Image of Myanmyia asteiformia Grimaldi
Unresolved name

Myanmyia asteiformia Grimaldi


provided by Zookeys
Body size small, length 1.35 mm (excluding antennae and cerci), slender. Wing length 1.05 mm. Head: Slightly wider than thorax [possibly preservational, as head is slightly compressed]. Antenna with cup-like pedicel, distal edge rimmed with fine, stiff setae; basal flagellomere drop-shaped, width approximately equal to length; arista-like stylus terminal, setulose, 1-articled (no small basal articles), length approximately 3 × length of basal flagellomere. Eyes large (occupying virtually entire lateral surface of head), bare, with slight dorsoventral differentiation of facets (dorsal facets ca. 2 × diameter of ventral ones); inner margins of eyes (on frons) very close, width of separation equal to ca. 3 facet diameters. Ptilinal suture absent. Maxillary palp 2-segmented, with apical segment clavate and basal segment slender. Labrum long, very slender; hypopharynx (?) stylet-like; labellum small. Gena very shallow or barely developed (not apparent). Postocciput broad, concave. Thorax: Slender, with the following dorsal setae (per side): 1 postpronotal, 4 supra-alar/notopleurals, 3 postsutural dorsocentrals (posterior one largest), 2 pairs scutellars [pleura not visible]. Legs of moderate length, setulose, without distinctive spines/spurs. Pretarsus with claws well developed, but no pulvilli. Wing: Long, slender, W/L = 0.33; membrane microtrichia arranged in oblique rows (between R veins) and longitudinal rows (portions of space between R4+5 and M). Vein C slightly beyond apex of R4+5, no humeral or subcostal breaks; with long, sparse spinules. Sc short, very faint [best seen when tilting specimen]. Base of vein R thick, R1 short (length 0.3 × length of wing); R2+3 unbranched, meeting C at ⅔ the length of wing. R4+5 straight, extended to tip of wing, unbranched. Vein M simple, unbranched, very lightly sclerotized; both ends evanescent. Sc. Vein A thick, heavily sclerotized strip along alular edge of wing. Anal lobe and alula not developed. Halter: with large, darkened knob, stem approximately same length as knob or slightly longer. Abdomen: Tergites I—VII well developed, with sparse setulae, without macrosetae; sternites II, III, IV large, bare; segment V is tubular; VI, VII ring-like; terminal segment bearing pair of long, finger-like, one-segmented cerci. Presence/absence of abdominal muscle plaques not visible.
David A. Grimaldi, Antonio Arillo, Jeffrey M. Cumming, Martin Hauser
bibliographic citation
Grimaldi D, Arillo A, Cumming J, Hauser M (2011) Brachyceran Diptera (Insecta) in Cretaceous ambers, Part IV, Significant New Orthorrhaphous Taxa ZooKeys 148: 293–332
David A. Grimaldi
Antonio Arillo
Jeffrey M. Cumming
Martin Hauser
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