
Auomarkgrafia plumeriaeflora

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
AUomarkgrafia plumeriaeflora Woodson, Ann. Mo
Bot. Gard. 20: 627. 1933.
Stout liana, wholly glabrous; leaves coriaceous, oblong-elliptic, 14-18 cm. long, 5-5.5 cm. broad, shortly acuminate, broadly obtuse or rounded at the base, the petioles 15-17 mm. long; inflorescence repeatedly branched, very congested, much shorter than the subtending leaves, bearing numerous conspicuous cream-colored flowers; pedicels 7-8 mm. long; calyx-lobes broadly ovate, obtuse, 3-4 mm. long; corolla infundibuliform, the tube proper 10-12 mm. long, about 2.5 mm. in diameter at the base, the throat broadly conic, 7-8 mm. long, about 7 mm. in diameter at the orifice, the lobes broadly dolabriform, obtuse, 12-15 mm. long, spreading; follicles unknown.
Type locawty: El Umbo, Boyaca, Colombia; alt. 960 meters. Distribution: Costa Rica; also in Colombia.
bibliographic citation
Robert Everard Woodson, Jr. 1938. (ASCLEPIADALES); APOCYNACEAE. North American flora. vol 29(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora