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The Queen resembles its close relative the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) in various ways, but is smaller and the ground color of the wings is a darker brown. The forewings are long, greatly produced at the apex, and have a triangular outline. The hindwings are well rounded and smaller than the forewing. Black veins with white borders appear on the entire length of the hindwing while the forewing is not bordered with black on its inner margin like the Monarch. The light spots on the apex of the forewings are whiter and patterned differently than those of the Monarch as well. While male Monarchs are often the larger sex, in Queens, the female is larger. A Queen's wingspan averages 3 inches. Generally, this genus of butterflies (Danaus) has eggs which are ovate conical, broadly flattened at the base and slightly truncated at the top, with many longitudinal ribs and transverse cross-ridges. In the caterpillar stage, they have a small head and large, cylindrical, hairless body with dark stripes. The chrysalis is short, thick, rounded, tapers very quickly over the posterior of the abdomen, and is suspended by a long cremaster from a button of silk. It is frequently ornamented with golden spots. Member of this family have antennae that are unscaled. (Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1961; Holland, 1907; Pyle, 1999)

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web


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Open, sunny areas, including fields, deserts, roadsides, pastures, dunes, washes, and waterways. Queens are known to migrate like the Monarch, but to a lesser extent. The stay mainly in warm climates year round. (Struttman 2000)

Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune ; savanna or grassland

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web


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The Queen can be found ranging from Brazil to Florida and the Gulf Coast. It is also prevalent in the states of California, Texas, Arizona, and southern New Mexico. (Douglas, 1986; Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1961; Holland, 1907)

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native ); neotropical (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

All of the Danaidae are "protected" insects, having acrid secretions which make them distasteful to birds and predaceous insects. These secretions are probably due to the character of the plants on which the caterpillars feed, which are rank or even poisonous to higher animals. Other species have taken advantage of the unpalatability of the Queen and have evolved a color pattern which mimics them. One of these mimics is the Viceroy (Limenitis archippus), who uses the distasteful looks of the Queen to ward off predators who have eaten the Queens. Research has found, however, that the Viceroy is distasteful as well, but uses the same patterns so that it is easier for birds to identify it. (Douglas, 1986; Holland, 1907; Pyle, 1999)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status

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The Nature Conservancy Global Rank: G5- Demonstrably secure globally, though they may be quite rare in parts of their range, especially at the periphery. (Struttman 2000)

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

State of Michigan List: no special status

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

This species is not known to adversely affect humans.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

This species has no known benefits for humans besides being aesthetically pleasing.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy

provided by Animal Diversity Web

The Queen larvae feed mostly on varieties of mildweed (Asclepias), and the members of this family are therefore called the "milkweed butterflies". They feed on Asclepias, Nerium, Funastum, Vincetoxicum, Philibertia, and Stapelia, which are all milkweeds. They are also known to feed off of the nightshade families (Solanaceae) and like the nectar plants Blue Mist, fogfruit, and shepherd's needle.

In times when nectar-bearing flowers are scarce, and competition is fierce, Queen butterflies have been seen probing the bases of grass inflorescences in Texas, but what they gain from this is yet to be discovered. (Douglas, 1986; Ehrlich and Ehrlich, 1961; Holland, 1907)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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Animal Diversity Web


provided by Animal Diversity Web

To find females, males patrol all day. Females lay eggs singly on leaves, stems, and flower buds, which the larvae will eat. Adults roost communally. Males have pheromones, specific scents, which aid in mating and attract females. (Struttman 2000)

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
bibliographic citation
Fyffe, B. 2000. "Danaus gilippus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Danaus_gilippus.html
Brandy Fyffe, Southwestern University
Stephanie Fabritius, Southwestern University
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partner site
Animal Diversity Web

North American Ecology (US and Canada)

provided by North American Butterfly Knowledge Network
Danaus gilippus are year-round residents in southern portions of Calif., Ariz., Texas and Fla., and migrates north in the spring as far as North Dakota (Scott 1986). Habitats are open woodland, fields and desert. Host plants include many species but are restricted to family Asclepiadaceae. Eggs are laid on the host plant singly. There are multiple flights, in s. Tex. and s. Fla. these occur all year, April1-Nov.30 in s. Calif. and s. Nev. (Scott 1986).
Leslie Ries
Leslie Ries

Danaus gilippus ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
Flügelunterseite von Danaus gilippus

Danaus gilippus ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae) und sehr eng mit dem Afrikanischen Monarchen (Danaus chrysippus) verwandt. Er ist in Amerika weit verbreitet und häufig.



Danaus gilippus hat eine Vorderflügellänge von 38 bis 46 Millimetern. Die Grundfarbe der Flügel ist rotbraun bis braun. Die Adern mit den Rändern sind dunkelbraunen bis schwarzen. Er unterscheidet sich von Danaus eresimus durch eine Reihe postmedialer weißer Punkte auf dem Vorderflügel. Auf der Hinterflügelunterseite sind die schwarzen Adern oft mit weiß verbreitert.


Die Raupe ist auf dem Rücken und den Seiten bläulich-weiß und wird zu den Beinen hin rotbraun. Über den Körper verlaufen rötlich schwarze Querstreifen, die durch gelben Bänder oder gelbe Punkte getrennt sind. Die Kopfkapsel ist weißlich und trägt ein schwarzes Dreieck in der Mitte. Im zweiten Raupenstadium werden die für die Tribus Danaini typischen fleischigen Fortsätze sichtbar. Ein Paar befindet sich am Thorax (Segment 2) und zwei Paare befinden sich am Abdomen (Segment 5 und 11).


Die Puppe ist weiß-grün bis grün, selten blass rosa und hat mehrere goldene Punkte und ein schwarzes Band mit goldenen Rändern über den Abdomen. Sie hat die Form der Puppe von Danaus plexippus, ist aber etwas schlanker.


In Gebieten, wo der Monarchfalter nur selten vorkommt, im Südwesten und Südosten der USA, dient Danaus gilipus statt des Monarchfalters als Mimikry-Vorbild für Limenitis archippus. Vom östlichen Texas bis Florida ahmt die rotbraune Unterart L. archippus floridensis D. gilippus berenice nach und vom westlichen Texas bis Arizona ahmt die braune Unterart L. archippus obsoleta D. gilipus strigosus nach.


Danaus gilippus ist von den südlichen USA, auf den Großen Antillen einschließlich der Bahamas und in Südamerika, einschließlich der Galapagos-Inseln, bis Uruguay, Paraguay und bis in den Süden Argentiniens verbreitet. Die Art fehlt im Norden Brasiliens. Der Monarchfalter wird im Südosten der USA weitestgehend durch Danaus gilippus berenice und im Südwesten durch Danaus gilippus strigosus ersetzt. Die Tiere leben in lichten Wäldern und auf Feldern und kommen im Süden der USA auch in Wüsten vor.


Die männlichen Falter fliegen den ganzen Tag umher und suchen Weibchen. Bei der Balz und Paarung spielen die für die Gattung typischen Haarbüschel mit ihren Duftstoffen eine wichtige Rolle. Dazu müssen zuerst die Haarbüschel am Ende des Abdomen die Drüsen in den Taschen auf den Hinterflügeln berühren, um das Pheromon, das das Keton Danaidon (2,3-Dihydro-7-methyl-1H-pyrrolizin-1-on) enthält, aufzunehmen. Durch ein Diol haftet das Pheromon später an den Fühlern des Weibchens. Beide Substanzen sind notwendig, damit das Weibchen auf die Werbung des Männchens eingeht. Beim Werbungsflug verfolgt das Männchen das Weibchen und überholt es. Dabei bringt es seine ausgestülpten Haarbüschel mit dem Duftstoff nahe an die geruchsempfindlichen Fühler des Weibchens. Ein paarungsbereites Weibchen landet und schließt seine Flügel, andernfalls öffnet es die Flügel oder versucht zu entkommen. Wenn sich das Weibchen setzt, wird es vom Männchen mit ausgestülpten Haarbüscheln umflogen. Wenn das Weibchen die Flügel schlägt, setzt das Männchen die Balz fort und versucht es zum Fliegen zu bringen, um den Balzflug fortzusetzen. Zur Paarung landet das Männchen neben dem Weibchen und palpiert es während der Paarung und fliegt mit ihm weg. Die Weibchen können sich bis zu 15 mal paaren, was einen Rekord unter den Schmetterlingen darstellt.

Das Pheromon wird aus Pyrrolizidinalkaloiden gewonnen, welche die Tiere aus dem Saft von Pflanzen aufnehmen. Die Männchen können oft dabei beobachtet werden, wie sie deshalb an verletzten oder verwesenden Pflanzen saugen.

Mit den Fühlern können die Weibchen neben dem Danaidon auch den Geruch von Blütennektar wahrnehmen. Mit allen Beinen können sie geeignete Eiablagepflanzen erkennen.[1] Die blassgrünen Eier werden einzeln auf Blätter, Stiele und Blüten der Raupennahrungspflanzen abgelegt.

Die Falter überwintern im Süden ihres Verbreitungsgebiets.


Die Raupen ernähren sich von Blättern, Blüten und Stängeln der Nahrungspflanzen. Sie bilden keine Nester und leben einzeln. Sie können über ihre Nahrungspflanzen Herzglykoside, etwa Calactin und Calotropin, aufnehmen, die sie und die späteren Puppen und Falter für Fressfeinde ungenießbar machen. Die Aufnahme ist schlechter als beim Monarchfalter und die Tiere sind im Durchschnitt weniger giftig.[2]

Nahrung der Raupen

Die Nahrungspflanzen der Raupen gehören alle zur Unterfamilie der Seidenpflanzengewächse:

Auf Jamaika wird auch Calotropis procera angenommen.


Die Falter fliegen ab dem südlichen Texas und Florida das ganze Jahr hindurch. Im südlichen Kalifornien und Nevada fliegen sie von April bis November. Im Frühjahr wandert Danaus gilippus nach Norden aus dem nördlichen Florida und wandert von August bis Oktober zurück nach Süden. Größere Wanderzüge mit Kolonien ruhender Falter sind bis nach Colorado beobachtet worden.


Die Einordnung von Danaus gilippus innerhalb der Gattung ist nicht abschließend geklärt. Er ist so sehr mit dem Afrikanischen Monarch (Danaus chrysippus) genetisch verwandt, dass beide entweder als Schwesterarten betrachtet werden oder D. gilippus als Unterart von D. chrysippus angesehen wird. Die Falter beider „Arten“ sind aufgrund ihres variablen Aussehens nicht eindeutig zuordenbar.


  • Scott, James A.: The butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Kalifornien 1986, ISBN 0-8047-1205-0, S. 231 f. (englisch, 632 S.).
  • Philip J. De Vries: The butterflies of Costa Rica and their natural history. Princeton University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-691-08420-3, S. 212 (englisch, 327 S.).
  • Richard Irwin Vane-Wright & P. R. Ackery (Hrsg.): Milkweed Butterflies. Their Cladistics and Biology. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London 1984, ISBN 978-0-8014-1688-0, S. 208 f. (englisch, 425 S.).


  1. Scott, S. 227
  2. Milkweed Butterflies, Seite 81


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Danaus gilippus: Brief Summary ( German )

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 src= Flügelunterseite von Danaus gilippus

Danaus gilippus ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae) und sehr eng mit dem Afrikanischen Monarchen (Danaus chrysippus) verwandt. Er ist in Amerika weit verbreitet und häufig.

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Danaus gilippus ( Tagalog )

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Ang paruparong reyna (Danaus gilippus) ay isang paruparo na matatagpuan sa Hilaga at Timog Amerika sa pamilya ng Nymphalidae na may haba na 2.75–3.25" (70–88mm) ang pakpak nito.

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Queen (butterfly)

provided by wikipedia EN

The queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus) is a North and South American butterfly in the family Nymphalidae with a wingspan of 80–85 mm (3+183+38 in).[3] It is orange or brown with black wing borders and small white forewing spots on its dorsal wing surface, and reddish ventral wing surface fairly similar to the dorsal surface. The ventral hindwings have black veins and small white spots in a black border. The male has a black androconial scent patch on its dorsal hindwings.[4] It can be found in meadows, fields, marshes, deserts, and at the edges of forests.[4][5]

This species is possibly a close relative to the similarly colored soldier butterfly (or tropical queen, D. eresimus), in any case, it is not close to the plain tiger (D. chrysippus, African queen) as was long believed. There are seven subspecies.[6]

Females lay one egg at a time on larval host plants.[4] Larvae use these plants as a food source,[7] whereas adult butterflies feed mainly on nectar from flowers.[8] Unpalatability to avian predators is a feature of the butterfly; however, its level is highly variable. Unpalatability is correlated with the level of cardenolides obtained via the larval diet, but other compounds like alkaloids also play a part in promoting distastefulness.[9][10]

Males patrol to search for females, who may mate up to 15 times a day.[4] Male organs called hair-pencils play an important role in courtship, with males with lower hair-pencil counts being selected against.[11] These hair-pencils may be involved in releasing pheromones during courtship that could attract female mates.[12]


The queen is a member of the genus Danaus, which includes D. plexippus (monarch) and D. eresimus (soldier). It is of the family Nymphalidae of the order Lepidoptera.[13] There are as many as eleven subspecies recognized.[14] It is a native of the Nearctic and Neotropical realms.[6] The conservation status of this species is secure, with no reported management needs.[15]

Life cycle and morphology

Females lay small white eggs one at a time on larval host plants, usually members of the milkweed subfamily Asclepiadoideae. The egg hatches into a black caterpillar with transverse white stripes and yellow spots, and three pairs of long, black filaments. The caterpillar feeds on the host plant and sequesters chemicals that make it distasteful to some predators. It then goes through six instars, after which the larva finds a suitable spot to pupate. The adult emerges 7 to 10 days afterwards. The queen butterfly has multiple generations per year.[4]


The queen butterfly oviposits one egg at a time. Each individual egg can be found on leaves, stems, and flower buds of the host.[3] The eggs are usually pale green, ovate to conical in shape, with[3] a flattened base and slightly truncated top, and is longitudinally ribbed with raised cross-lines between the ridges.[5][16] Compared to that of the monarch butterfly, the egg of the queen butterfly is taller relative to its width.[7]


A queen caterpillar
An fifth instar Queen caterpillar

The mature queen caterpillar is darker and not as brightly colored as the monarch caterpillar. It is nearly identical to the caterpillar of Danaus chrysippus.[4]

In the larval stage, the queen is bluish-white dorsally, with a reddish-brown underside.[3] It has three pairs of black, fleshy tentacles—one is on the head, one is on the second thoracic segment and one is on the eighth abdominal segment.[16][17][3] When mature, the caterpillar is brown with purplish prolegs. It has been observed with the following color variants of its transverse stripes: blue, green, yellow, white, and blackish brown.[4] The head is black with white rings.[7] The caterpillar lacks spines, and there is no hair on its body.[16]

Size comparison between a queen caterpillar, a monarch caterpillar and a black swallowtail caterpillar.


The pupa is relatively short and thick, tapering rapidly at the end of the abdomen.[5][16] It is pale green, rarely pale pink, and is frequently ornamented with golden spots.[16] A black transverse band edged with gold is on the abdomen.[3] Below this black abdominal band lies another one in blue.[18] The pupa has very few projections; most notably, it is suspended by a long cremaster from a button of silk.[16] As such, the pupa resembles a pendant.[18]

In general, the pupa of the queen is smaller and more slender than that of the monarch.[7]


The queen butterfly is related to two species to which it bears a striking resemblance: the monarch (Danaus plexippus) and the soldier (Danaus eresimus).

The queen is a moderately large butterfly, with an average wingspan of 3.1 inches (7.9 cm) to 3.3 inches (8.4 cm). It is easily distinguishable from its relative the monarch by its darker brown ground colour, and lack of stripes decorating the wings.[5][19] The queen bears a closer resemblance to the soldier (Danaus eresimus).[18] It possesses a very tough and flexible chitinous exoskeleton, unlike most other butterflies.[4]

Its wing coloration varies from bright, reddish brown to rich chocolate-brown, with black marginal bands that are dotted with white or yellow. The underside of the wing resembles the upper wing, but is paler.[4] The queen has less-prominent veins on its wings and lacks the darker, apical shading found in the monarch.[5]

Both sexes are morphologically similar. The male's and the female's forewing lengths range from 3.7 centimetres (1.5 in) to 4.6 centimetres (1.8 in), with a mean length of 4.2 centimetres (1.7 in).[18] The antennae lack scales.[3] Although all danaids have two pairs of walking legs, the forelegs, the first pair located on the prothoracic segment of the abdomen, are reduced and not used for locomotion.[4] The forelegs are relatively smaller in the male than in the female.[16] The female uses its short forelegs to scratch the surface of a leaf to determine which ones are suitable hosts for its eggs.[4] In both sexes, the reduced forelegs lack claws.[16]

The male queen has an androconium, a specialized, scale-covered scent-pouch, on each of its dorsal hindwings.[4][16][18][20] The positions and structures of androconia are used to identify different genera. The male also has an extensible hair-pencil on each side of its abdomen, which exudes sex pheromones.[7] The abdominal hair-pencils, when in contact with the androconium scales, are able to disseminate pheromones near the female at integral stages of courtship.[7][8]

Distribution and habitat

The queen belongs to a family (Danaidae) that is common to both New and Old Worlds, specifically found throughout the tropics and into the temperate regions of the Americas, Asia, and Africa. Stray specimens are found in Europe.[4] The queen is chiefly a tropical species. In the US, it is usually confined to the southern portion of the country. It can be found regularly in peninsular Florida and southern Georgia, as well as in the southern portions of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.[18] Occasionally, the subspecies of the queen can be found somewhat north, in Kansas, Colorado, and Utah.[4] Periodically, a stray may be found in the Midwest, such as in Missouri.[17] The berenice subspecies is found largely in the Southeast and the strigosus in the Southwest.[3] The queen is also found in Cuba.[5]

Queen butterfly feeding on Funastrum cynanchoides, Tucson, AZ

It is more common in southern Central America, with numbers beginning to rise in Mexico.[4] The queen can be found as far south as Argentina.[7] Although the queen does not undertake dramatic migrations like the monarch, most undertake short-distance travel at tropical latitudes in areas that have a distinct dry season. During those periods, the queen will fly from lowlands to high elevations.[18]

Throughout its distribution, the queen can be found on open land, in meadows, fields, and marshes. It displays a more xeric preference in Hispaniola and will fly to the edge of, but seldom penetrate, hammocks and forests.[7] In the southern US, the queen prefers open woodland, fields, and desert.[3]

Food sources and host plants

Larval host plants and food sources

The queen larvae feed on Apocynaceae (milkweeds and dogbanes).[5] It can survive on a number of hosts. Common plants include butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa) and bloodflower (Asclepias curassavica). In the West Indies, blunt-leaved milkweed (Asclepias amplexicaulis) and honey vine (Cynanchum laeve) are favored. The caterpillar has also been observed on Asclepias nivea, Calotropis procera, and Apocynaceae nerium.[7][18] Other reported host genera include Apocynum, Cynanchum (former Sarcostemma species), Gonolobus, and Stapelia.[18]

Adult food sources and host plants

Adult feeding on milkweed plant

As an adult, its feeding habits are less specific. The butterfly feeds predominantly on nectar from flowers and dead foliage, but can also feed on rotting fruit, sweat, and dry or wet dung, among other substances.[8]

Even as an adult, the queen is drawn to milkweeds (Apocynaceae).[5] However, the butterfly is also attracted to the Nerium, Funastrum, Vincetoxicum, Philabertia, Stapelia.[4]

In addition to the above food sources, males are attracted to Heliotropium, Eupatorium, Senecio, and Crotalaria, plants known to contain the alkaloid lycopsamine. The alkaloid and other precursor compounds from these plants are used to create pheromones used to attract mates.[3] Pheromone precursors are predominantly obtained from Boraginaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae.[20]


