
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Elsota coriacea (Bonpl.) Blake
Securidaca coriacea Bonpl. Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin Mag. 2: 47. 1808.
Securidaca mollis H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 5: 421. 1823.
Securidaca pubescens Seem. Bot. Voy. Herald 80. 1852. Not 5. pubescens DC. 1824.
Securidaca lomenlosa Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. Bot. 1:63. 1879. Not 5. lomentosa St.-Hil. 1829.
Elsota mollis Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 46. 1891.
Securidaca volubilis mollis Chod. Bot. Jahrb. 36: 380. 1905.
Scandent shrub; branches and branchlets softly short-pilose with dull spreading hairs; leaves oval, oblong-ovate, or ovate, 3.7-7.5 cm. long, 2.2-4 cm. wide, obtuse to rounded, sometimes emarginate, at base broadly rounded, chartaceous, above deep-green, somewhat lucid, rather sparsely short-pilose with dull spreading hairs on surface, densely so on margin, reticulate with 8-10 pairs of veins, beneath dullgreen but scarcely paler, softly and rather densely spreading-pilose; petioles spreading-pilose, 2.5-4 mm. long; peduncles 3-8 mm. long; racemes rather dense, the axis 2.2-4 cm. long; bracts lance-subulate, pilose, deciduous, 1.8 mm. long; pedicels densely short-pilose, 5-8 mm. long; flowers pink; sepals oval or suborbicular, densely sordid-pilose except near the ciliate margin, 2.5-3.5 mm. long; wings suborbicular, emarginate, 8-8.2 mm. long, 5.8-6 mm. wide, ciliate toward base of lamina, sparsely ciliolate above, pubescent on claw and down midline; keel long-ciliate on saccate portion about to middle, with small crest, 10.5 mm. long; samara greenish, densely short-pilose with dull spreading hairs, 5.2-7 cm. long; fruiting cell very plump, elevated-reticulate, 7.5-11 mm. long, very narrowly margined on upper side, the margin obscurely decurrent into the proper wing; wing obovate, at base slightly narrower than the fruiting cell, 3.7-6 cm. long, 5-5.5 mm. wide near base, 17-22 mm. wide near middle.
Type locality: Forests along the Amazon River. Distribution: Panama and Trinidad to South America.
bibliographic citation
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora