
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Wyeomyia (Wyeomyia) pertinans (Williston)

This species was described from St. Vincent, and the only specimen in the United States National Museum is a syntype female. It has been reported also from Barbados, Grenada, and St. Lucia, and with some degree of certainty from Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago, Central America, and Mexico with varying degrees of doubt. Until males can be studied from all of the areas these doubts will remain. As all the specimens listed below are females, identification cannot be certain either, but the geographical distribution and agreement with the original specimen makes the determination probably correct. Nothing is known of the biology of this species.

DOMINICA RECORDS. —Pont Casse, 23 November (Spangler), 1 ♀ ; 1.5 miles north, 12 February (Wirth), 6 ♀ ; 2 miles east, 5 May 1966 (Gagné), 1 ♀ ; 5 miles east, 11 April 1966 (Gagné), 1 ♀ ; D’lean Gommier, 13 May 1966 (Steyskal), 1 ♀ ; Fresh Water Lake, 13 May 1966 (Steyskal), 1 ♀ ; 2,500 feet, 5 April 1966 (Gagné), 1 ♀ ; 5–8 November (Gurney), 1 ♀ ; 21, 23 February 1964 (Bray), 5 ♀ ; 1 mile north of junction of roads to Rosalie and Castle Bruce, 300 feet, 29 March 1966 (Gagné), 1 ♀ ; Trafalgar Falls, 15 March 1964 (Bray), 1 ♀ ; Boeri Lake, 22 February 1964 (Bray), 1 ♀ ; Sylvania, 9, 10 February 1964 (Bray), 2 ♀ ; S. Chiltern, 6, 7 February 1964 (Bray), 4 ♀ ; Clarke Hall, 13 February 1964 (Bray), 1 ♀ .

Wyeomyia species

Three larvae were collected from bromeliads, but these were not associated with adults and cannot be determined.
bibliographic citation
Stone, Alan. 1969. "Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian biological survey of Dominica: the mosquitoes of Dominica (Diptera: Culicidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.16