Image of Diplopterygium bancroftii (Hook.) A. R. Sm.
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Diplopterygium bancroftii (Hook.) A. R. Sm.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Dicranopteris bancroftii (Hook.) Underw. Bull. Torrey
Club 34: 252. 1907.
Gleichenia Bancroftii Hook. Sp. Fil. 1 : 5. 1844. Mertensia Bancroftii Kunze, Linnaea 18 : 307. 1844. Gleichenia Brunei Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. II. 5: 13. 1905. Dicranopteris Brunei Underw. Bull. Torrey Club 34 : 253. 1907.
Rhizome creeping, epigeous or somewhat subterranean, flexuous, up to 6 mm. in diameter, muricate, sparingly covered with brownish to light-cast an ecus lanceolate long-acuminate scales up to 7 mm. long, glabrescent ; primary leaf-axis stout, about 5 mm. in diameter, stramineous, naked, or at the base brownish and somewhat scaly, bearing a pair of large bipinnate pinnae, axial growth sometimes continued from the included bud, a second and third pair of primary pinnae thus produced in acropetal succession ; terminal (axial) bud large, up to 2 cm, long, densely clothed with whitish to dull-yellowish ovate to deltoid -lanceolate entire long-acuminate scales ; pinnae determinate, oblong, 1-1.5 m. long, 30-50 cm. broad, acuminate, the rachis stout, smooth, up to 4 mm. in diameter, delicately bicarinate above ; pinntdes very numerous, normally inserted 2-3 cm. apart, approximate or slightly imbricate (rarely much smaller, congested, 1-1.5 cm. apart, closely overlapping), divergent, sessile, linear, 15-25 cm. long, 3^.5 cm. broad, cut to the costa ; costa stramineous, with a few deciduous slender deeply laciniate or filiform yellowish scales; segments rigidly herbaceous, very brittle, numerous, linear-Hgulate, 1.5-2.25 cm. long, about 2,5 mm. broad, mostly adnate and decurrent (or the lowermost unequally constricted, subsessile), green or yellowish-green, glabrous or nearly so, glaucous below, the costule conspicuously elevated, stramineous, glabrescent ; veins apart, once-forked near the base, the branches widely divergent ; sori inframedial, seated upon the anterior branch, 3-5-sporangiate, a tuft of small filiform yellowish scales beneath.
Type locality : Jamaica.
Distribution : Jamaica, Guadeloupe, and Martinique ; on the continent extending from Mexico to Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia, mainly at altitudes of from 1000 to 1800
bibliographic citation
Lucien Marcus Underwood, Ralph Curtiss BenedictWilliam Ralph Maxon. 1909. OPHIOGLOSSALES-FILICALES; OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, MARATTIACEAE, OSMUNDACEAE, CERATOPTERIDACEAE, SCHIZAEACEAE, GLEICHENIACEAE, CYATHEACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 16(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora