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Paraschistura hormuzensis Freyhof, Sayyadzadeh, Esmaeili & Geiger 2015

Diagnostic Description

provided by Fishbase
Paraschistura hormuzensis can be diagnosed from the following congeners in Iran by a combination of these non-unique characters: from P. bampurensis by having only 7-10 dark-brown bars on the flank (vs. 11-18) and the pelvic fin reaching to or beyond the anus, to the anal-fin origin in some individuals (vs. not reaching to the anus, usually reaching about 1-2 eye diameter in front of the anus); from P. abdolii, P. cristata, P. kessleri and P. turcmenica by having the body fully covered by scales (vs. body scaleless or scales restricted to the caudal peduncle); from P. abdolii by a stout and deep body (body depth at dorsal-fin origin 13-18 % SL vs. 10-14 %) and from P. cristata by the absence of a dorsal adipose crest (vs. presence) and an incomplete lateral line (vs. complete) and from P. abdolii, P. aredvii, P. cristata, P. kessleri, P. nielseni and P. turcmenica by having a suborbital flap in males (vs. absent) (Ref. 103390).Description: caudal fin forked or deeply emarginate; Dorsal fin with 7 1/2 and anal fin with 5 1/2 branched rays; pectoral fin with 10 rays; and pelvic fin with 7 rays; body covered by embedded scales, except on back in front of dorsal fin and belly; anal-, pelvic- and pectoral fins hyalineor with few dark-brown or black spots on rays (Ref. 103390).
Armi G. Torres
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