
Taxonomic History

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Typhlopone serratula Smith, 1858a PDF: 111 (w.) BRAZIL (Amazonas). Neotropic. Primary type information: Type-material: lectotype worker (by designation of MacKay, 1996 PDF: 166). Type-locality: Brazil: Villa Nova, “55/44” (H.W. Bates). Type-depository: BMNH. Type notes: BMNH Accessions Register has: “1855 no. 44 (June 22nd). Amazon. Villa Nova. Bought of Stevens. Collected by Mr Bates.” Bolton (unpublished 1970s notes on Smith types) commented, “One worker syntype in BMNH. The specimen is marked syntype as obviously two workers were originally mounted on the card, but one has long ago fallen off and cannot now be found”. AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

Lectotype designation: MacKay, 1996 PDF: 166.Mayr, 1887 PDF: 551 (m.); Emery, 1899f: 6 (l.).Combination in Acanthostichus: Mayr, 1887 PDF: 551.Combination in Acanthostichus (Acanthostichus): Emery, 1911e PDF: 13.Status as species: Roger, 1861a PDF: 45; Roger, 1863b PDF: 20; Mayr, 1863a PDF: 457; Mayr, 1884 PDF: 33; Mayr, 1887 PDF: 551; Emery, 1888c PDF: 353; Dalla Torre, 1893 PDF: 16; Emery, 1894d PDF: 142; von Jhering, 1894 PDF: 379; Forel, 1895b PDF: 116; Emery, 1895l PDF: 749; Emery, 1906c PDF: 111; Emery, 1911e PDF: 13; Bruch, 1914 PDF: 212; Gallardo, 1918c PDF: 9 (redescription); Luederwaldt, 1918 PDF: 34; Borgmeier, 1923: 51; Wheeler, 1934g PDF: 163 (in key); Kusnezov, 1962a PDF: 132; Kempf, 1972b PDF: 10; Brown, 1975 PDF: 42; Bolton, 1995b: 54; MacKay, 1996 PDF: 165 (redescription); Wild, 2007b PDF: 23.
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

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Literature records: Cordillera, “Paraguay” (s. loc.) (Emery 1894d, Forel 1895, Forel 1906).

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 1-55, vol. 1622
Wild, A. L.
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Plazi (legacy text)