
Koekoekvoëls ( Afrikaans )

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Koekoekvoëls (Cuculiformes) is 'n monotipiese orde van voëls. Tradisioneel bevat hierdie orde, naas die regte koekoeke (Cuculidae), ook twee (en soms meer) families, naamlik: Opisthocomidae en Musophagidae. Volgens die IOC World Bird List (van 2012) bevat die orde slegs één familie:[1]

Koekoeke staan bekend as voëls wat hul eiers in ander voëls se neste lê en die versorging van die kuikens aan pleegouers oorlaat. In werklikheid is dit egter net sowat een derde van hierdie voëlgroep wat die sogenaamde broeiparasitisme beoefen. Koekoeke is betreklike groot voëls wat in bome lewe.

Die stertpenne is by die meeste spesies lank en die buitenste tone van elke poot is na agter gerig of is baie beweeglik sodat die voëls goed aan takke kan vasklou. Die orde is in 2 families ingedeel, naamlik die egte koekoeke (Cuculidae) en die loeries (Musophagidae), wat tot Afrika beperk is. In Suider-Afrika word 17 spesies koekoeke aangetref, waaronder 'n aantal vleiloeries. Een van die bekendste plaaslike koekoeke is die piet-my-vrou.


Die orde van die koekoeke (Cuculiformes) bestaan uit 2 families wat uiterlik van mekaar verskil, maar soveel ooreenkomste in hul gedrag en ververing toon dat hulle onmiskenbaar aan mekaar verwant is. Die kleinste van die 2 families is dié van die loeries (Musophagidae). Dit bestaan uit net 18 spesies wat hoofsaaklik in die oerwoude van Afrika voorkom. Hulle is helderkleurige voëls met opvallende kuiwe, lang sterte en kort, dik snawels.

Hul voedsel bestaan hoofsaaklik uit vrugte, hoewel hulle soms ook insekte vreet. Loeries lewe in groepe en net tydens die broeityd sonder die pare hulle af om 'n nes te bou en eiers te lê. Egte koekoeke (familie Cuculidae) is veel talryker.

Die familie bestaan uit 147 spesies wat in alle dele van die wêreld, uitgesonder Antarktika, voorkom. Hoewel die egte koekoeke algemeen as baie swak ouers bekend staan wat hul eiers in ander voëls se neste lê en die versorging van die kuikens aan pleegouers oorlaat, word hierdie sogenaamde broeiparasitisme net by 47 spesies aangetref.

Die ander spesies bou almal hul eie neste en versorg hul kuikens self. Die meeste egte koekoeke is liggrys of ligbruin en het dikwels donker strepe op die vlerke, stert en pens. Kenmerkend vir ware koekoeke is dat 2 tone van elke poot na agter gerig is sodat die voëls selfs op die dunste takkies 'n goeie houvas vind. Die snawels verskil van spesie tot spesie aangesien 'n uiteenlopende voedselspesialisasie onder koekoeke voorkom; sommige is vrugte en/ of insekte-eters, terwyl ander klein werweldiere eet. In teenstelling met die groepslewe van die loeries is die meeste koekoeke alleenlopers wat net tydens broeityd pare vorm. Koekoeke kom hoofsaaklik in die trope en subtrope voor en net 'n paar spesies word in Europa aangetref.


Die 47 spesies koekoeke by wie broeiparasitisme aangetref word, het verskillende gashere, dit wil se hulle kies nie almal dieselfde voëlsoort om hul eiers uit te broei en die kuikens te versorg nie. Een koekoekspesie kan ook meer as een voëlsoort as gasheer gebruik. By die keuse van die gasheer speel verskeie faktore 'n rol. Meestal lyk die gasheer se eiers in vorm en grootte soos die van die koekoek se eier en sommige koekoeke het hulle so aangepas dat hul eiers ook wat kleur betref, met die van die gasheer ooreenstem. Wanneer 'n koekoekwyfie haar eier in 'n vreemde nes lê, gooi sy een van die gasheer se eiers uit die nes.

Dit is dus belangrik dat die broeityd van die gasheer met die van die koekoek moet saamval. Die jong koekoekkuiken broei na sowat 12 dae uit, wat gewoonlik effens vroeër is as die gasheerkuikens. Die kuiken begin onmiddellik en instinktief in die nes rondskarrel en skop so die ander eiers of kleintjies wat reeds uitgebroei het, uit die nes sodat hy alleen al die aandag en voedsel van die pleegouers kry. Hierdie sogenaamde uitwerp gedrag is egter nie by alle koekoekspesies ewe sterk ontwikkel nie.

Soms word die koekoek saam met die ander kuikens grootgemaak, maar omdat hulle gewoonlik groter en sterker is as die gasheerkuikens, het hulle 'n beter kans om die kos te kry. Na 20 tot 30 dae is hulle groot genoeg en verlaat die nes. Dit is opvallend dat die jong koekoeke wat gedurende hul jeug net die geroep van die pleegouers hoor, as volwasse voëls die kenmerkende koekoekroep handhaaf. Die verskynsel dui daarop dat die koekoek se roep erflik bepaal word.


Die familie van die loeries bestaan uit 4 genera wie se verteenwoordigers almal groen en rooi vere het. Die kleure word deur 2 pigmente veroorsaak wat slegs by hierdie voëls aangetref word, naamlik die groen toerakoverdant en die koperkleurige toerasien. Veral by die helmloeries (genus Tauraco) is hierdie kleure besonder goed ontwikkel. 'n Opvallende spesie is die witkuifloerie (Tauraco leueolophus), wat 'n digte, helmagtige kuif het.

Die skildloerie (genus Musophaga) onderskei hom van ander loeries deurdat hy 'n horingagtige skild oor die bokant van die snawel en die voorkop het. Die grootste van alle koekoeke is die reuseloerie (Corythaeola cristata), wat 65 tot 70 cm lank word. Die koekoekfamilie is baie groter en huisves uiteenlopende spesies. In Suider-Afrika word 17 spesies aangetref, waarvan 'n aantal vleiloeries is. Die vleiloeries onderskei hulle hoofsaaklik daarin dat hul lê hul eie neste bou en self hul kuikens uitbroei.

Een van die bekendste koekoeke in Suider-Afrika is die piet-my-vrou (Cueulus solitarius), wat hoofsaaklik in die oostelike en suidelike dele aangetref word. Ander bekende koekoeke is die klein diedrikkie (Chrysocoecyx caprius), wat gedurende die somer oral in Suid-Afrika aangetref word, die gewone grys koekoek (Cueulus eanorus), wat ook in Europa voorkom en die mooimeisiekoekoek (Chrysoeoccyx eupreus), wat met sy blinkgroen en geel vere 'n buitengewoon mooi voël is.

Die grootste egte koekoek in Suider-Afrika is die gevlekte koekoek (Clamator glandarius) en die streepborskoekoek (Clamator levaillantii), wat sowat 40 cm lank word, terwyl die kleinste koekoek, die klasie of meitjie (Chrysoeoceyx klaas), slegs 18 cm bereik. Hierdie koekoeke kies gewoonlik kwiksterte, tiptolle, lysters, laksmanne, mossies en vinke as hul gashere. Die vleiloeries (genus Centropus) word hoofsaaklik in digte plantegroei of tussen riete naby binnelandse waters aangetref.

Die neste bestaan uit takkies en gras wat op die grond gerangskik word, waarin gedurende die somer 3 tot 6 eiers gelê word. Verskeie koekoekspesies word nie in Suider-Afrika aangetref nie, soos byvoorbeeld die ani's (subfamilie Crotophaginae), wat net in die VSA voorkom. Hulle leef in groepsverband en die wyfies los mekaar bedags tydens die broeityd af, terwyl die mannetjies snags broei. Op Madagaskar kom grondbewonende koekoeke (subfamilie Couinae) voor wat betreklike kort pote het.

Enkele van die spesies het tot boombewoners ontwikkel, maar hulle vlieg nie dikwels nie en bekom hul voedsel deur van tak tot tak te spring of te klouter. In Suidoos-Asië en Australië kom ook koekoeke (subfamilie Centropodinae) voor wat se pote by 'n klouterende en kruipende leefwyse aangepas is. Hulle vreet insekte, slakke, akkedisse, slange en ander klein voëltjies.

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Koekoekvoëls: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Koekoekvoëls (Cuculiformes) is 'n monotipiese orde van voëls. Tradisioneel bevat hierdie orde, naas die regte koekoeke (Cuculidae), ook twee (en soms meer) families, naamlik: Opisthocomidae en Musophagidae. Volgens die IOC World Bird List (van 2012) bevat die orde slegs één familie:

Koekoeke staan bekend as voëls wat hul eiers in ander voëls se neste lê en die versorging van die kuikens aan pleegouers oorlaat. In werklikheid is dit egter net sowat een derde van hierdie voëlgroep wat die sogenaamde broeiparasitisme beoefen. Koekoeke is betreklike groot voëls wat in bome lewe.

Die stertpenne is by die meeste spesies lank en die buitenste tone van elke poot is na agter gerig of is baie beweeglik sodat die voëls goed aan takke kan vasklou. Die orde is in 2 families ingedeel, naamlik die egte koekoeke (Cuculidae) en die loeries (Musophagidae), wat tot Afrika beperk is. In Suider-Afrika word 17 spesies koekoeke aangetref, waaronder 'n aantal vleiloeries. Een van die bekendste plaaslike koekoeke is die piet-my-vrou.

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Cuculiformes ( Asturian )

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Los cuculiformes son un orde d'aves neognatas qu'inclúin los cucos. Inclúi un total de 165 especies.[1] El grupu foi bautizáu pol nome llatín del cuquiellu «Cuculus», y pollo el nome d'esti orde significa «los que tienen forma de cuquiellu».

Na clasificación taxonómica clásica, considerar emparentaes colos Psittaciformes (loros, guacamayos, etc.); igual qu'estos, presenten dos deos dirixíos alantre y dos empobinaos tras, pero estremar nel so musculatura, yá que les sos capacidaes prensiles son menores. Otra carauterística distintiva ye'l picu, porque la quexal cimeru nun ye móvil y la forma nun ye ganchuda. La llarga cola d'estes aves ye, tamién, de plumaxe menos trupu que nos sos parientes cercanos.

Carauterístiques xenerales

Los cuculiformes son aves de tamañu medianu, de normal ente 35 a 65 cm de llargor. Les sos estremidaes presenten dos pares de deos engarraos (zigodáctilos). Una de les conductes singulares de los llamaos "cucos esplotadores" (subfamilia Cuculinae) consiste en poner los sos güevos en nials d'otres especies, que s'encarguen asina de criar a los pichones.


Los cuculiformes inclúin una sola familia:[1]

  • Familia Cuculidae - cucos, correcaminos, etc.

La clasificación propuesta por taxonomía de Sibley-Ahlquist na década de 1980, basándose n'hibridación de DNA, alza la familia Musophagidae a un nuevu orde, Musophagiformes,[2] y l'especie hoacín tien pindia la so clasificación definitiva, magar se propunxo un orde monotípicu independiente, Opisthocomiformes.

En cuanto al xéneru Crotophaga, consideró-ylo de cutiu como una subfamilia de Cuculidae y según otru autores constitúi una familia propia, Crotophagidae.[ensin referencies]


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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Los cuculiformes son un orde d'aves neognatas qu'inclúin los cucos. Inclúi un total de 165 especies. El grupu foi bautizáu pol nome llatín del cuquiellu «Cuculus», y pollo el nome d'esti orde significa «los que tienen forma de cuquiellu».

Na clasificación taxonómica clásica, considerar emparentaes colos Psittaciformes (loros, guacamayos, etc.); igual qu'estos, presenten dos deos dirixíos alantre y dos empobinaos tras, pero estremar nel so musculatura, yá que les sos capacidaes prensiles son menores. Otra carauterística distintiva ye'l picu, porque la quexal cimeru nun ye móvil y la forma nun ye ganchuda. La llarga cola d'estes aves ye, tamién, de plumaxe menos trupu que nos sos parientes cercanos.

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Quququşukimilər ( Azerbaijani )

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Quququşukimilər (lat. Cuculiformes) — yenidamaqlılar dəstəüstünə aid quşlar dəstəsi.

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Cuculiformes ( Breton )

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Cuculiformes a zo un urzhiad e rummatadur an evned, ennañ ar c'houkouged pe an tourakoed.


N'emañ ket an holl skiantourien a-du evit a sell eus ar c'herentiadoù da lakaat en urzhiad Cuculiformes. 5 kerentiad a c'hell bezañ rummataet ennañ :

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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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Cuculiformes a zo un urzhiad e rummatadur an evned, ennañ ar c'houkouged pe an tourakoed.

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Cuculiformes ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Els cuculiformes (Cuculiformes) són un ordre d'ocells que practiquen un parasitisme reproductor, fet que no s'observa pas en cap altre ordre d'ocells europeus.


  • Fan entre 35 i 65 cm de llargària.
  • Tenen sempre quatre dits, que poden ésser disposats dos cap endavant i dos cap endarrere. Tots quatre dits, però, són proveïts d'ungles llargues i fortes.
  • La cua és mitjanament llarga i formada per deu rectrius.


És un ordre cosmopolita, de costums arborícoles, i alguns gèneres parasiten els nius d'altres ocells (la femella s'encarrega de pondre els ous en els nius d'altres ocells, perquè aquests els covin, sense que s'adonin que no són seus).[1]

Fan un crit que sembla emès per un ésser humà, de tan nítid com se sent.


Comprèn dos subordres: un agrupa els cucuts (família dels cucílids) i l'altre els turacs (família dels musofàgids).[2] En algunes classificacions s'inclouen els opistocòmids dins la família dels musofàgids.

S'han descrit 174 espècies de cuculiformes, classificades en 3 famílies, 5 subfamílies i 41 gèneres, de la següent forma:


  1. Lalueza i Fox, Jordi: El llibre dels ocells de Catalunya. Editorial De Vecchi - Edicions Cap Roig. Barcelona, 1987, pàgina 64. ISBN 84-315-0434-X.
  2. Llorente, Gustavo: Els vertebrats de les zones humides dels Països Catalans. Editorial Pòrtic, S.A. Col·lecció Conèixer La Natura, núm. 6, plana 121. Desembre del 1988, Barcelona. ISBN 84-7306-354-6.

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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Els cuculiformes (Cuculiformes) són un ordre d'ocells que practiquen un parasitisme reproductor, fet que no s'observa pas en cap altre ordre d'ocells europeus.

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Kukačky ( Czech )

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Tento článek je o živočišném řádu. O hodinách s kukačkou pojednává článek Kukačkové hodiny.

Kukačky (Cuculiformes) jsou řád většinou stromových ptáků s dlouhými křídly i ocasem. Na nohou mají vratiprst (zygodaktylní noha). Obě pohlaví se od sebe neliší.

Kukačky jsou rozšířené na všech kontinentech kromě Antarktidy.

