
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Smicridea (S.) cuna

This Panamanian species is clearly related to S. ulva, new species, but is easily recognized by the structure of the aedeagus. The processes of the lateral plate are proportionately shorter and differently shaped, and the central tubular structure is lacking in S. cuna.

The large, strongly sclerotized folds completely closing the posterior of the vagina are extremely distinctive.

ADULT.—Length of forewing 4.5 mm. Color black, head with white hair anteriorly; forewing with 2 transverse white bands, apical fringe white (cf. Figure 20). Male genitalia: Ninth segment with anterior margin broadly rounded. Tenth tergite in lateral aspect elongate, narrow, tip produced dorsad; in dorsal aspect produced laterad basally, tip broadly rounded. Clasper with basal segment long, inflated apically; apical segment in dorsal aspect with tip produced into a point. Aedeagus enlarged basally, open apically; lateral plate produced into 2 long rods, ventralmost with tip angled laterad; internally with a pair of long spines, dorsally with a mesal appendage. Female genitalia: Ninth segment produced anterolaterally. Vagina with central sclerite shield-shaped, with a round opening; lateral supports V-shaped, somewhat irregular in outline; with posterior area completely filled by convoluted, heavily sclerotized folds.


MATERIAL.—Holotype, male: PANAMA, CANAL ZONE, Barro Colorado Island, Shannon Creek, 10 July 1967, W. W. Wirth, malaise trap. USNM Type 72700. Paratypes: Same data, 1 ; same, but 12 March 1967, M. E. Irwin, many (UCR); same, but 22–28 March 1924, Cornell University, l (CU). PANAMA: Alhajuelo, 6 April 1911, A. Busck, 1. COLON: Portobelo, 18 February 1911, A. Busck, 5 l .

BIOLOGY.—The specimens taken by Dr. Wirth were found in a malaise trap placed across Shannon Creek. At this point the creek is barely a foot wide and arises from many small springs and seeps.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1974. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies XVII: The Genus Smicridea from North and Central America (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-65. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.167