивировано 29 марта 2012 года.
direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Вертикордия: Brief Summary ( Russo )

fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

Вертикордия (лат. Verticordia) — род вечнозеленых кустарников семейства Миртовые. Основной ареал растений — юго-западная часть штата Западная Австралия с небольшими, изолированными районами в северной части штата. После пересмотра в 1991 году таксономической классификации были выделены 3 подрода, 24 секции и 102 вида. Род очень разнообразен по внешнему виду и среде обитания.

direitos autorais
Авторы и редакторы Википедии