V minulosti byli do řádu kukačky zařazování i turakové, jako čeleď Musophagidae. Turakové jsou stromoví ptáci žijící ve střední Africe, jediná skupina ptáků, kteří mají skutečný zelený pigment. Dnes se ale turakové z řádu kukačky vyčlenili a tvoří svůj vlastní řád, Musophagiformes.

Zařazení hoacinů je dosud sporné, někdy se řadí mezi hrabavé, v některých systémech se vyděluje jako samostatný řád.

Někdy se čeleď kukačkovití považuje za druhou čeleď řádu kukaček, ostatní čeledě by pak byly podčeleděmi kukačkovitých. Podle nového systému jsou Cuculidae pouze kukačky starého světa.

U kukačkovitých (Cuculidae) je vyvinut hnízdní parazitismus. Protože se jedná o největší čeleď, znamená to asi polovinu ze všech druhů kukaček jako řádu.

Taxonomické členění

Kukačky obvykle zahrnují 6 čeledi:

kukačka guira (Guira guira)

  • kukačkovití (Cuculidae)
    • rod: Cacomantis
    • rod: Caliechthrus
    • rod: Carpococcyx
    • rod: Ceuthmochares
    • rod: Cercococcyx
    • rod: Chrysococcyx
    • rod: Clamator
    • rod: Coua
    • rod: Cuculus
    • rod: Eudynamys
    • rod: Microdynamis
    • rod: Pachycoccyx
    • rod: Phaenicophaeus
    • rod: Rhamphomantis
    • rod: Scythrops
    • rod: Surniculus
    • rod: Urodynamis

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Kukačky: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Tento článek je o živočišném řádu. O hodinách s kukačkou pojednává článek Kukačkové hodiny.

Kukačky (Cuculiformes) jsou řád většinou stromových ptáků s dlouhými křídly i ocasem. Na nohou mají vratiprst (zygodaktylní noha). Obě pohlaví se od sebe neliší.

Kukačky jsou rozšířené na všech kontinentech kromě Antarktidy.

V minulosti byli do řádu kukačky zařazování i turakové, jako čeleď Musophagidae. Turakové jsou stromoví ptáci žijící ve střední Africe, jediná skupina ptáků, kteří mají skutečný zelený pigment. Dnes se ale turakové z řádu kukačky vyčlenili a tvoří svůj vlastní řád, Musophagiformes.

Zařazení hoacinů je dosud sporné, někdy se řadí mezi hrabavé, v některých systémech se vyděluje jako samostatný řád.

Někdy se čeleď kukačkovití považuje za druhou čeleď řádu kukaček, ostatní čeledě by pak byly podčeleděmi kukačkovitých. Podle nového systému jsou Cuculidae pouze kukačky starého světa.

U kukačkovitých (Cuculidae) je vyvinut hnízdní parazitismus. Protože se jedná o největší čeleď, znamená to asi polovinu ze všech druhů kukaček jako řádu.

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Cuculiformes ( Scots )

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The near passerine bird order Cuculiformes tradeetionally includit three faimilies as belaw:

Housomeivver, the taxonomy o this group is nou controversial. The Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy raises the Musophagidae tae a order Musophagiformes which mey or mey no be warrantit. The Hoatzin continues tae be enigmatic; it is probably best regardit as a distinct, monotypic order, especially if the turacos are considered ane an aw. The coucals an anis are whiles considered subfaimilies o the Cuculidae, or itherwise assigned tae faimilies o thair awn, the Centropodidae an Crotophagidae respectively.


The fossil record o this group is hintle debatit. The unique anatomy o Cuculidae (in the auld sense) aften allous for the easy identification even o isolatit bones. Cuckoos o prehistoric genera are kent syne the Late Eocene, some 40-35 million years ago. Turaco fossils are kent frae hintle later anerly.

A nummer o ither Paleogene fossils hae at times been assigned tae the Cuculiformes, but thay are no uisually includit here onymair in mair recent treatments: The Late Paleocene tae mid-Eocene Gracilitarsidae wur at first believit tae be cuculiforms but this is no generally acceptit the day. Thay remain meesterious tho, due tae thair apomorphic anatomy, an micht be close tae the equally enigmatic Sylphornithidae kent frae the mid-Eocene tae the Early Oligocene. Frae the Early Eocene, Parvicuculus an Procuculus might be Cypselomorphae o a hitherto unrecognisit lineage. The genus Foro micht be alliet wi the Hoatzin.

See an aw

Leet o Cuculiformes bi population


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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Scots )

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The near passerine bird order Cuculiformes tradeetionally includit three faimilies as belaw:

Musophagidae - turacos an allies Cuculidae - cuckoos, coucals, roadrunners an anis Opisthocomidae - Hoatzin (or Opisthocomiformes)

Housomeivver, the taxonomy o this group is nou controversial. The Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy raises the Musophagidae tae a order Musophagiformes which mey or mey no be warrantit. The Hoatzin continues tae be enigmatic; it is probably best regardit as a distinct, monotypic order, especially if the turacos are considered ane an aw. The coucals an anis are whiles considered subfaimilies o the Cuculidae, or itherwise assigned tae faimilies o thair awn, the Centropodidae an Crotophagidae respectively.

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Koekoekeftigen ( Western Frisian )

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De koekoekeftigen of koekúteftigen (Latynske namme: Cuculiformes) foarmje in skift fan 'e klasse fan 'e fûgels (Aves), de ûnderklasse fan 'e moderne fûgels (Neornithes), de tuskenklasse fan 'e nijkakigen (Neognathae), it boppeskift fan 'e nije fûgels (Neoaves) en de noch rangleaze groep fan 'e trapfoarmigen (Otidimorphae). Dit skift bestiet mar út ien inkelde famylje, nammentlik dy fan 'e koekoeken (Cuculidae), dy't sels wer útinoar falt yn seis ûnderfamyljes wêrfan't de soarten foarkomme op alle wrâlddielen útsein Antarktika. De koekoekeftigen binne nau besibbe oan 'e toerako-eftigen (Musophagiformes) en de trapeftigen (Otidiformes).


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Koekoekeftigen: Brief Summary ( Western Frisian )

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De koekoekeftigen of koekúteftigen (Latynske namme: Cuculiformes) foarmje in skift fan 'e klasse fan 'e fûgels (Aves), de ûnderklasse fan 'e moderne fûgels (Neornithes), de tuskenklasse fan 'e nijkakigen (Neognathae), it boppeskift fan 'e nije fûgels (Neoaves) en de noch rangleaze groep fan 'e trapfoarmigen (Otidimorphae). Dit skift bestiet mar út ien inkelde famylje, nammentlik dy fan 'e koekoeken (Cuculidae), dy't sels wer útinoar falt yn seis ûnderfamyljes wêrfan't de soarten foarkomme op alle wrâlddielen útsein Antarktika. De koekoekeftigen binne nau besibbe oan 'e toerako-eftigen (Musophagiformes) en de trapeftigen (Otidiformes).

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Кукавицовидни ( Macedonian )

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Кукавицовидните птици (лат. Cuculiformes) образуваат ред на сродни врапчеви птици, кои традиционално се поделени на следните фамилии:

Меѓутоа, денес систематиката на оваа група е контроверзна. Сибли-Алквистовата систематика ја издигнува фамилијата Musophagidae до ред (Musophagiformes). Хоацинот продолжува да биде енигматичен; тој веројатно најдобро е да се смести во одделен, монотипски ред, особено ако тураките се сметаат за посебен ред. Кукалите и аниите понекогаш се сметаат за подфамилии на Cuculidae, или пак се сместуваат во свои посебни фамилии (Centropodidae и Crotophagidae, соодветно).

Општи карактеристики

Кукавицовидните се најчесто птици со средна големина: најмалиот вид достигнува должина од 14 cm, додека најголемиот, благодарение на неговата долга опашка, достигнува должина од 70 cm. Опашните пердуви се постепени, но опашката никогаш не е заострена. Крилата се најчесто кратки. Стапалото на овие птици е зигодактилно, односно првиот и четвртиот прст се насочени кон назад, додека вториот и третиот кон напред. Клунот е обично краток и мазен. Повеќето видови се исклучиво сиви, кафеави или маслинесто обоени. Боите обично се образец од линии и точки. Некои видови исто така покажуваат и црнометален сјај, а светлите бои се ретки. Половите речиси секогаш се разликуваат значително по големина и тежина. Песната на кукавицовидните се состои од повторувачки серии на мелодични звуци.


Фосилниот запис за оваа група птици е предмет на голем интерес. Единствената анатомија на Cuculidae (според традиционалната класификација) често овозможува лесна идентификација дури и на изолирани коски. Предисториските родови на кукавицовидни птици се познати од горниот еоцен, од пред околу 40-35 милиони години. Фосилите на тураките се среќаваат во многу подоцнежните слоеви.

Одреден број на други палеогенски фосили понекогаш се припишувале на овој ред, но тие повеќе не се вклучени овде во поскорешните систематики: горнопалеоценските до средноеоценските претставници од фамилијата Gracilitarsidae најпрво се сметале за кукавицовидни птици, но ова тврдење денес не е целосно прифатено. Сепак, тие остануваат мистериозни како резултат на нивната апоморфна анатомија и би можеле да се блиски со исто така енигматичните видови од фамилијата Sylphornithidae, познати од среден еоцен до долен олигоцен. Од долниот еоцен познати се родовите Parvicuculus и Procuculus. Родот Foro веројатно е сродник на хоацинот; се смета за "алка што недостасува" меѓу оваа птица и редот Cuculiformes, но како што е погоре наведено, многу е тешко хоацинот да се сврзе со било која современа птица.

Автори и уредници на Википедија

Кукавицовидни: Brief Summary ( Macedonian )

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Кукавицовидните птици (лат. Cuculiformes) образуваат ред на сродни врапчеви птици, кои традиционално се поделени на следните фамилии:

Musophagidae - тураки и сродници; Cuculidae - кукавици, кукали и ании; Opisthocomidae - хоацин.

Меѓутоа, денес систематиката на оваа група е контроверзна. Сибли-Алквистовата систематика ја издигнува фамилијата Musophagidae до ред (Musophagiformes). Хоацинот продолжува да биде енигматичен; тој веројатно најдобро е да се смести во одделен, монотипски ред, особено ако тураките се сметаат за посебен ред. Кукалите и аниите понекогаш се сметаат за подфамилии на Cuculidae, или пак се сместуваат во свои посебни фамилии (Centropodidae и Crotophagidae, соодветно).

Автори и уредници на Википедија

Күкүктөр ( Kirghiz; Kyrgyz )

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Phaenicophaeus curvirostris.

Күкүктөр (лат. Cuculiformes) — куштардын бир түркүмү, буларга кыйла түр жана тукум кирет: коло түстүү күкүк (лат. Chalcites lucidus), керең күкүк (Cuculus satunatus), узун куйрук күкүк (Eugunamis tainensis), сары тумшук күкүк (Coccyzus americanus), талаа күкүгү (Geococcyx californicus), кадимки күкүк (Cuculus canorus), кыргоолкүкүк (Centropus phasianinus), үрпөк күкүк (Clamator glandarius), сейнек (Centropus sinensis), накта күкүктөр (түркүмчө) (Cuculi), сейнектер (уруу) (Centropus).

Колдонулган адабияттар

Wikipedia жазуучу жана редактор

Күкүктөр: Brief Summary ( Kirghiz; Kyrgyz )

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 src= Phaenicophaeus curvirostris.

Күкүктөр (лат. Cuculiformes) — куштардын бир түркүмү, буларга кыйла түр жана тукум кирет: коло түстүү күкүк (лат. Chalcites lucidus), керең күкүк (Cuculus satunatus), узун куйрук күкүк (Eugunamis tainensis), сары тумшук күкүк (Coccyzus americanus), талаа күкүгү (Geococcyx californicus), кадимки күкүк (Cuculus canorus), кыргоолкүкүк (Centropus phasianinus), үрпөк күкүк (Clamator glandarius), сейнек (Centropus sinensis), накта күкүктөр (түркүмчө) (Cuculi), сейнектер (уруу) (Centropus).

Wikipedia жазуучу жана редактор

КӀыгуугу теплъэ хэкӀыгъуэр ( Kabardian Circassian )

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КӀыгуугу теплъэ хэкӀыгъуэр (лат-бз. Cuculiformes) — лӀэужьыгъуэ 150-рэ мэхъу, лъэпкъыгъуэ 39-рэм къызэщӀиубыдэу. ХэкӀыгъуэ къуэдзитӀу гуэшащ. Антарктикэмрэ Арктикэмрэ щымыхъукӀэ, адрей щӀыпӀэхэм кӀыгуугу щопсэу.

Я кӀэр, дамэхэр кӀыхьщ, жьабгъуэхэщ, лъакъуэ кӀэщӀхэщ, цы Ӏув пхъашэхэщ. ЛӀэужьыгъуэ нэхъыбэр лъэтэжкъым. ТеплъэкӀэ хъухэмрэ анэхэмрэ щӀагъуэкӀэ зэщхьэщыкӀкъым. ЛӀэужьыгъуэ 80-р гъуалъхьэкъым, шыри япкъым, адрей хэкӀыгъуэхэм щыщ къуалэбзухэм я абгъуэм джэдыкӀэхэр кӀэщӀалъхьэурэ къырырагъэш, ирагъэпӀ, илъэсым зэ цы япхъыж.


КӀыгуугу хэкӀыгъуэм лъэпкъищ хеубэдэ, ахэр:


  • Брат Хьэсин. Адыгэхэм я къуалэбзу щӀэныгъэр. Черкесск. 2007 гъ.
Wikipedia authors and editors

КӀыгуугу теплъэ хэкӀыгъуэр: Brief Summary ( Kabardian Circassian )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

КӀыгуугу теплъэ хэкӀыгъуэр (лат-бз. Cuculiformes) — лӀэужьыгъуэ 150-рэ мэхъу, лъэпкъыгъуэ 39-рэм къызэщӀиубыдэу. ХэкӀыгъуэ къуэдзитӀу гуэшащ. Антарктикэмрэ Арктикэмрэ щымыхъукӀэ, адрей щӀыпӀэхэм кӀыгуугу щопсэу.

Я кӀэр, дамэхэр кӀыхьщ, жьабгъуэхэщ, лъакъуэ кӀэщӀхэщ, цы Ӏув пхъашэхэщ. ЛӀэужьыгъуэ нэхъыбэр лъэтэжкъым. ТеплъэкӀэ хъухэмрэ анэхэмрэ щӀагъуэкӀэ зэщхьэщыкӀкъым. ЛӀэужьыгъуэ 80-р гъуалъхьэкъым, шыри япкъым, адрей хэкӀыгъуэхэм щыщ къуалэбзухэм я абгъуэм джэдыкӀэхэр кӀэщӀалъхьэурэ къырырагъэш, ирагъэпӀ, илъэсым зэ цы япхъыж.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Koekoekachtegen ( Zea )

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De orde van de koekoekachtegen (Cuculiformes) zien taemelijk nauwe verwant mie de zangveugels (Passeriformes) en de orde besti uut 3 femieljes:

De hoatzin wor ok wè stienkveugel enoemd. De hoatzin en de toerako's worn beie ok vee tot een aparte orde erekend.

Wikipedia authors and editors


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Cuckoos are birds in the Cuculidae /kjuːˈkjlɪd/ family, the sole taxon in the order Cuculiformes /kjˈkjlɪfɔːrmz/.[1][2][3] The cuckoo family includes the common or European cuckoo, roadrunners, koels, malkohas, couas, coucals, and anis. The coucals and anis are sometimes separated as distinct families, the Centropodidae and Crotophagidae, respectively. The cuckoo order Cuculiformes is one of three that make up the Otidimorphae, the other two being the turacos and the bustards. The family Cuculidae contains 150 species, which are divided into 33 genera.

The cuckoos are generally medium-sized, slender birds. Most species live in trees, though a sizeable minority are ground-dwelling. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution; the majority of species are tropical. Some species are migratory. The cuckoos feed on insects, insect larvae, and a variety of other animals, as well as fruit. Some species are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other species and giving rise to the metaphor "cuckoo's egg", but most species raise their own young.

Cuckoos have played a role in human culture for thousands of years, appearing in Greek mythology as sacred to the goddess Hera. In Europe, the cuckoo is associated with spring, and with cuckoldry, for example in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. In India, cuckoos are sacred to Kamadeva, the god of desire and longing, whereas in Japan, the cuckoo symbolises unrequited love.


The chestnut-breasted malkoha is typical of the Phaenicophaeinae in having brightly coloured skin around the eye.

Cuckoos are medium-sized birds that range in size from the little bronze cuckoo, at 17 g and 15 cm (6 in), to moderately large birds, ranging from 60–80 cm (24–31 in) in length, such as the giant coua of Madagascar, the coral-billed ground-cuckoo of Indochina, the channel-billed cuckoo, and various large Indo-Pacific coucals such as the goliath coucal of Halmahera, Timor coucal, buff-headed coucal, ivory-billed coucal, violaceous coucal, and larger forms of the pheasant coucal.[4] [5] The channel-billed cuckoo, at 630 g (1 lb 6 oz) and 63 cm (25 in) is the largest parasitic cuckoo.[6] Generally, little sexual dimorphism in size occurs, but where it exists, it can be either the male or the female that is larger. One of the most important distinguishing features of the family is the feet, which are zygodactyl, meaning that the two inner toes point forward and the two outer backward. The two basic body forms are arboreal species (such as the common cuckoo), which are slender and have short tarsi, and terrestrial species (such as the roadrunners), which are more heavy set and have long tarsi. Almost all species have long tails that are used for steering in terrestrial species and as a rudder during flight in the arboreal species. The wing shape also varies with lifestyle, with the more migratory species such as the black-billed cuckoo possessing long, narrow wings capable of strong, direct flight, and the more terrestrial and sedentary cuckoos such as the coucals and malkohas having shorter rounded wings and a more laboured, gliding flight.[6]

The subfamily Cuculinae comprises the brood-parasitic cuckoos of the Old World.[6] They tend to conform to the classic shape, with (usually) long tails, short legs, long, narrow wings, and an arboreal lifestyle. The largest species, the channel-billed cuckoo, also has the most outsized bill in the family, resembling that of a hornbill. The subfamily Phaenicophaeinae comprises the nonparasitic cuckoos of the Old World, and include the couas, malkohas, and ground cuckoos. They are more terrestrial cuckoos, with strong and often long legs and short, rounded wings. The subfamily typically has brighter plumage and brightly coloured bare skin around the eye. The coucals are another terrestrial Old World subfamily of long-tailed, long-legged, and short-winged cuckoos. They are large, heavyset birds with the largest, the greater black coucal, being around the same size as the channel-billed cuckoo. Genera of the subfamily Coccyzinae are arboreal and long-tailed, as well, with a number of large insular forms. The New World ground cuckoos are similar to the Asian ground-cuckoos in being long legged and terrestrial, and includes the long-billed roadrunner, which can reach speeds of 30 km/h when chasing prey. The final subfamily includes the atypical anis, which are the small, clumsy anis and the larger guira cuckoo. The anis have massive bills and smooth, glossy feathers.

Some species, such as the Asian emerald cuckoo (Chrysococcyx maculatus) exhibit iridescent plumage.

The feathers of the cuckoos are generally soft, and often become waterlogged in heavy rain. Cuckoos often sun themselves after rain, and the anis hold their wings open in the manner of a vulture or cormorant while drying. Considerable variation in the plumage is exhibited by the family. Some species, particularly the brood parasites, have cryptic plumage, whereas others have bright and elaborate plumage. This is particularly true of the Chrysococcyx or glossy cuckoos, which have iridescent plumage. Some cuckoos have a resemblance to hawks in the genus Accipiter with barring on the underside; this apparently alarms potential hosts, allowing the female to access a host nest.[7] The young of some brood parasites are coloured so as to resemble the young of the host. For example, the Asian koels breeding in India have black offspring to resemble their crow hosts, whereas in the Australian koels the chicks are brown like their honeyeater hosts. Sexual dimorphism in plumage is uncommon in the cuckoos, being most common in the parasitic Old World species. Cuckoos have 10 primary flight feathers and 9–13 secondary flight feathers. All species have 10 tail feathers, apart from the anis, which have eight.[8]

Distribution and habitat

The great lizard cuckoo is a large, insular cuckoo of the Caribbean.

The cuckoos have a cosmopolitan distribution, ranging across all the world's continents except Antarctica. They are absent from the southwest of South America, the far north and northwest of North America, and the driest areas of the Middle East and North Africa (although they occur there as passage migrants). They generally only occur as vagrants in the oceanic islands of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, but one species breeds on a number of Pacific islands and another is a winter migrant across much of the Pacific.[9]

The Cuculinae are the most widespread subfamily of cuckoos, and are distributed across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Oceania. Amongst the Phaenicophaeinae, the malkohas and Asian ground cuckoos are restricted to southern Asia, the couas are endemic to Madagascar, and the yellowbill is widespread across Africa. The coucals are distributed from Africa through tropical Asia south into Australia and the Solomon Islands. The remaining three subfamilies have a New World distribution, all are found in both North and South America. The Coccyzinae reach the furthest north of the three subfamilies, breeding in Canada, whereas the anis reach as far north as Florida and the typical ground cuckoos are in the Southwest United States.

For the cuckoos, suitable habitat provides a source of food (principally insects and especially caterpillars) and a place to breed; for brood parasites the need is for suitable habitat for the host species. Cuckoos occur in a wide variety of habitats. Most species occur in forests and woodland, principally in the evergreen rainforests of the tropics. Some species inhabit or are even restricted to mangrove forests; these include the little bronze cuckoo of Australia, some malkohas, coucals, and the aptly named mangrove cuckoo of the New World. In addition to forests, some species of cuckoos occupy more open environments; this can include even arid areas such as deserts in the case of the greater roadrunner or the pallid cuckoo. Temperate migratory species, such as the common cuckoo, inhabit a wide range of habitats to make maximum use of the potential brood hosts, from reed beds (where they parasitise reed warblers) to treeless moors (where they parasitise meadow pipits).


Chestnut-winged cuckoo in Singapore

Most species of cuckoo are sedentary, but some undertake regular seasonal migrations, and others undertake partial migrations over part of their range.

Species breeding at higher latitudes migrate to warmer climates during the winter due to food availability. The long-tailed koel, which breeds in New Zealand, flies to its wintering grounds in Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia, a feat described as "perhaps the most remarkable overwater migration of any land bird."[10] The yellow-billed cuckoo and black-billed cuckoo breed in North America and fly across the Caribbean Sea, a nonstop flight of 4000 km. Other long migration flights include the lesser cuckoo, which flies from Africa to India, and the common cuckoo of Europe, which flies nonstop over the Mediterranean Sea and Sahara Desert on the voyage between Europe and central Africa.[11]

Within Africa, 10 species make regular intracontinental migrations that are described as polarised; that is, they spend the nonbreeding season in the tropical centre of the continent and move north and south to breed in the more arid and open savannah and deserts.[12] This is the same as the situation in the Neotropics, where no species have this migration pattern, or tropical Asia, where a single species does. About 83% of the Australian species are partial migrants within Australia or travel to New Guinea and Indonesia after the breeding season.[13]

In some species, the migration is diurnal, as in the channel-billed cuckoo, or nocturnal, as in the yellow-billed cuckoo.

Behaviour and ecology

The greater roadrunner is rarely seen flying.

The cuckoos are, for the most part, solitary birds that seldom occur in pairs or groups. The biggest exception to this are the anis of the Americas, which have evolved cooperative breeding and other social behaviours. For the most part, the cuckoos are also diurnal as opposed to nocturnal, but many species call at night (see below). The cuckoos are also generally a shy and retiring family, more often heard than seen. The exception to this is again the anis, which are often extremely trusting towards humans and other species.

Most cuckoos are insectivorous, and in particular are specialised in eating larger insects and caterpillars, including noxious, hairy types avoided by other birds. They are unusual among birds in processing their prey prior to swallowing, rubbing it back and forth on hard objects such as branches and then crushing it with special bony plates in the back of the mouth.[14] They also take a wide range of other insects and animal prey. The lizard cuckoos of the Caribbean have, in the relative absence of birds of prey, specialised in taking lizards.[15] Larger, ground types, such as coucals and roadrunners, also feed variously on snakes, lizards, small rodents, and other birds, which they bludgeon with their strong bills. Ground species may employ different techniques to catch prey. A study of two coua species in Madagascar found that Coquerel's coua obtained prey by walking and gleaning on the forest floor, whereas the red-capped coua ran and pounced on prey. Both species also showed seasonal flexibility in prey and foraging techniques.[16]

Unlike most cuckoos, the Asian koel is mostly frugivorous

The parasitic cuckoos are generally not recorded as participating in mixed-species feeding flocks, although some studies in eastern Australia found several species participated in the nonbreeding season, but were mobbed and unable to do so in the breeding season.[17] Ground cuckoos of the genus Neomorphus are sometimes seen feeding in association with army ant swarms, although they are not obligate ant followers, as are some antbirds.[18] The anis are ground feeders that follow cattle and other large mammals when foraging; in a similar fashion to cattle egrets, they snatch prey flushed by the cattle, so enjoy higher foraging success rates in this way.[19]

Several koels, couas, and the channel-billed cuckoo feed mainly on fruit,[20] but they are not exclusively frugivores. The parasitic koels and channel-billed cuckoo in particular consume mainly fruit when raised by frugivore hosts such as the Australasian figbird and pied currawong. Other species occasionally take fruit, as well. Couas consume fruit in the dry season when prey is harder to find.[16]


The cuckoos are an extremely diverse group of birds with regards to breeding systems.[6] Most are monogamous, but exceptions exist. The anis and the guira cuckoo lay their eggs in communal nests, which are built by all members of the group. Incubation, brooding, and territorial defence duties are shared by all members of the group. Within these species, the anis breed as groups of monogamous pairs, but the guira cuckoos are not monogamous within the group, exhibiting a polygynandrous breeding system. This group nesting behaviour is not completely cooperative; females compete and may remove others' eggs when laying theirs. Eggs are usually only ejected early in the breeding season in the anis, but can be ejected at any time by guria cuckoos.[21] Polyandry has been confirmed in the African black coucal and is suspected to occur in the other coucals, perhaps explaining the reversed sexual dimorphism in the group.[22]

Most cuckoo species, including malkohas, couas, coucals, and roadrunners, and most other American cuckoos, build their own nests, although a large minority engages in brood parasitism (see below). Most of these species nest in trees or bushes, but the coucals lay their eggs in nests on the ground or in low shrubs. Though on some occasions nonparasitic cuckoos parasitize other species, the parent still helps feed the chick.

The nests of cuckoos vary in the same way as the breeding systems. The nests of malkohas and Asian ground cuckoos are shallow platforms of twigs, but those of coucals are globular or domed nests of grasses. The New World cuckoos build saucers or bowls in the case of the New World ground cuckoos.[6]

Nonparasitic cuckoos, like most other nonpasserines, lay white eggs, but many of the parasitic species lay coloured eggs to match those of their passerine hosts.

The young of all species are altricial. Nonparasitic cuckoos leave the nest before they can fly, and some New World species have the shortest incubation periods among birds.[23]

Brood parasitism

A pallid cuckoo juvenile being fed by three separate foster-parent species

About 56 of the Old World species and three of the New World cuckoo species (pheasant, pavonine, and striped) are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other birds[23] and giving rise to the metaphor "cuckoo's egg". These species are obligate brood parasites, meaning that they only reproduce in this fashion. The best-known example is the European common cuckoo. In addition to the above noted species, others sometimes engage in nonobligate brood parasitism, laying their eggs in the nests of members of their own species, in addition to raising their own young. Brood parasitism has even been seen in greater roadrunners, where their eggs were seen in the nests of common ravens and northern mockingbirds. The shells of the eggs of brood-parasitic cuckoos are usually thicker and stronger than those of their hosts.[24] This protects the egg if a host parent tries to damage it, and may make it resistant to cracking when dropped into a host nest.[25] Cuckoo eggshells have two distinct layers. In some nesting cuckoos, a thick, outer, chalky layer is not present on the eggs of most brood-parasitic species, with some exceptions, and the eggshells of Old World parasitic cuckoos have a thick outer layer that is different from that of nesting cuckoos.[26]

The cuckoo egg hatches earlier than the host eggs, and the cuckoo chick grows faster; in most cases, the chick evicts the eggs and/or young of the host species. The chick has no time to learn this behavior, nor does any parent stay around to teach it, so it must be an instinct passed on genetically.

Reed warbler raising the young of a common cuckoo

One reason for the cuckoo egg's hatching sooner is that, after the egg is fully formed, the female cuckoo holds it in her oviduct for another 24 hours prior to laying.[25] This means that the egg has already had 24 hours of internal incubation. Furthermore, the cuckoo's internal temperature is 3-4°C higher than the temperature at which the egg is incubated in the nest, and the higher temperature means that the egg incubates faster, so at the time it is laid, the egg has already had the equivalent of 30 hours incubation in a nest.[25]

The chick encourages the host to keep pace with its high growth rate with its rapid begging call[27] and the chick's open mouth which serves as a sign stimulus.[28]

Since obligate brood parasites need to successfully trick their host for them to reproduce, they have evolved adaptations at several stages of breeding. High costs of parasitism are exerted on the host, leading to strong selections on the host to recognize and reject parasitic eggs. The adaptations and counter-adaptations between hosts and parasites have led to a coevolution "arms race". This means that if one of the species involved were to stop adapting, it would lose the race to the other species, resulting in decreased fitness of the losing species.[29] The egg-stage adaptation is the best studied stage of this arms race.

Cuckoos have various strategies for getting their eggs into host nests. Different species use different strategies based on host defensive strategies. Female cuckoos have secretive and fast laying behaviors, but in some cases, males have been shown to lure host adults away from their nests so that the females can lay their eggs in the nest.[30] Some host species may directly try to prevent cuckoos laying eggs in their nest in the first place – birds whose nests are at high risk of cuckoo-contamination are known to "mob" attack cuckoos to drive them out of the area.[31] Parasitic cuckoos are grouped into gentes, with each gens specializing in a particular host. Some evidence suggests that the gentes are genetically different from one another.

Female parasitic cuckoos sometimes specialize and lay eggs that closely resemble the eggs of their chosen host. Some birds are able to distinguish cuckoo eggs from their own, leading to those eggs least like the host's being thrown out of the nest.[28] Parasitic cuckoos that show the highest levels of egg mimicry are those whose hosts exhibit high levels of egg rejection behavior.[32] Some hosts do not exhibit egg rejection behavior and the cuckoo eggs look very dissimilar from the host eggs. It has also been shown in a study of the European common cuckoos that females lay their egg in the nest of a host that has eggs that look similar to its own.[33] Other species of cuckoo lay "cryptic" eggs, which are dark in color when their hosts' eggs are light.[30] This is a trick to hide the egg from the host, and is exhibited in cuckoos that parasitize hosts with dark, domed nests. Some adult parasitic cuckoos completely destroy the host's clutch if they reject the cuckoo egg.[30] In this case, raising the cuckoo chick is less of a cost than the alternative, total clutch destruction.

Two main hypotheses on the cognitive mechanisms mediate host distinguishing of eggs. One hypothesis is true recognition, which states that a host compares eggs present in its clutch to an internal template (learnt or innate), to identify if parasitic eggs are present.[34] However, memorizing a template of a parasitic egg is costly and imperfect and likely not identical to each host's egg. The other one is the discordancy hypothesis, which states that a host compares eggs in the clutch and identifies the odd ones.[34] However, if parasitic eggs made the majority of eggs in the clutch, then hosts ends up rejecting their own eggs. More recent studies have found that both mechanisms more likely contribute to host discrimination of parasitic eggs since one compensates for the limitations of the other.[35]

The parasitism is not necessarily entirely detrimental to the host species. A 16-year dataset was used in 2014 to find that carrion crow nests in a region of northern Spain were more successful overall (more likely to produce at least one crow fledgling) when parasitised by the great spotted cuckoo. The researchers attributed this to a strong-smelling predator-repelling substance secreted by cuckoo chicks when attacked, and noted that the interactions were not necessarily simply parasitic or mutualistic.[36][37] This relationship was not observed for any other host species, or for any other species of cuckoo. Great spotted cuckoo chicks do not evict host eggs or young, and are smaller and weaker than carrion crow chicks, so both of these factors may have contributed to the effect observed.

However, subsequent research using a dataset from southern Spain [38] failed to replicate these findings, and the second research team also criticised the methodology used in experiments described in the first paper. The authors of the first study have responded to points made in the second [39] and both groups agree that further research is needed before the mutualistic effect can be considered proven.


Cuckoos are often highly secretive, and in many cases, best known for their wide repertoire of calls. These are usually relatively simple, resembling whistles, flutes, or hiccups.[40] The calls are used to demonstrate ownership of a territory and to attract a mate. Within a species, the calls are remarkably consistent across the range, even in species with very large ranges. This suggests, along with the fact that many species are not raised by their true parents, that the calls of cuckoos are innate and not learnt. Although cuckoos are diurnal, many species call at night.[23]

The cuckoo family gets its English and scientific names from the call of the male cuckoo, also familiar from cuckoo clocks. In most cuckoos, the calls are distinctive to particular species, and are useful for identification. Several cryptic species are best identified on the basis of their calls.

Phylogeny and evolution

The family Cuculidae was introduced by English zoologist William Elford Leach in a guide to the contents of the British Museum published in 1820.[41][42]

Very little fossil record of cuckoos has been found, and their evolutionary history remains unclear. Dynamopterus was an Oligocene genus of large cuckoo,[43] though it may have been related to cariamas, instead.[44]

A 2014 genome analysis by Erich Jarvis and collaborators found a clade of birds that contains the orders Cuculiformes (cuckoos), Musophagiformes (turacos), and Otidiformes (bustards). This has been named the Otidimorphae.[3] Relationships between the orders is unclear.

The following cladogram shows the phylogenetic relationships between the genera. It is from a 2005 study by Michael Sorenson and Robert Payne and is based solely on an analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences.[45] The number of species in each genus is taken from the list maintained by Frank Gill, Pamela Rasmussen and David Donsker on behalf of the International Ornithological Committee (IOC).[46]

Cuculidae Crotophaginae

Guira – guira cuckoo

Crotophaga – anis (3 species)


Tapera – striped cuckoo

Dromococcyx – cuckoos (2 species)

Morococcyx – lesser ground cuckoo

Geococcyx – roadrunners (2 species)

Neomorphus – ground cuckoos (5 species)


Centropus – coucals (29 species)


Carpococcyx – ground cuckoos (3 species)

Coua – couas (9 species)


Rhinortha – Raffles's malkoha


Ceuthmochares – malkohas (2 species)

Taccocua – sirkeer malkoha

Zanclostomus – red-billed malkoha

Phaenicophaeus – malkohas (6 species)

Dasylophus – malkohas (2 species)

Rhamphococcyx – yellow-billed malkoha

Clamator – cuckoos (4 species)

Coccycua – cuckoos (3 species)

Piaya – cuckoos (2 species)

Coccyzus – cuckoos (13 species)


Pachycoccyx – thick-billed cuckoo

Microdynamis – dwarf koel

Eudynamys – koels (3 species)

Scythrops – channel-billed cuckoo

Urodynamis – Pacific long-tailed cuckoo

Chrysococcyx – cuckoos (13 species)

Cacomantis – cuckoos (10 species)

Surniculus – drongo-cuckoos (4 species)

Cercococcyx – long-tailed cuckoos (4 species)

Hierococcyx – hawk-cuckoos (8 species)

Cuculus – typical cuckoos (11 species)

Taxonomy and systematics

Blue coua (Coua caerulea)
Yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus)
Rufous-vented ground cuckoo (Neomorphus geoffroyi)
White-browed coucal (Centropus superciliosus)

For the living members of each genus, see the article List of cuckoo species.

The family Cuculidae contains 150 species which are divided into 33 genera. These numbers include two species that have become extinct in historical times: the snail-eating coua from Madagascar and the Saint Helena cuckoo which is placed in its own genus Nannococcyx.[46]

In human culture

Golden cuckoo in the coat of arms of Suomenniemi

In Greek mythology, the god Zeus transformed himself into a cuckoo so that he could seduce the goddess Hera, to whom the bird was sacred.[49] In England, William Shakespeare alludes to the common cuckoo's association with spring, and with cuckoldry, in the courtly springtime song in his play Love's Labours Lost.[50][51] In India, cuckoos are sacred to Kamadeva, the god of desire and longing, whereas in Japan, the cuckoo symbolises unrequited love.[52] Cuckoos are a sacred animal to the Bon religion of Tibet.[53]

The orchestral composition "On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring" by Frederick Delius imitates sounds of the cuckoo.[54]

The greater roadrunner, a cuckoo, is the state bird of the US state of New Mexico and is a common symbol of the American Southwest in general. "Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner" was a long-running series of cartoons by Warner Bros. Studios that has had enduring popularity from the time the characters were created in 1949 through the present, and helps define the image of the roadrunner in popular culture.

Since 1962, Sonny the Cuckoo Bird has been the mascot for Cocoa Puffs, a product of General Mills that was launched six years before the character was created.

The metaphor of the cuckoo's egg is referenced in the title of the anime and manga series A Couple of Cuckoos, where two infants are switched at birth and raised by the other's family.


  1. ^ Ericson, P.G.P.; et al. (2006). "Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils" (PDF). Biology Letters. 2 (4): 543–547. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0523. PMC 1834003. PMID 17148284. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-03-07.
  2. ^ Hackett, S.J.; et al. (2008). "A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History". Science. 320 (5884): 1763–1768. Bibcode:2008Sci...320.1763H. doi:10.1126/science.1157704. PMID 18583609. S2CID 6472805.
  3. ^ a b Jarvis, E.D.; et al. (2014). "Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds". Science. 346 (6215): 1320–1331. Bibcode:2014Sci...346.1320J. doi:10.1126/science.1253451. PMC 4405904. PMID 25504713.
  4. ^ Del Hoyo J. (ed.) (2021) All the Birds of the World Lynx Edicions:Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-16728-37-4
  5. ^ Eaton J.A., van Balen B., Brickle N.W. & Rheindt F.E. (2021) Birds of the Indonesian Archipelago. Greater Sundas and Wallacea. Second Edition. Lynx Edicions:Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-16728-44-2
  6. ^ a b c d e Payne 1997.
  7. ^ Davies, NB; JA Welbergen (2008). "Cuckoo–hawk mimicry? An experimental test". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275 (1644): 1817–22. doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0331. PMC 2587796. PMID 18467298.
  8. ^ Payne 1997, p. 513.
  9. ^ Bogert, C (1937) Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. 34, The distribution and the migration of the long-tailed cuckoo (Urodynamis taitensis Sparrman). American Museum Novitates 933 12 p.
  10. ^ Ellis, D; Kepler, C; Kepler, A; Teebaki, K (1990). "Occurrence of the Longtailed Cuckoo Eudynamis taitensis on Caroline Atoll, Kiribati" (PDF). Emu. 90 (3): 202. doi:10.1071/mu9900202.
  11. ^ BTO Cuckoo migration tracking study
  12. ^ Hockey, P (2000). "Patterns and Correlates of Bird Migrations in Sub-Saharan Africa". Emu. 100 (5): 401–17. doi:10.1071/MU0006S. S2CID 89071968.
  13. ^ Chan, K (2001). "Partial migration in Australian landbirds: a review". Emu. 101 (4): 281–92. doi:10.1071/MU00034. S2CID 82259620.
  14. ^ Kaiser, G.W. (2007) The Inner Bird; Anatomy and Evolution. UBC Press. Vancouver. ISBN 978-0-7748-1343-3.
  15. ^ Powell, R; Henderson, R. "Avian Predators of West Indian Reptiles" (PDF). Iguana. 15 (1): 8–11.
  16. ^ a b Chouteau, Philippe; Raymond Fenosoa (2008). "Seasonal effects on foraging behaviour of two sympatric species of couas in the western dry forest of Madagascar". African Journal of Ecology. 46 (3): 248–57. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2007.00880.x.
  17. ^ Bell, H (1986). "The Participation by Cuckoos in Mixed-Species Flocks of Insectivorous Birds in South-eastern Australia". Emu. 86 (4): 249–53. doi:10.1071/MU9860249b.
  18. ^ Karubian, J; Carrasco, L (2008). "Home Range and Habitat Preferences of the Banded Ground-cuckoo (Neomorphus radiolosus)". The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 120 (1): 205–9. doi:10.1676/06-176.1. S2CID 56090764.
  19. ^ Smith, S (1971). "The Relationship of Grazing Cattle to Foraging Rates in Anis". The Auk. 88 (4): 876–80. doi:10.2307/4083844. JSTOR 4083844.
  20. ^ Corlett, R; Ping, I (1995). "Frugivory by koels in Hong Kong". Memoirs of the Hong Kong Natural History Society. 20: 221–22.
  21. ^ Riehl, Christina; Jara, Laura (December 2009). "Natural History and Reproductive Biology of the Communally Breeding Greater Ani (Crotophaga major) at Gatún Lake, Panama". The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 121 (4): 679–687. doi:10.1676/09-017.1. S2CID 9437145.
  22. ^ Goymann, W; Wittenzellner, A; Wingfield, J (2004). "Competing Females and Caring Males. Polyandry and Sex-Role Reversal in African Black Coucals, Centropus grillii"". Ethology. 110 (10): 807–23. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0310.2004.01015.x.
  23. ^ a b c Payne 2005.
  24. ^ Antonov, Anton; Stokke, Bard G.; Moksnes, Arne; Roeskaft, Eivin (2008). "Does the cuckoo benefit from laying unusually strong eggs?". Animal Behaviour. 76 (6): 1893–900. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.08.016. S2CID 54375519.
  25. ^ a b c Davies, Nick B. (2015). Cuckoo: Cheating by Nature. Bloomsbury. ISBN 978-1-4088-5658-1. Retrieved 24 October 2020.
  26. ^ Payne 2005, p. 127.
  27. ^ Adams, Stephen (2009-01-04). "Cuckoo chicks dupe foster parents from the moment they hatch". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on February 13, 2009. Retrieved 2010-04-30. Cuckoo chicks start to mimic the cries that their foster parents' young make from the moment they hatch, a scientist has proved.
  28. ^ a b Biology (4th edition) NA Campbell, p. 117 'Fixed Action Patterns' (Benjamin Cummings NY, 1996) ISBN 0-8053-1957-3
  29. ^ Spottiswoode, Claire N.; Stevens, Martin (May 2012). "Host-parasite arms races and rapid changes in bird egg appearance". The American Naturalist. 179 (5): 633–648. doi:10.1086/665031. hdl:11427/34950. PMID 22504545. S2CID 10287985.
  30. ^ a b c Davies, N.B. (2011). "Cuckoo adaptations: trickery and tuning". Journal of Zoology. 284: 1–14. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00810.x.
  31. ^ Wheatcroft, D. (Feb 2009). "Co-evolution: A Behavioral 'Spam Filter' to Prevent Nest Parasitism". Current Biology. 19 (4): R170–R171. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.12.034. ISSN 0960-9822. PMID 19243694. S2CID 10357373.
  32. ^ Stoddard MC, Stevens M (July 2011). "Avian vision and the evolution of egg color mimicry in the common cuckoo". Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 65 (7): 2004–13. doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01262.x. PMID 21729055. S2CID 334052.
  33. ^ Avilés JM, Stokke BG, Moksnes A, Røskaft E, Asmul M, Møller AP (November 2006). "Rapid increase in cuckoo egg matching in a recently parasitized reed warbler population". Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19 (6): 1901–10. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2006.01166.x. PMID 17040387. S2CID 37592779.
  34. ^ a b Rothstein, Stephen I. (May 1975). "Mechanisms of avian egg-recognition: Do birds know their own eggs?". Animal Behaviour. 23 (Part 2): 268–278. doi:10.1016/0003-3472(75)90075-5. S2CID 53268458.
  35. ^ Feeney, William E.; Welbergen, Justin A.; Langmore, Naomi E. (2014). "Advances in the Study of Coevolution Between Avian Brood Parasites and Their Hosts". Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 45 (1): 227–246. doi:10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-120213-091603. hdl:1885/66602.
  36. ^ Canestrari, Daniela; Bolopo, Diana; Turlings, T.C.J; Röder, Gregory; Marcos, J.M.; Baglione, Vittorio (March 2014). "From Parasitism to Mutualism: Unexpected Interactions Between a Cuckoo and Its Host". Science. 343 (6177): 1350–1352. Bibcode:2014Sci...343.1350C. doi:10.1126/science.1249008. PMID 24653032. S2CID 25309832.
  37. ^ "Science: Parasitic Cuckoos Provide Nest Protection for Crow Hosts". American Association for the Advancement of Science. Archived from the original on 4 August 2020. Retrieved May 30, 2020.
  38. ^ Soler, Manuel; de Neve, Liesbeth; Roldán, María; Pérez-Contreras, Tomás; Soler, J.J. (April 2017). "Great spotted cuckoo nestlings have no antipredatory effect on magpie or carrion crow host nests in southern Spain". PLOS ONE. 12 (4): e0173080. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1273080S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0173080. PMC 5396876. PMID 28422953. S2CID 31416408.
  39. ^ Canestrari, Daniela; Bolopo, Diana; Turlings, T.C.J; Röder, Gregory; Marcos, J.M.; Baglione, Vittorio (September 2017). "Formal comment to Soler et al.: Great spotted cuckoo nestlings have no antipredatory effect on magpie or carrion crow host nests in southern Spain". PLOS ONE. 12 (9): e0184446. Bibcode:2017PLoSO..1284446C. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0184446. PMC 5602529. PMID 28922382.
  40. ^ Brooke, Michael de L; Horsfall, John A. (2003). "Cuckoos". In Christopher Perrins (ed.). Firefly Encyclopedia of Birds. Firefly Books. pp. 312–15. ISBN 978-1-55297-777-4.
  41. ^ Leach, William Elford (1820). "Eleventh Room". Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum. Vol. 17 (17th ed.). London: British Museum. p. 68. Although the name of the author is not specified in the document, Leach was the Keeper of Zoology at the time.
  42. ^ Bock, Walter J. (1994). History and Nomenclature of Avian Family-Group Names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. Number 222. New York: American Museum of Natural History. p. 141. hdl:2246/830.
  43. ^ Mayr, Gerald (2009). Paleogene Fossil Birds. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 113. ISBN 9783540896289.
  44. ^ Mourer-Chauviré, Cécile (2013). "Idiornis Oberholser, 1899 (Aves, Gruiformes, Cariamae, Idiornithidae): a junior synonym of Dynamopterus Milne-Edwards, 1892 (Paleogene, Phosphorites du Quercy, France)". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen. 270 (1): 13–22. doi:10.1127/0077-7749/2013/0355.
  45. ^ Sorenson, M.D.; Payne, R.B. (2005). "A molecular genetic analysis of cuckoo phylogeny". In Payne, R.B. (ed.). The Cuckoos. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 68–94. ISBN 0-19-850213-3.
  46. ^ a b Gill, Frank; Donsker, David; Rasmussen, Pamela, eds. (January 2022). "Turacos, bustards, cuckoos, mesites, sandgrouse". IOC World Bird List Version 12.1. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved 9 May 2022.
  47. ^ Olson, Storrs L. (1985). "Section VII.C. Cuculidae". In Farner, D.S.; King, J.R.; Parkes, Kenneth C. (eds.). Avian Biology. Vol. 8. New York: Academic Press.
  48. ^ Chandler, R.M. (1999). "Fossil birds of Florissant, Colorado: with a description of a new genus and species of cuckoo". In Santucci, V.L.; McClelland, L. (eds.). National Park Service Paleontological Research : Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-99/03 (PDF) (Report). United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Geological Resource Division. pp. 49–53.
  49. ^ Lang, Andrew (1887). Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Volume 2. Ballantyne Press. p. 179.
  50. ^ Shakespeare, William. "Song: "When daisies pied and violets blue"". Poetry Foundation. Retrieved 22 July 2015.
  51. ^ Rhodes, Neil; Gillespie, Stuart (13 May 2014). Shakespeare And Elizabethan Popular Culture: Arden Critical Companion. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 178. ISBN 978-1-4081-4362-9.
  52. ^ Werness, Hope B. (2006). Continuum Encyclopedia of Animal Symbolism in World Art. A&C Black. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8264-1913-2.
  53. ^ O'Donovan, Siofra (Spring 2004). "The Great Perfection of Non-Sectarianism: rDzogs chen in the Bon and Buddhist Traditions of Tibet". The Tibet Journal. 29 (1): 60. JSTOR 43300941.
  54. ^ "On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring". IMSLP Petrucci Library. Retrieved 4 October 2019.
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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary

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Cuckoos are birds in the Cuculidae /kjuːˈkjuːlɪdiː/ family, the sole taxon in the order Cuculiformes /kjuːˈkjuːlɪfɔːrmiːz/. The cuckoo family includes the common or European cuckoo, roadrunners, koels, malkohas, couas, coucals, and anis. The coucals and anis are sometimes separated as distinct families, the Centropodidae and Crotophagidae, respectively. The cuckoo order Cuculiformes is one of three that make up the Otidimorphae, the other two being the turacos and the bustards. The family Cuculidae contains 150 species, which are divided into 33 genera.

The cuckoos are generally medium-sized, slender birds. Most species live in trees, though a sizeable minority are ground-dwelling. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution; the majority of species are tropical. Some species are migratory. The cuckoos feed on insects, insect larvae, and a variety of other animals, as well as fruit. Some species are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other species and giving rise to the metaphor "cuckoo's egg", but most species raise their own young.

Cuckoos have played a role in human culture for thousands of years, appearing in Greek mythology as sacred to the goddess Hera. In Europe, the cuckoo is associated with spring, and with cuckoldry, for example in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. In India, cuckoos are sacred to Kamadeva, the god of desire and longing, whereas in Japan, the cuckoo symbolises unrequited love.

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Kukoloformaj birdoj ( Esperanto )

provided by wikipedia EO

La Kukoloformaj birdoj (Cuculiformes) estas ordo el la Neognatoj (Neognathae).

Antaŭe la familion de la Opistokomedoj (Opistocomidae), kiu havas nur unu specion, oni taksis propra ordo Opisthocomiformes, same la familion de la Musofagedoj (Musophagidae), kiu havas proksimume 23 speciojn, oni taksis propra ordo Musofagoformaj birdoj (Musophagiformes). Musofagoj ofte havas tre buntan plumaron, la plej multaj specioj vivas en afrikaj arbaroj.

En la familio de la Kukoloj estas proksimume 140 specioj, el kiuj pli ol 50 estas kovoparazitoj. La plej multaj el ili estas mezgrandaj birdoj, kies preferataj vivejoj estas arbaroj kaj arbustpejzaĝoj. La seksoj ĉe la plej multaj specioj distingas sin laŭ grando kaj pezo.


ordo: Kukoloformaj birdoj (Cuculiformes)

  • familio: Musofagedoj (Musophagidae)
  • familio: Opistokomedoj (Opisthocomidae)
  • familio: Kukoledoj (Cuculidae)
    • subfamilio: Cuculinae
      • genro: Cuculus
      • genro: Geococcyx
        • Geococcyx californianus
    • subfamilio: Phaenicophaeinae
    • subfamilio: Centropodinae
    • subfamilio: Crotophaginae
        • Crotophagus ani
    • subfamilio: Neomorphinae
    • subfamilio: Couinae
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Kukoloformaj birdoj: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

provided by wikipedia EO

La Kukoloformaj birdoj (Cuculiformes) estas ordo el la Neognatoj (Neognathae).

Antaŭe la familion de la Opistokomedoj (Opistocomidae), kiu havas nur unu specion, oni taksis propra ordo Opisthocomiformes, same la familion de la Musofagedoj (Musophagidae), kiu havas proksimume 23 speciojn, oni taksis propra ordo Musofagoformaj birdoj (Musophagiformes). Musofagoj ofte havas tre buntan plumaron, la plej multaj specioj vivas en afrikaj arbaroj.

En la familio de la Kukoloj estas proksimume 140 specioj, el kiuj pli ol 50 estas kovoparazitoj. La plej multaj el ili estas mezgrandaj birdoj, kies preferataj vivejoj estas arbaroj kaj arbustpejzaĝoj. La seksoj ĉe la plej multaj specioj distingas sin laŭ grando kaj pezo.

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Cuculiformes ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Los cuculiformes son un orden de aves neognatas que incluyen los cucos. Incluye un total de 165 especies.[1]​ El grupo fue bautizado por el nombre latino del cuclillo «Cuculus», y por ello el nombre de este orden significa «los que tienen forma de cuclillo».

En la clasificación taxonómica clásica, se los considera emparentadas con los Psittaciformes (loros, guacamayos, etc.); igual que estos, presentan dos dedos dirigidos adelante y dos dirigidos atrás, pero se diferencian en su musculatura, ya que sus capacidades prensiles son menores. Otra característica distintiva es el pico, porque la mandíbula superior no es móvil y la forma no es ganchuda. La larga cola de estas aves es, también, de plumaje menos denso que en sus parientes cercanos.

Características generales

Los cuculiformes son aves de tamaño mediano, normalmente entre 35 a 65 cm de longitud. Sus extremidades presentan dos pares de dedos enfrentados (zigodáctilos). Una de las conductas singulares de los llamados "cucos explotadores" (subfamilia Cuculinae) consiste en poner sus huevos en nidos de otras especies, que se encargan así de criar a los pichones.


Los cuculiformes incluyen una sola familia:[1]

  • Familia Cuculidae - cucos, correcaminos, etc.

La clasificación propuesta por taxonomía de Sibley-Ahlquist en la década de 1980, basándose en hibridación de DNA, eleva la familia Musophagidae a un nuevo orden, Musophagiformes,[2]​ y la especie hoacín tiene pendiente su clasificación definitiva, si bien se ha propuesto un orden monotípico independiente, Opisthocomiformes.

En cuanto al género Crotophaga, se lo ha considerado a menudo como una subfamilia de Cuculidae y según otros autores constituye una familia propia, Crotophagidae.[cita requerida]


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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Los cuculiformes son un orden de aves neognatas que incluyen los cucos. Incluye un total de 165 especies.​ El grupo fue bautizado por el nombre latino del cuclillo «Cuculus», y por ello el nombre de este orden significa «los que tienen forma de cuclillo».

En la clasificación taxonómica clásica, se los considera emparentadas con los Psittaciformes (loros, guacamayos, etc.); igual que estos, presentan dos dedos dirigidos adelante y dos dirigidos atrás, pero se diferencian en su musculatura, ya que sus capacidades prensiles son menores. Otra característica distintiva es el pico, porque la mandíbula superior no es móvil y la forma no es ganchuda. La larga cola de estas aves es, también, de plumaje menos denso que en sus parientes cercanos.

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Käolised ( Estonian )

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Käolised (Cuculiformes) on lindude selts.

Eestis elab selle seltsi ainult ühe sugukonna kägulased (Cuculidae) üks liik – kägu (Cuculus canorus).

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Cuculiformes ( Basque )

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Cuculiformes Aves klaseko ordena da, 165 espezie dituena. Horietatik 2 baino ez dira bizi Euskal Herrian.


Cuculiformes ordena hiru familiak osatuta dago[1]:

1980ko hamarkadan ADNren hibridazioan oinarritutako Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomiak musophagidae familia orden bilakatu zuen, musophagiformes izenekoa[2]: Era berean opisthocomus hoazi izeneko espeziea oraindik sailkatzeke dago, nahiz eta berarentzako opisthocomiformes ordena proposatu.

Aditu batzuek crotophaga generoa cuculidae azpifamiliatzat jo izan dute, besteek, berriz, crotophagidae familian sailkatu dute.

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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Cuculiformes Aves klaseko ordena da, 165 espezie dituena. Horietatik 2 baino ez dira bizi Euskal Herrian.

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Käkilinnut ( Finnish )

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Käkilinnut (Cuculiformes) on lintulahko, johon kuuluu käkien heimoa ja noin 140 lajia.[1] Lahko on kiistanalainen, ja hoatsinit ja turakot ovat ollet aiemmin osa käkilintujen lahkoa.

Suomessa on tavattu kaksi käkilintulajia: käki ja harakkakäki.[2]



  1. Högmander, H., Björklund, H., Hintikka, J., Lokki, J., Södersved, J. & Velmala, W.: Maailman lintulajien suomenkieliset nimet 2018. BirdLife Suomi. Viitattu 24.2.2018.
  2. Suomessa tavatut lintulajit Rariteettikomitea, BirdLife Suomi. Luettu 6.4.2011
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Käkilinnut: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Käkilinnut (Cuculiformes) on lintulahko, johon kuuluu käkien heimoa ja noin 140 lajia. Lahko on kiistanalainen, ja hoatsinit ja turakot ovat ollet aiemmin osa käkilintujen lahkoa.

Suomessa on tavattu kaksi käkilintulajia: käki ja harakkakäki.

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Cuculiformes ( French )

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Les Cuculiformes sont un ordre d'oiseaux anatomiquement proches des Psittaciformes[1]. Comme ceux-ci, ils ont deux doigts antérieurs et deux doigts postérieurs, mais leurs pattes sont moins préhensiles, avec une musculature différente. Quant à leur bec, sa partie supérieure n'est pas mobile, ni crochue, et les narines ne portent pas de cire. La longue queue des Cuculiformes compte moins de plumes que celle des Psittaciformes.


Traditionnellement, cet ordre était subdivisé en deux familles[1] :

La classification de référence du Congrès ornithologique international (version 7.3, 2017), basée sur les travaux de recherche les plus récents, place désormais les Musophagidae dans leur propre ordre, celui des Musophagiformes. Les Cuculiformes sont donc aujourd'hui un ordre monotypique, constitué de l'unique famille[2] :

Caractères dérivés propres

Les cuculiformes possèdent une forme de l'extrémité distale du tarsométatarse particulière, avec la présence d'une fosse supratrochéale plantaire profonde perforée par un foramen vasculaire distal, un déplacement médial de la deuxième trochlée métatarsale et la présence d'un éperon sur la quatrième trochlée tourné vers l'arrière et l'intérieur. Cette forme particulière conduit à la disposition zygodactyle des orteils, c'est-à-dire que les orteils n°2 et 3 sont tournées vers l'avant, et les n°1 et 4 tournées vers l'arrière. Cette disposition s'oppose à la disposition anisodactyle des autre oiseaux (orteil n°1 vers l'arrière, les autres tournées vers l'avant). Néanmoins la disposition zygodactyle est apparu par convergence chez d'autre groupes (Psittaciformes, Strigiformes et Picinae)[3].


  1. a et b Bradley C. Livezey et Richard L. Zusi, « Higher-order phylogeny of modern birds (Theropoda, Aves: Neornithes) based on comparative anatomy. II. Analysis and discussion », Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 149, no 1,‎ 1er janvier 2007, p. 1–95 (ISSN , DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 25 novembre 2017)
  2. (en-US) « IOC World Bird List 7.3 », IOC World Bird List Datasets,‎ 2017 (DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 25 novembre 2017)
  3. Lecointre, Guillaume, (1964- ...), Visset, Dominique., Bosquet, Gilles. et Charrier, David., Classification phylogénétique du vivant. Tome 2 (ISBN 978-2-410-00385-7 et 2-410-00385-0, OCLC , lire en ligne), p. 656


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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( French )

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Les Cuculiformes sont un ordre d'oiseaux anatomiquement proches des Psittaciformes. Comme ceux-ci, ils ont deux doigts antérieurs et deux doigts postérieurs, mais leurs pattes sont moins préhensiles, avec une musculature différente. Quant à leur bec, sa partie supérieure n'est pas mobile, ni crochue, et les narines ne portent pas de cire. La longue queue des Cuculiformes compte moins de plumes que celle des Psittaciformes.