The queen is one of many insects that derives chemical defenses against its predators from its food plant. Most of the toxic cardenolides that make queens so unpalatable to its predators are sequestered from larval host plants.[21]

Mimicry in cardenolide-derived defense

For quite some time, the queen had been regarded as highly unpalatable to its vertebrate (mainly avian) predators. This is due to the fact that the queen, like its cousin the monarch, feeds largely on Asclepiads. As the queen and the monarch are closely related, it was assumed that the queen also possesses the ability to effectively sequester and store cardenolides present in milkweeds.[9] As such, the queen and the Florida viceroy was long regarded a classic model-mimic example of Batesian mimicry, similar to the relationship exhibited by the monarch and the viceroy.[10]

However, the unexpected failure of birds to reject successive queens in an experimental setting[10] called into question the legitimacy of this relationship. In fact, experimental evidence suggested that Florida viceroys could be significantly more unpalatable than representative queens. Because experimental evidence showed sampled queens were significantly less distasteful than viceroys, it was purported that Florida viceroys and queens were Müllerian co-mimics.[22] Furthermore, evidence from this study led to the hypothesis that the queen actually enjoys an asymmetric mimicry relationship, gaining an advantage from flying in the company of the relatively more unpalatable viceroy.[22]

Palatability spectrum

Further experimentation suggested that chemical defense of queens is highly labile. It was shown that queens reared on the high-cardenolide A. curassavica sequester and store levels of cardenolides similar to those found in monarchs.[9] These butterflies were regarded as very distasteful and were largely rejected by avian predators. Furthermore, those that were eaten elicited high rates of distress behavior. However, queens reared on S. clausum, a larval host plant known to be a very poor cardenolide source, contain no detectable cardenolide and are essentially palatable to predators.[21] These highly variable responses of avian predators to queens reared on different plants suggest the existence of a food-plant-related palatability spectrum in Florida queen butterflies.[9]

Micro-geographic differences in the environment lead to variation in the dynamics of mimetic relationships even at a local level.[23] Spatiotemporal variation throughout different areas lead to large differences in unpalatability of queens separated by only a few kilometers. This extensive variation supports the idea that automimicy occurs at the intrapopulation level – palatable queens mimic individuals that have higher cardenolide content. By extension, interspecific mimicry is also highly variable. At hydric inland sites, which contain large numbers of A. curassavica, queens and viceroys are distasteful Müllerian mimics of one another, while at coastal sites queens probably serve as the palatable Batesian mimics of viceroys.[23]

Noncardenolide-derived defense

Queen unpalatability does not directly mirror either food plant or butterfly cardenolide content.[9] Evidence suggests that the interaction of cardenolides and noncardenolides are utilized for chemical defenses in milkweed butterflies.

Wild queens that fed upon S. clausum as larvae but had access to adult-obtained compounds, such as the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) used for pheromone production, were observed to be significantly less palatable to avian predators than butterflies without chemical defenses.[21] As such, these alkaloids, which are known to deter spider predators, may make a substantial contribution to queen distastefulness.


A queen butterfly in St. Louis, Missouri

Males patrol all day to seek females. Females can mate up to 15 times, a significantly higher number than other members of Lepidoptera.[3] Courtship and mating typically happen in the afternoon. Once a male and a female mate, the butterflies may remain coupled for more than an hour. Mated pairs often rest on foliage high up in a tree. Later, the female will fly closer to the ground than normal to find a suitable host for egg deposition.[18]


During courtship, which occurs while both butterflies are in flight, the male everts his hair-pencils and brushes them against the female's antennae. This act is called "hair-pencilling." The secretion associated with these hair-pencils plays an important role in seducing the female.[24] When the female comes to rest, the male hovers closely above her and subjects her to further “hair-pencilling” before alighting next to the female and copulating with her.[25] Afterwards, the two engage in a postnuptial flight - the male flies with the female dangling beneath him.[3]


