
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Contulma papallacta

This species is similar to C. echinata, but differs from it substantially in the nature of the dorsolateral processes of segment IX and the phallus. In C. papallacta the more dorsal dorsolateral process is abruptly spatulate apically, whereas in C. echinata it is more gradually spatulate. Also, in C. papallacta, the ventralmost dorsolateral process is longer and covered with numerous long setae, whereas in C. echinata it is shorter and bears from two to three shorter, stouter, spine-like setae. Finally the phallic structures of the two species are very similar, but in C. papallacta the phallus is much smaller proportionally and lacks the numerous subapical spines found in C. echinata.

MAP 5.—Known adult distribution of Contulma nevada, C. papallacta, C. penai, and C. talamanca.

MALE.—Length 5.5 mm. Color brown in alcohol. Foretibia with second spur minute, about twice as long as wide. Segment IX short dorsally; in lateral view, IX slightly extended anterodorsally; posteriorly with long, flat, abruptly spatulate dorsolateral process and subequal, more lateral process bearing long setae along its entire length; posteroventral margins of IX forming large, blunt, very heavily setose lobes; sternum IX with posteromesal, sclerotized projection, its apex cleft mesally, apicolateral corners rounded. Segment X entirely membranous. Inferior appendages short, curved, bearing apical setae and peg-like setae on ventral edge (Figure 80, inset); fused basally and apparently fused to base of IXth sternal projection, together forming complex structure as in Figure 80. Processes of subphallic membranes present. Phallus complex; phallobase tubular, slender, sclerotized; phallicata apparently present, very lightly sclerotized; membranous lobe arising apicodorsally from phallobase and overlying dorsal part of phallicata; apicoventral phallic membranes bearing pair of large, apical, tooth-like spines.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype (male): ECUADOR [NAPO], 1 mi [1.6 km] E of Papallacta, 30 Jan 1958, R.W. Hodges (NMNH).

Paratype: Same data as holotype, 1 (UMSP).

ETYMOLOGY.—Named for the type locality in Ecuador.
bibliographic citation
Hozenthal, R. W. and Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1995. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, LI: Systematics of the Neotropical Caddisfly Genus Contulma (Trichoptera: Anomalopsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-59. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.575