
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Cariblatta imitans Hebard
1916. Cariblatta imitans Hebard, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xlii, p. 180, pi. xi, fig. 20,
pi. xii, fig. 21. [c?, 9 ; Corozal, Panama.]
Alhajuela, Panama, IV, 18, 1911, (Busck), id".
Rio Trinidad, Pan., Ill, 17 to V, 7, 191 1 and 1912, (Busck), 46^, i 9.
Tabernilla, Canal Zone, Pan., VI, 10, 1907, (Busck), id'.
Paraiso, C. Z., Pan., I, 16, 1911, (Busck), icf.
Cabima, Pan., V, 17 and 19, 191 1, (Busck), i d^, 2 9.
Corozal, C. Z., Pan., XI, 14, 1913, (Hebard; dead leaves in jungle), 2 c?", 2 9 , type, allotype, paratypes.
Ancon, C. Z., Pan., (Jennings; in bush), i cf.
Panama City, Pan., VI, 1915, (Harrower), i d.
Tabogilla Island, Pan., II, 16, 1912, (Busck), i cf, 2 9, i with ootheca.
Taboga Island, Pan., VI, 12, 191 1, (Busck), i cf.
This species is distinguished from the Panamanian species of Neohlattella by its smaller size, only N. fratercula Hebard showing close approach in this respect. IMales of that species are easily separated by the very distinct subgenital plate, females by the average slightly larger size and more ample pronotum.
That the present insect is in some ways annectant between the genus Cariblatta and the species we have assigned to what we term the second section of the Impar Group of the genus Neohlattella, is shown by the close agreement in general structure and in the similar male subgenital plate. *^'-'
In the present series the discoidal sectors (median vein and its branches and ulnar vein) of the tegmina number four to seven', the variation due to differences in the branching of the median vein. In the anal chamber of the males, below the unspecialized paired
" In reference to the genera Cariblatta and Neoblattella, see Hebard, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xlii, p. 148, footnote 3. plate under the supra-anal plate, a single small chitinous thorn is found.
bibliographic citation
Hebard, M. 1919. The Blattidae of Panama. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 4. Philadelphia, USA