

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates


(Pl. II., figs. 16-16b.)

Shell very small, transversely ovate, rather convex, inequilateral, white, covered with a dull yellowish periostracum, marked with very fine incremental lines; anterior side much shorter than the posterior, rounded; ventral outline broadly curved; umbones antemedian, only a little prominent, somewhat eroded; hinge consisting of two strong cardinal teeth in the left valve (fig. 16b, 1), none in the right; ligament central, beneath the umbones (figs. 16a—b, 2); interior of the valve smooth, but exhibiting lines of growth; margin smooth, slightly thickened; posterior adductor scar pyriform, anterior apparently smaller.

Length, 3 millim.; height, 2.5; diam., 1.5.

Hut Point, Feb. 13, 1904.

Only one specimen was obtained. Short, and more solid than the northern T. bidentala, Montagu, also having a stronger hinge.”

(Smith, 1907: 3)