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Cuculiformes ( Galician )

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As cuculiformes son, segundo a ordenación taxonómica tradicional, unha orde de aves anatomicamente próximas ás psittaciformes. Coma estas teñen dous dedos anteriores e dous posteriores (cigodáctilas), pero as súas patas son menos prénsiles, cunha musculatura diferente. O bico non ten a parte superior móbil e en forma de gancho coma no caso das psittaciformes e tampouco teñen "cera" nas fosas nasais. As cuculiformes son aves de tamaño mediano, de entre 35 e 65 cm. de lonxitude. Sus extremidades presentan dos pares de dedos enfrontados (cigodáctilas).

A orde dividiuse tradicionalmente en tres familias:

De tódolos xeitos a taxonomía da orde é moi controvertida na actualidade. A clasificación de Sibley-Ahlquist eleva a familia Musophagidae a rango de orde, co nome de Musophagiformes, e a situación do hoatzin, segue a ser enigmática e propúxose incluílo nunha orde propia, a orde Opisthocomiformes.

A familia Cuculidae, que inclúe unhas 140 especies, das que máis de 50 practican o parasitismo reprodutor, é a máis característica da orde. Está composta de aves de tamaño medio e forte dimorfismo sexual. O xénero Crotophaga, da familia Cuculidae constitúe segundo algúns unha familia propia, Crotophagidae.


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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Galician )

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As cuculiformes son, segundo a ordenación taxonómica tradicional, unha orde de aves anatomicamente próximas ás psittaciformes. Coma estas teñen dous dedos anteriores e dous posteriores (cigodáctilas), pero as súas patas son menos prénsiles, cunha musculatura diferente. O bico non ten a parte superior móbil e en forma de gancho coma no caso das psittaciformes e tampouco teñen "cera" nas fosas nasais. As cuculiformes son aves de tamaño mediano, de entre 35 e 65 cm. de lonxitude. Sus extremidades presentan dos pares de dedos enfrontados (cigodáctilas).

A orde dividiuse tradicionalmente en tres familias:

Cuculidae, que inclúe os cucos. Opisthocomidae, cunha sóa especie, o hoatzín. Musophagidae, composta polos turacos e outras aves relacionadas.

De tódolos xeitos a taxonomía da orde é moi controvertida na actualidade. A clasificación de Sibley-Ahlquist eleva a familia Musophagidae a rango de orde, co nome de Musophagiformes, e a situación do hoatzin, segue a ser enigmática e propúxose incluílo nunha orde propia, a orde Opisthocomiformes.

A familia Cuculidae, que inclúe unhas 140 especies, das que máis de 50 practican o parasitismo reprodutor, é a máis característica da orde. Está composta de aves de tamaño medio e forte dimorfismo sexual. O xénero Crotophaga, da familia Cuculidae constitúe segundo algúns unha familia propia, Crotophagidae.

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Kukavice ( Croatian )

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Kukavice su red u razredu ptica.

Red ima jednu porodicu a tradicionalno su joj pripisivane i porodice hoacina koja ima samo jednu vrstu hoacin, i turakoa s oko 23 vrste. Turakoi imaju najčešće vrlo šareno perje i uglavnom žive u šumama Afrike. Ove druge dvije porodice danas se vode kao samostalni redovi Opisthocomiformes [1] i Musophagiformes [2].

U porodici pravih kukavica ima oko 140 vrsta, od kojih više od 50 parazitiraju gnijezda drugih ptica. To su uglavnom srednje velike ptice koje se najčešće zadržavaju u šumovitim područjima, kao i onim obraslim grmljem. Mužjaci i ženke se često veličinom i težinom jako razlikuju.

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Kukavice: Brief Summary ( Croatian )

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Kukavice su red u razredu ptica.

Red ima jednu porodicu a tradicionalno su joj pripisivane i porodice hoacina koja ima samo jednu vrstu hoacin, i turakoa s oko 23 vrste. Turakoi imaju najčešće vrlo šareno perje i uglavnom žive u šumama Afrike. Ove druge dvije porodice danas se vode kao samostalni redovi Opisthocomiformes i Musophagiformes .

U porodici pravih kukavica ima oko 140 vrsta, od kojih više od 50 parazitiraju gnijezda drugih ptica. To su uglavnom srednje velike ptice koje se najčešće zadržavaju u šumovitim područjima, kao i onim obraslim grmljem. Mužjaci i ženke se često veličinom i težinom jako razlikuju.

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Gaukfuglar ( Icelandic )

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Gaukfuglar (fræðiheiti: Cuculiformes) eru ættbálkur fugla og telur um 160 tegundir sem flestar lifa í skóglendi í Afríku. Þar af telur gaukaætt 140 tegundir en 50 af þeim eru hreiðursníklar sem verpa í hreiður annarra fugla og láta þá unga eggjunum út.

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Cuculiformes ( Italian )

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I Cuculiformi (Cuculiformes Wagler, 1830) sono un ordine della classe degli uccelli. L'ordine è composto della sola famiglia Cuculidae[1].


Malcoa pettocastano (Phaenicophaeus curvirostris)

I Cuculiformi sono uccelli di taglia media, di dimensione compresa tra i 35 e i 65 cm, anatomicamente parenti prossimi dei Psittaciformi. Come loro sono zigodattili, hanno cioè un paio di dita rivolto in avanti e un paio rivolto indietro, ma hanno piedi meno prensili e una muscolatura differente. Per quanto riguarda il becco, quello dei cuculi non ha la mandibola superiore mobile, né curva, e sulle narici non c'è presenza di cera. La lunga coda invece ha meno piume di quella dei Psittaciformi.


Le famiglie che componevano l'ordine erano tradizionalmente 3:

Secondo recenti studi filogenetici, la classificazione di questo ordine comprende la sola famiglia dei Cuculidi, mentre le altre due famiglie sono state elevate a rango d'ordine (rispettivamente, Musophagiformes e Opisthocomiformes)[1]. All'interno dei Cuculidae infine, le sottofamiglie dei Centropodinae e dei Crotophaginae vengono a volte considerate come famiglie separate (Centropodidae e Crotophagidae).


  1. ^ a b (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Order Charadriiformes, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 19 maggio 2014.

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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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I Cuculiformi (Cuculiformes Wagler, 1830) sono un ordine della classe degli uccelli. L'ordine è composto della sola famiglia Cuculidae.

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Gegutiniai paukščiai ( Lithuanian )

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Gegutiniai (lot. Cuculiformes, vok. Kuckucksvögel) – paukščių (Aves) būrys, apimantis dvi šeimas ir apie 140 rūšių. Sistematika neaiški, kai kurie autoriai išskiria į tris šeimas. Nedideli ir vidutinio dydžio paukščiai, gyvenantys daugiausia medžiuose. Turi pailgėjusią uodegą, kojų I ir IV pirštai atsilenkę atgal ir yra priešpriešiais dviem viduriniams. Dauguma šio būrio paukščių patys krauna lizdus ir globoja jauniklius, tačiau kitiems būdingas lizdinis parazitizmaskiaušinius deda į kitų paukščių lizdus. Jauniklius išperi kiti paukščiai. Paplitę gana plačiai, tačiau didžiausia rūšių įvairovė tropikuose. Čia jie gyvena sėsliai arba klajoja, vidutinėse juostose – migruoja. Viena grupė minta augaliniu maistu, kita – gyvūniniu.

Lietuvoje paplitusi gegutė (Cuculus canorus), Pietų Europoje – kuoduotoji gegutė (Clamator glandarius). Šeimos:



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Gegutiniai paukščiai: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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Gegutiniai (lot. Cuculiformes, vok. Kuckucksvögel) – paukščių (Aves) būrys, apimantis dvi šeimas ir apie 140 rūšių. Sistematika neaiški, kai kurie autoriai išskiria į tris šeimas. Nedideli ir vidutinio dydžio paukščiai, gyvenantys daugiausia medžiuose. Turi pailgėjusią uodegą, kojų I ir IV pirštai atsilenkę atgal ir yra priešpriešiais dviem viduriniams. Dauguma šio būrio paukščių patys krauna lizdus ir globoja jauniklius, tačiau kitiems būdingas lizdinis parazitizmaskiaušinius deda į kitų paukščių lizdus. Jauniklius išperi kiti paukščiai. Paplitę gana plačiai, tačiau didžiausia rūšių įvairovė tropikuose. Čia jie gyvena sėsliai arba klajoja, vidutinėse juostose – migruoja. Viena grupė minta augaliniu maistu, kita – gyvūniniu.

Lietuvoje paplitusi gegutė (Cuculus canorus), Pietų Europoje – kuoduotoji gegutė (Clamator glandarius). Šeimos:

Turakiniai (Musophagidae) Gegutiniai (Cuculidae) Hoacininiai (Opisthocomidae)
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Koekoeksvogels ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De koekoeksvogels (Cuculiformes) zijn een monotypische orde van de vogels. Traditioneel bevatte deze orde naast de eigenlijke koekoeken (Cuculidae) twee (en soms meer) andere families: de hoatzins (Opisthocomidae) en de toerako's (Musophagidae).


Zowel de hoatzins als de toerako's worden nu meestal tot aparte ordes gerekend. Dit werd bevestigd in het DNA-onderzoek uit 2008. Daaruit bleek dat de orde van de koekoeken een zustergroep is van de kraanvogelachtigen (kraanvogels en rallen). Wat verder van deze ordes af staat de orde Otidiformes, waartoe de trappen horen.[1]

De toerako's kwamen niet in de buurt van de koekoeken, maar -heel verrassend- als een vroege aftakking van de clade watervogels (pelikanen, ooievaars, reigers, stormvogels, pinguïns en zeeduikers) uit de bus. De plaats van de hoatzin was en bleef een probleem. De beide laatste families worden tegenwoordig in aparte orden (respectievelijk Opisthocomiformes en Musophagiformes) ondergebracht.

Volgens de IOC World Bird List bevat de orde (anno 2012) slechts één familie:[2]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Hackett, S. et al. (2008) A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History. Science 320 (5884) 1763 - 1768.
  2. (en) Gill, F., Wright, M. & Donsker, D. (2012). IOC World Bird Names (version 3.1)
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Koekoeksvogels: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De koekoeksvogels (Cuculiformes) zijn een monotypische orde van de vogels. Traditioneel bevatte deze orde naast de eigenlijke koekoeken (Cuculidae) twee (en soms meer) andere families: de hoatzins (Opisthocomidae) en de toerako's (Musophagidae).

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Gaukefuglar ( Norwegian )

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Gaukefuglar (Cuculiformes) er ein biologisk orden av fuglar av middels storleik, dei fleste artar er frå 35 til 65 cm i lengd. I den klassiske taksonomien av fuglar ligg Cuculiformes nær Psittaciformes, papegøyar. Akkurat som papegøyar har gaukefuglar klatrefot, to tær kan peike bakover og to framover. Lang hale er ein annan karakteristikk. Dei fleste artane av gaukefuglar rugar egg og oppfostrar ungar sjølv, men ei gruppe i gaukefamilien er parasittisk.


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Gaukefuglar: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Gaukefuglar (Cuculiformes) er ein biologisk orden av fuglar av middels storleik, dei fleste artar er frå 35 til 65 cm i lengd. I den klassiske taksonomien av fuglar ligg Cuculiformes nær Psittaciformes, papegøyar. Akkurat som papegøyar har gaukefuglar klatrefot, to tær kan peike bakover og to framover. Lang hale er ein annan karakteristikk. Dei fleste artane av gaukefuglar rugar egg og oppfostrar ungar sjølv, men ei gruppe i gaukefamilien er parasittisk.

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Gjøkefugler ( Norwegian )

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Gjøkfugler eller gjøkefugler (Cuculiformes) er en orden av fugler i kladen Otidimorphae, som også omfatter trapper (Otidiformes) og turakoer (Musophagiformes). Ifølge Jarvis et al. (2014)[1], inkluderer imidlertid Cuculiformes kun gjøkfamilien (Cuculidae).


Noen har plassert Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) i denne ordenen, men dette er trolig feil.[2] Den har derfor blitt plassert i sin egen orden (Opisthocomiformes), og så langt man vet har den ingen spesielt nære slektninger.[3] De nærmeste er allikevel trolig Accipitriformes.[4]


  1. ^ Jarvis, E. D.; Mirarab, S.; Aberer, A. J.; m.fl. (2014). «Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds». Science. 346 (6215): 1320–1331. doi:10.1126/science.1253451.CS1-vedlikehold: Eksplisitt bruk av m.fl. (link)
  2. ^ Hackett, SJ; Kimball, RT; Reddy, S; Bowie, RC; Braun, EL; Braun, MJ; Chojnowski, JL; Cox, WA; Han, KL; Harshman, J; Huddleston, CJ; Marks, BD; Miglia, KJ; Moore, WS; Sheldon, FH; Steadman, DW; Witt, CC; Yuri, T (27. juni 2008). «A phylogenomic study of birds reveals their evolutionary history.». Science (New York, N.Y.). 320 (5884): 1763-8. PMID 18583609.
  3. ^ Thomas, B.T., Kirwan, G.M. & Sharpe, C.J. (2016). Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin). In: del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Besøkt 2016-05-10
  4. ^ Richard O. Prum et al. A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing. Nature, published online October 7, 2015; doi:10.1038/nature15697. Besøkt 2016-05-10

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Gjøkefugler: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Gjøkfugler eller gjøkefugler (Cuculiformes) er en orden av fugler i kladen Otidimorphae, som også omfatter trapper (Otidiformes) og turakoer (Musophagiformes). Ifølge Jarvis et al. (2014), inkluderer imidlertid Cuculiformes kun gjøkfamilien (Cuculidae).

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Kukułkowe ( Polish )

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Kukułkowe[2] (Cuculiformes) – rząd ptaków z podgromady ptaków nowoczesnych Neornithes. Obejmuje gatunki zasadniczo leśne, żyjące na drzewach, lecz niektóre preferują tereny otwarte, np. pustynie. Osiadłe lub wędrowne. Zamieszkują cały świat poza rejonami podbiegunowymi i największymi pustyniami[3]. Ptaki te charakteryzują się silnym zróżnicowaniem, a o odrębności rzędu decyduje budowa wewnętrzna. Mają około 13 do 80 cm długości ciała. Są gniazdownikami, młode klują się pokryte skąpym puchem lub nagie.

Podział systematyczny

Do rzędu należy jedna rodzina[2]:

Dawniej (Wetmore, 1960 i inni) do kukułkowych zaliczano też rodzinę turakowatych Musophagidae (podrząd Musophagi) - obecnie rodzina ta jest klasyfikowana w osobnym rzędzie turakowych (Musophagiformes).


  1. Cuculiformes, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: P. Mielczarek, M. Kuziemko: Rząd: Cuculiformes Wagler, 1830 - kukułkowe (wersja: 2016-01-25). W: Kompletna lista ptaków świata [on-line]. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [dostęp 2016-05-10].
  3. F. Gill, D. Donsker (red.): Hoatzin, turacos & cuckoos (ang.). IOC World Bird List: Version 6.2. [dostęp 2016-05-10].
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Kukułkowe: Brief Summary ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL

Kukułkowe (Cuculiformes) – rząd ptaków z podgromady ptaków nowoczesnych Neornithes. Obejmuje gatunki zasadniczo leśne, żyjące na drzewach, lecz niektóre preferują tereny otwarte, np. pustynie. Osiadłe lub wędrowne. Zamieszkują cały świat poza rejonami podbiegunowymi i największymi pustyniami. Ptaki te charakteryzują się silnym zróżnicowaniem, a o odrębności rzędu decyduje budowa wewnętrzna. Mają około 13 do 80 cm długości ciała. Są gniazdownikami, młode klują się pokryte skąpym puchem lub nagie.

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Cuculiformes ( Portuguese )

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Cuculiformes é uma ordem de aves com apenas uma família, Cuculidae, que inclui as aves conhecidas como cucos, couas, cucais, anus, papa-léguas e malkohas. O grupo inclui 147 espécies, classificadas em 32 géneros.[1]

De uma forma geral, a aves cuculiformes são de pequeno a médio porte, bico curto e arqueado e patas curtas. As espécies do grupo não apresentam dimorfismo sexual e alimentam-se sobretudo de insectos e outros pequenos invertebrados. As estratégias de reprodução variam bastante, desde o assalto de ninhos alheios típico dos cucos à incubação normal das posturas. O grupo tem distribuição global, mas vive sobretudo em climas tropicais a temperados.


A taxonomia de Sibley-Ahlquist reconheceu 6 famílias dentro da ordem Cuculiformes: Cuculidae, Centropodidae, Coccyzidae, Crotophagidae, Neomorphidae e Opisthocomidae.[2][3] O reconhecimento de seis famílias foram baseados em critérios arbitrários para delineamento de táxons a nível familiar, usando distâncias genéticas derivadas de dados de dissociação terminal. Centropodidae, Crotophagidae e Neomorphidae são tratadas como subfamílias dentro da Cuculidae, e Coccyzidae foi absorvida pela subfamília Cuculinae.[4] Estudos moleculares demonstraram que a Opisthocomidae não possui relação com a Cuculiformes, sendo classificada numa ordem distinta, a Opisthocomiformes.[5][6] A família Musophagidae também já foi incluída nesta ordem, mas o parentesco sugerido não foi confirmado em estudos moleculares, sendo classificada numa ordem própria, a Musophagiformes.[7][6]


  1. «•Hoatzin, Turacos, Cuckoos». IOC Word Bird List. Consultado em 19 de Setembro de 2011
  2. Sibley, C.G., J.E. Ahlquist, and B.L. Monroe (1988), A classification of the living birds of the world based on DNA-DNA hybridization studies, Auk 105, 409-423.
  3. Sibley, C.G., and J.E. Ahlquist (1990), “Phylogeny and Classification of Birds”, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
  4. Sorenson, M.D., and R.B. Payne (2005), Molecular systematics: Cuckoo phylogeny inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences in “The Cuckoos”, pp.68-94 (R.B. Payne, ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  5. Ericson, P. G. P., C. L. Anderson, T. Britton, A. Elżanowski, U. S. Johansson, M. Kallersjo, J. I. Ohlson, T. J. Parsons, D. Zuccon & G. Mayr. 2006a. Diversification of Neoaves: Integration of molecular sequence data and fossils. Biol. Lett. 2: 543-547.
  6. a b Hackett, S.J., R.T. Kimball, S. Reddy, R.C.K. Bowie, E.L. Braun, M.J. Braun, J.L. Chojnowski, W.A. Cox, K-L. Han, J. Harshman, C.J. Huddleston, B.D. Marks, K.J. Miglia, W.S. Moore, F.H. Sheldon, D.W. Steadman, C.C. Witt, and T. Yuri (2008), A phylogenetic study of birds reveals their evolutionary history, Science 320, 1763-1767.
  7. Veron, G., and B.J. Winney (2000), Phylogenetic relationships within the turacos (Musophagidae), Ibis 142, 446-456.
  • Maclean, G.L., 1993. Robert’s Birds of Southern Africa. 6th Edition. John Voelcker Bird Book Fund
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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Cuculiformes é uma ordem de aves com apenas uma família, Cuculidae, que inclui as aves conhecidas como cucos, couas, cucais, anus, papa-léguas e malkohas. O grupo inclui 147 espécies, classificadas em 32 géneros.

De uma forma geral, a aves cuculiformes são de pequeno a médio porte, bico curto e arqueado e patas curtas. As espécies do grupo não apresentam dimorfismo sexual e alimentam-se sobretudo de insectos e outros pequenos invertebrados. As estratégias de reprodução variam bastante, desde o assalto de ninhos alheios típico dos cucos à incubação normal das posturas. O grupo tem distribuição global, mas vive sobretudo em climas tropicais a temperados.

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Cuculiformes ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

provided by wikipedia RO

Cuculiformes este un ordin de păsări ce cuprinde numai familia (Cuculidae) din care face parte cucul cu ca. 140 de specii din care 50 depun ouăle în cuiburi străine. Păsările din acest ordin sunt de mărime mijlocie cu un dimorfism sexual accentuat, care preferă să trăiască în regiunile de pădure sau cu tufișuri.


  • Familia Cuculidae
    • Subfamilia Cuculinae
      • Genul Cuculus cu specia (C. canorus)
      • Genul Clamator cu specia mai reprezentativă (C. glandarius)
    • Subfamilia Phaenicophaeinae
      • Genul Coccyzus cu specia (Coccyzus ferrugineus)
      • Genul Couas cu specia (Coua gigas)
    • Subfamilia Crotophaginae
      • Genul Couas cu specia (C. ani)
      • Genul Guira cu specia G. guira
    • Subfamilia Neomorphinae
      • Genul Geococcyx cu specia (Geococcyx californianus)
    • Subfamilia Centropodinae
    • Subfamilia Phaenicophaeinae
      • Genul Carpococcyx cu specia (C. renauldi)

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Cuculiformes: Brief Summary ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Cuculiformes este un ordin de păsări ce cuprinde numai familia (Cuculidae) din care face parte cucul cu ca. 140 de specii din care 50 depun ouăle în cuiburi străine. Păsările din acest ordin sunt de mărime mijlocie cu un dimorfism sexual accentuat, care preferă să trăiască în regiunile de pădure sau cu tufișuri.

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Kukučkotvaré ( Slovak )

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Kukučkotvaré alebo kukučky (Cuculiformes) [v užšom zmysle] je rad letcov.

Existujú aj:

  • kukučkotvaré/kukučky (Cuculiformes) v širšom zmysle (=Cuculimorphae) = Cuculiformes v užšom zmysle + Opisthocomiformes; v najmodernejších deleniach táto široká skupina čiastočne „populárna“ v 90-tych rokoch 20. storočia už zase neexistuje a je rozdelená na jednotlivé skupiny
  • kukučkotvaré/kukučky (Cuculiformes) v najširšom zmysle = Cuculiformes v širšom zmysle + Musophagidae; bežné v starých systémoch

Čeľaď kukučkovité sa rôzne široko chápe - od celého radu kukučkotvaré (kukučkovité v najširšom zmysle) až po len skupinu niekoľkých rodov (kukučkovité v užšom zmysle) - pozri nižšie pod Systematika.

Pojem kukučky sa okrem celého radu môže vzťahovať aj na niektoré jeho časti - pozri nižšie pod Systematika.


Majú krátke nohy. Sú to väčšinou stromové vtáky. Žijú samotársky. Vonkajší prst je otočený dozadu. Zobák je krátky a štíhly. Chvost je dlhý. Sú rozšírené skoro po celom svete.

Väčšina z nich ťažkopádne lieta a neiktoré iba poskakujú po zemi, kde požierajú drobné živočíchy vrátane žiab.

Európske kukučky žerú aj chlpaté húsenice, ktorým sa väčšina vtákov vyhýba.

Takmer všetky kukučky sú známe svojim hniezdnym parazitizmom. Na Slovensku žije kukučka obyčajná.


Rad kukučkotvaré/kukučky (Cuculiformes) v užšom zmysle (=čeľaď kukučkovité (Cuculidae) v najširšom zmysle):

  • ?†Dynamopterus
  • ?čeľaď †Parvicuculidae
    • rod † Parvicuculus
  • čeľaď kukučkovité (Cuculidae; Cuculinae) v širšom zmysle
    • ?rod Carpococcyx (podčeľaď Carpococcystinae) -zaraďované aj priamo pod Cuculiformes v u.z. alebo pod Neomorphidae
    • ?rod Nannococcyx – zaraďované aj priamo pod Cuculiformes v u.z.
    • (-)Phaenicophaeinae (Phaenicophaeidae) v širšom zmysle – zaraďované aj ako samostatná skupina
      • (-) Phaenicophaeinae (Phaenicophaeidae) v užšom zmysle– zaraďované aj ako samostatná čeľaď
        • ? rod Toccocua
        • ? rod Zanclostomus
        • rod Rhinortha
        • rod Ceuthmochares
        • rod Phaenicophaeus (vrátane Rhopodytes, Rhamphococyx, Lepigogrammus, Dasylophus)
      • (-) Coccyzinae (Coccyzidae, Coccyzida) – zaraďované aj ako samostatná čeľaď
        • rod Coccyzus (po slovensky kukuk) – zaraďované aj pod Cuculidae v širšom zmysle
        • rod Hyetornis
        • rod Piaya
        • rod Saurothera
    • (-) kukučky (Cuculinae; kukučkovité(Cuculidae) v užšom zmysle)
      • rod Oxylophus
      • rod Clamator (po slovensky kukavica)
      • skupina (tribus) Eudynamini:
        • rod Eudynamys – vrátane Urodynamys
        • rod Microdynamis
        • rod Scythrops
      • skupina (tribus) kukučky (Cuculini)
        • rod Cercococcyx
        • rod Rhamphomantis
        • rod Chrysococcyx (po slovensky kukučka) - vrátane Misocalius a Chalcites
        • rod Caliechthrus
        • rod Pachycoccyx
        • (-)kukučky (Cuculina)
          • rod Surniculus
          • rod Cacomantis
          • rod Cuculus (po slovensky kukučka)
          • rod Penthoceryx
  • čeľaď Centropodidae (Centropoidea, Centropodinae)
    • rod Centropus
    • podčeľaď Couinae– zaraďované aj pod Cuculidae v širšom zmysle alebo ako samostatná skupina
      • rod Coua
  • čeľaď ostronosovité (Crotophagidae; Crotophagida, Crotophaginae)
    • skupina (tribus) Crotophagini
    • skupina (tribus) Guirini
  • čeľaď Neomorphidae (Neomorphida, Neomorphinae)
    • ? rod †Cursoricoccyx – zaraďované aj priamo pod Cuculiformes v užšom zmysle
    • ? rod †Neococcyx– zaraďované aj priamo pod Cuculiformes v užšom zmysle
    • rod Morococcyx
    • rod Geococcyx (po slovensky kukuľa)
    • rod Neomorphus
    • skupina (tribus) Taperini – zaraďované aj pod Cuculidae v užšom zmysle
      • rod Tapera
      • rod Dromococcyx

Alternatívne zoskupenia v rámci tohto radu v niektorých systémoch:

  • (nadčeľaď) kukučky (Cuculoidea) = Parvicuculidae + kukučkovité v širšom zmysle
  • (infrarad) ostronosy (Crotophagides) = Crotophagidae + Neomorphidae (+ Opisthocomidae)
  • (parvrad) kukučky (Cuculida) = Cuculoidea + Centropodidae
  • (infrarad) kukučky (Cuculides) = Cuculida + Coccyzidae

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Kukučkotvaré: Brief Summary ( Slovak )

provided by wikipedia SK

Kukučkotvaré alebo kukučky (Cuculiformes) [v užšom zmysle] je rad letcov.

Existujú aj:

kukučkotvaré/kukučky (Cuculiformes) v širšom zmysle (=Cuculimorphae) = Cuculiformes v užšom zmysle + Opisthocomiformes; v najmodernejších deleniach táto široká skupina čiastočne „populárna“ v 90-tych rokoch 20. storočia už zase neexistuje a je rozdelená na jednotlivé skupiny kukučkotvaré/kukučky (Cuculiformes) v najširšom zmysle = Cuculiformes v širšom zmysle + Musophagidae; bežné v starých systémoch

Čeľaď kukučkovité sa rôzne široko chápe - od celého radu kukučkotvaré (kukučkovité v najširšom zmysle) až po len skupinu niekoľkých rodov (kukučkovité v užšom zmysle) - pozri nižšie pod Systematika.

Pojem kukučky sa okrem celého radu môže vzťahovať aj na niektoré jeho časti - pozri nižšie pod Systematika.

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Kukavice ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia SL

Kúkavice ali kúkavičarji (znanstveno ime Cuculiformes) so red ptic, v katerega po sodobni klasifikaciji uvrščamo le družino kukavic (Cuculidae).[1]

Na Slovenskem sta prisotni dve vrsti kukavic, (navadna) kukavica (Cuculus canorus) in čopasta kukavica (Clamator glandarius),[2] gnezdi pa le navadna, ki je tu splošno razširjena.[3]


Večinoma so vitki ptiči srednje velikosti. Večina vrst prebiva v drevesih, niso pa redke tudi talne vrste. Kot red so razširjeni po vsem svetu, z največjo vrstno pestrostjo v tropih. Prehranjujejo se z žuželkami in njihovimi ličinkami, pa tudi s sadjem.


Nekatere med njimi ne valijo svojih jajc, ampak so podtikovalke in prepustijo skrb za zarod drugim valečim pticam. Gre za vrsto kleptoparazitizma. Samica oprezuje blizu primernega gnezda in čaka najmanjšo priložnost, da lahko neopaženo znese jajce v tuje gnezdo in hitro odleti. »Krušni starši« potem zvalijo in vzredijo kukavičje mladiče, ki navadno izrinejo iz gnezda druga jajca in mladiče.


  1. Jarvis, E.D.; et al. (2014). "Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds". Science 346 (6215): 1320–1331. PMC 4405904. PMID 25504713. doi:10.1126/science.1253451.
  2. Hanžel, Jurij; Šere, Dare (2012). "Seznam ugotovljenih ptic Slovenije s pregledom redkih vrst". Acrocephalus 32 (150/151): 143–203.
  3. Koce, Urška (2019). "Kukavica". V Mihelič, Tomaž; Kmecl, Primož; Denac, Katarina; Koce, Urška; Vrezec, Al; Denac, Damijan. Atlas ptic Slovenije. Popis gnezdilk 2002–2017. Ljubljana: Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije. str. 134–135. COBISS 299139584. ISBN 978-961-6674-33-1.

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Kukavice: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Kúkavice ali kúkavičarji (znanstveno ime Cuculiformes) so red ptic, v katerega po sodobni klasifikaciji uvrščamo le družino kukavic (Cuculidae).

Na Slovenskem sta prisotni dve vrsti kukavic, (navadna) kukavica (Cuculus canorus) in čopasta kukavica (Clamator glandarius), gnezdi pa le navadna, ki je tu splošno razširjena.

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Gökfåglar ( Swedish )

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Gökfåglar (Cuculiformes) är en ordning i djurklassen fåglar med drygt 160 arter, de allra flesta i familjen gökar. Arterna, som huvudsakligen återfinns i afrikanska skogar, har ofta färgglad fjäderdräkt.


Ordningen omfattar utöver familjen gökar (Cuculidae) även familjen turakoer (Musophagidae) som ibland behandlas som den separata ordningen Musophagiformes. Vissa zoologer inkluderar även den unika arten hoatzin i gökfåglar, men dess taxonomi är fortfarande omdiskuterad.


Ibland räknas också arten hoatzin i denna ordning.

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Gökfåglar: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Gökfåglar (Cuculiformes) är en ordning i djurklassen fåglar med drygt 160 arter, de allra flesta i familjen gökar. Arterna, som huvudsakligen återfinns i afrikanska skogar, har ofta färgglad fjäderdräkt.

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Guguksular ( Turkish )

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Guguksular (Latince: Cuculiformes), kuşlar sınıfına ait bir takım.

Gagaları uzun ve hafifçe aşağı doğru kıvrık kuşlardır. Kanatları uzun ve sivridir. Kuyrukları oldukça uzun ve kama şeklindedir. Takımın familyalarından biri (Musophagidae) meyvelerle, diğeri (Cuculidae) böceklerle beslenir. Çoğunlukla erkek ve dişi birlikte kuluçkaya yatar. Bazı türler kuluçka parazitidir, yani başka kuşların yuvalarına yumurtlarlar. Çıkan yavrular asıl ev sahibinin yavrularını yuvadan dışarı atar.

Antarktika dışında tüm kıtalara yayılmışlardır.

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Зозулеподібні ( Ukrainian )

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Bộ Cu cu ( Vietnamese )

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Bộ Cu cu (danh pháp khoa học Cuculiformes).

Phân loại

Theo truyền thống, bộ Cu cu gồm 3 họ như dưới đây:

Tuy nhiên, phân loại truyền thống của nhóm này là mâu thuẫn. Hệ thống Sibley-Ahlquist nâng họ Musophagidae lên thành bộ Musophagiformes. Chúng cũng từng được đề xuất như là nhóm liên kết giữa hoatzin với các nhóm chim còn sinh tồn khác,[1] nhưng điều này gây tranh cãi.[2] Các nghiên cứu di truyền gần đây đã hỗ trợ mạnh cấp bậc bộ của Musophagiformes.[3][4][5]

Gà móng vẫn tiếp tục là một bí ẩn. Nó có lẽ tốt nhất nên coi như là một bộ (Opisthocomiformes) riêng biệt và đơn loài (Ophisthocomus hoazin). Vị trí phân loại của nó trong Jarvis E.D. et al. (2014)[5] là có quan hệ họ hàng với nhánh Cursorimorphae chứa 2 bộ GruiformesCharadriiformes, nhưng trong Prum et al. (2015) lại là quan hệ gần với Telluraves (nhánh chứa các loài chim cạn phần lõi như ưng, kền kền, sả, sẻ, quạ) mà không có quan hệ họ hàng gần với cả Gruiformes lẫn Charadriiformes, cũng như 2 bộ này không tạo thành một nhánh có quan hệ họ hàng gần.[6]

Trong các phân loại gần đây thì bộ Cu cu chỉ chứa duy nhất họ Cu cu (Cuculidae). Các loài ani đôi khi lại được coi là một họ riêng rẽ của chính nó (gọi là Crotophagidae). Khoảng 30 loài bìm bịp thuộc chi Centropus theo truyền thống được coi là một chi trong họ Cuculidae, nhưng các tác giả Sibley và Monroe lại coi chúng là một họ riêng rẽ, gọi là Centropodidae trong khi Howard-Moore vẫn tiếp tục phân loại chúng như là phân họ Centropodinae của họ Cuculidae.

Tiến hóa

Các mẫu hóa thạch của nhóm này gây nhiều tranh cãi. Giải phẫu độc đáo duy nhất của họ Cu cu (Cuculidae) theo nghĩa cũ thường cho phép dễ dàng nhận dạng thậm chí chỉ từ những mảnh xương cô lập. Các chi chim dạng cu cu tiền sử được biết đến từ Hậu Eocen, vào khoảng 35-40 Ma. Các hóa thạch của turaco chỉ được biết đến muộn hơn. Mẫu hóa thạch được cho là của chim dạng cu cu thuộc Tiền Eocen từ Walton-on-the Naze (Anh) bị nghi ngờ là giả mạo.

Một loạt các hóa thạch khác thời kỳ Paleogen đã từng có thời được gán cho bộ Cuculiformes, nhưng chúng thường không được gộp vào bộ này trong các xử lý gần đây: Họ Gracilitarsidae tồn tại từ Hậu Paleocen tới Trung Eocen ban đầu được coi là chim dạng cu cu nhưng hiện nay nói chung không được chấp nhận như vậy. Dường như chúng vẫn còn là điều bí ẩn, do đặc trưng giải phẫu chỉ xuất hiện ở hậu duệ cuối cùng (apomorph) của chúng, và có thể là gần gũi với họ Sylphornithidae có sự khó hiểu tương đương, được biết đến từ Trung Eocen tới Tiền Oligocen. Từ Tiền Eocen, các chi ParvicuculusProcuculus có thể là các loài chim thuộc nhánh Cypselomorphae trong dòng dõi cho đến nay vẫn chưa được công nhận. Chi Foro có thể là đồng minh gần của gà móng; nó được coi như là "liên kết bị bỏ sót" giữa loài chim kì dị này với các loài chim bộ Cuculiformes thực thụ như nói trên đây, do thực tế không thể tạo liên kết gần hơn giữa gà móng với bất kỳ loài chim còn sinh tồn nào. Tuy nhiên, phân tích phát sinh chủng loài của Field & Hsiang (2018) chỉ ra rằng Foro có quan hệ họ hàng gần với Musophagidae.[7]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Hughes, Janice M.; Baker, Allan J. (1999). “Phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) resolved using mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences” (PDF). Molecular Biology and Evolution 16 (9): 1300–1307. PMID 10486983. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a026220.
  2. ^ Sorenson, Michael D.; Oneal, Elen; García-Moreno, Jaime; Mindell, David P. (2003). “More Taxa, More Characters: The Hoatzin Problem is Still Unresolved”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20 (9): 1484–1499. PMID 12777516. doi:10.1093/molbev/msg157. Supplementary Material
  3. ^ Ericson, P.G.P. và đồng nghiệp (2006). “Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils” (PDF). Biology Letters 2 (4): 543–547. PMC 1834003. PMID 17148284. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0523. Bản gốc (PDF) lưu trữ ngày 7 tháng 3 năm 2008. Bảo trì CS1: Định rõ "và đồng nghiệp" (link)
  4. ^ Hackett, S.J. và đồng nghiệp (2008). “A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History”. Science 320 (5884): 1763–1768. PMID 18583609. doi:10.1126/science.1157704.
  5. ^ a ă Jarvis, E.D. và đồng nghiệp (2014). “Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds”. Science 346 (6215): 1320–1331. PMC 4405904. PMID 25504713. doi:10.1126/science.1253451.
  6. ^ Prum, R. O. và đồng nghiệp (2015). “A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing”. Nature 526: 569–573. doi:10.1038/nature15697. Bảo trì CS1: Định rõ "và đồng nghiệp" (link)
  7. ^ Daniel J. Field; Allison Y. Hsiang (2018). “A North American stem turaco, and the complex biogeographic history of modern birds”. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18: 102. PMC 6016133 Kiểm tra giá trị |pmc= (trợ giúp). PMID 29936914. doi:10.1186/s12862-018-1212-3.

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Bộ Cu cu: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Bộ Cu cu (danh pháp khoa học Cuculiformes).

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Кукушкообразные ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Отряд: Кукушкообразные
Международное научное название

Cuculiformes Wagler, 1830

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 177816NCBI 8940EOL 7596FW 39306

Кукушкообра́зные (лат. Cuculiformes) — отряд новонёбных птиц, содержащий в настоящее время одно семейство кукушковых. Ранее к отряду относили семейства тураковых (Musophagidae) и гоациновых (Opisthocomidae), сейчас выделенные в самостоятельные отряды.

Общая характеристика

Преимущественно древесные птицы массой от 20 г до 1 кг, распространенные почти по всем материкам, кроме высоких широт, но большинство видов живет в тропиках. Клюв удлиненный, слегка изогнутый. Два пальца ноги направлены вперед, два — назад. Окраска более или менее однотонная, самцы похожи на самок. Питаются различными насекомыми и другими животными. Из 130 видов кукушек более половины видов — типичные моногамы; строят примитивное гнездо, оба партнера насиживают кладку из 2—6 яиц и кормят птенцов, покидающих гнездо в возрасте около месяца. У остальных видов в той или иной степени выражен гнездовой паразитизм. У части видов он выражается лишь в том, что они гнезд не строят, а занимают чужие. У некоторых видов часть самок, занимая чужие гнезда, сами высиживают кладку и выкармливают птенцов, а другие подбрасывают яйца в гнезда своего вида или другим птицам[1].


К кукушкообразным птицам относятся следующие семейства и подсемейства:


  1. Наумов Н. П., Карташев Н. Н. Зоология позвоночных. Часть 2.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Кукушкообразные: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Кукушкообра́зные (лат. Cuculiformes) — отряд новонёбных птиц, содержащий в настоящее время одно семейство кукушковых. Ранее к отряду относили семейства тураковых (Musophagidae) и гоациновых (Opisthocomidae), сейчас выделенные в самостоятельные отряды.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

鹃形目 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科


小作品圖示这是一篇與鳥類相關的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。 鸟类现代分类DNA分类系统传统分类系统 小纲 平胸亚纲(Paleognathae) 无翼鸟目(Apterygiformes) 鹤鸵目(Casuariiformes) 美洲鸵鸟目(Rheiformes) 鸵鸟目(Struthioniformes) 䳍形目(Tinamiformes) 雞雁小綱(Galloanserae) 雁形目(Anseriformes) 鸡形目(Galliformes) 新鸟小纲(Neoaves) 鸊鷉目(Podicipediformes) 鹱形目(Procellariiformes) 鹈形目(Pelecaniformes) 鹳形目(Ciconiiformes) 隼形目(Falconiformes) 鹤形目(Gruiformes) 鸻形目(Charadriiformes) 鸽形目(Columbiformes) 雀形目(Passeriformes) 鹦形目(Psittaciformes) 鹃形目(Cuculiformes) 鸮形目(Strigiformes) 夜鹰目(Caprimulgiformes) 雨燕目(Apodiformes) 鼠鸟目(Coliiformes) 咬鹃目(Trogoniformes) 佛法僧目(Coraciiformes) 鴷形目(Piciformes) 犀鸟目(Bucerotiformes) 鵑鴗目(Leptosomatiformes) 麝雉目(Opisthocomiformes) 企鹅目(Sphenisciformes) 潜鸟目(Gaviiformes) 叫鶴目(Cariamiformes)

鹃形目: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

カッコウ目 ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
カッコウ目 Cuculus canorus.jpg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves 上目 : 新顎上目 Neognathae 階級なし : ネオアヴェス Neoaves : カッコウ目 Cuculiformes 学名 Cuculiformes Wagler, 1830

カッコウ目(カッコウもく、学名 Cuculiformes)は鳥類の目である。現代的な分類ではカッコウ科のみからなる[1]。文献によっては、ホトトギス目と呼ぶ場合もあるが、その範囲は同じものである。




エボシドリ科は、カッコウ科に外見は似たアフリカ固有科であるが、カッコウ科と違い、托卵をせず、果実食で、雛は早生性である。カッコウ目にとどめつつも、亜目レベルでカッコウ亜目 Cuculi とエボシドリ亜と。

Sibley & AhlquistDNA交雑法にもとづき、エボシドリ科をフクロウ目(フクロウ目ヨタカ目ズクヨタカ科)と姉妹群のエボシドリ目とした(ツメバケイ科はカッコウ目にとどめた)が、実際はこれらと近縁ではない。

カッコウ目とエボシドリ目は姉妹群ではないもののそれほど遠くもなく、ノガン目ツル目・warter birds とともに単系統 quastic and semi‐aquatic group をなす可能性が高い[2][3]





  1. ^ Gill, Frank; Donsker, David, eds. (2010), “Hoatzin, turacos, cuckoos”, IOC World Bird Names (version 2.5), http://www.worldbirdnames.org/n-hoatzin.html
  2. ^ Ericson, Per G. P.; Anderson, Cajsa L.; et al. (2006), “Diversification of Neoaves: integration of molecular sequence data and fossils”, Biol. Lett. 2 (4): 543–547, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2006.0523, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1834003/
  3. ^ Hackett, S. J.; T. Kimball, Rebecca; et al. (2008), “A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History”, Science 320: 1763–1768
鳥類の現生 古顎類 キジカモ類 Metaves incertae sedis (semi‐)aquatic チドリ目 land birds
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wikipedia 日本語

カッコウ目: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語

カッコウ目(カッコウもく、学名 Cuculiformes)は鳥類の目である。現代的な分類ではカッコウ科のみからなる。文献によっては、ホトトギス目と呼ぶ場合もあるが、その範囲は同じものである。


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wikipedia 日本語

뻐꾸기목 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

뻐꾸기목(—目, Cuculiformes) 또는 두견목(杜鵑目)은 참새목과 가까운 로 아래 뻐꾸기과 1과만 가지고 있다. 몸이 가늘고 꽁지가 길며, 발가락은 서로 마주보고 있다. 주로 열매를 따 먹는다. 그러나 대부분은 주로 곤충류를 잡아먹고 산다. 다른 새의 집에 알을 낳기도 한다. 두견이·뻐꾸기를 포함하여 147종이 알려져 있다.

계통 분류

2021년 브라운(Braun)과 킴볼(Kimball) 등의 연구에 의한 신조류 계통 분류이다.[1]









      Passerea 느시류  






















  1. Braun, E.L. & Kimball, R.T. (2021) Data types and the phylogeny of Neoaves. Birds, 2(1), 1-22; https://doi.org/10.3390/birds2010001
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