The chemicals that comprise the pheromone are secreted by trichogen cells, which are located at the base of each hair-pencil. This liquid secretion moves from these cells, through the cuticle of the hairs, to coat the numerous free, cuticular dust particles that adhere to the hair-pencil surface.[26] Two of the chemicals that comprise this secretion have been identified – a crystalline pyrrolizidinone (ketone) and a viscous terpenoid alcohol (diol).[12] The diol imparts a stickiness that allows the secretion to stay on the dust, and the dust on antennae. The ketone is a releaser pheromone, inducing females to mate. Although insufficient levels of ketone present in the dust particle correlates to lower seductive capacity in the male,[25] some males with low levels of ketone – and even some without hair-pencils – have been known to mate successfully with females. This suggests that although hair-pencil pheromones are of major importance, they are not absolutely essential to mating.[11]

Importance of hair-pencils

Many butterflies possess extrusible brushlike structures, called hair-pencils. In the queen, the hair-pencils, which are present in the posterior abdomen in the male, are tucked away when the male is not interacting with the female.[25] As such, these organs are thought to serve as important tools for pheromone dissemination during courtship.[25]

Hair-pencils play an important role in courtship success. Although the lack of hair-pencils does not affect the rate at and enthusiasm with which males pursue females, males without hair-pencils experience significantly lower success in achieving copulation. Male queen butterflies with physically normal but chemically deficient hair-pencils also suffer from lower mating success.[11] In addition, adult female queens whose antennae have been blocked are not receptive to advances from competent male queens. However, physical contact between the male's hair-pencil and the female's antennae does not affect a male's mating success.[11] Males without hair-pencils are no less fertile than males with hair-pencils.[11]

That actively hair-pencilling males emit a very definite odor that can even be perceived by humans also supports the idea that it is not the hair-pencil itself that is important in courtship, but rather, the pheromone which the hair-pencil transports.[11]


  1. ^ "NatureServe Explorer 2.0 Danaus gilippus Queen". explorer.natureserve.org. Retrieved 3 October 2020.
  2. ^ Walker, A.; Willmott, K. (2021). "Danaus gilippus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2021: e.T160668A846007. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-1.RLTS.T160668A846007.en.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Scott, James A. (1997). The Butterflies of North America. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. pp. 228–232.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Howe, William H. (1975). The Butterflies of North America. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. pp. 75–77.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Klots, Alexander B. (1951). A Field Guide to the Butterflies of North America, East of the Great Plains. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Riverside Press. pp. 77–79.
  6. ^ a b "Danaus gilippus" at the Encyclopedia of Life
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Miller, David Spencer Smith; Lee D. Miller; Jacqueline Y. (1994). The butterflies of the West Indies and South Florida. Oxford;New York, NY;Tokyo: Oxford Univ. Pr. pp. 37, 40. ISBN 0-19-857199-2.
  8. ^ a b c New, T.R. (1997). Butterfly Conservation. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. pp. 15–16, 27, 45.
  9. ^ a b c d e Ritland, David B. (Apr 1994). "Variation in Palatability of Queen Butterflies (Danaus gilippus) and Implications Regarding Mimicry". Ecology. 75 (3): 732–746. doi:10.2307/1941731. JSTOR 1941731.
  10. ^ a b c van Zandt Brower, Jane (September 1958). "Experimental Studies of Mimicry in Some North American Butterflies. Part III. Danaus gilippus berenice and Limenitis archippus floridensis". Evolution. 12 (3): 273–285. doi:10.2307/2405851. JSTOR 2405851.
  11. ^ a b c d e f Myers, Judith; Brower, Lincoln P. (November 1969). "A behavioural analysis of the courtship pheromone receptors of the Queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus berenice". Journal of Insect Physiology. 15 (11): 2117–2120. doi:10.1016/0022-1910(69)90078-x.
  12. ^ a b Schneider, D.; Seibt, U. (6 June 1969). "Sex Pheromone of the Queen Bufferfly: Electroantennogram Responses". Science. 164 (3884): 1173–1174. Bibcode:1969Sci...164.1173S. doi:10.1126/science.164.3884.1173. PMID 17810531. S2CID 6570401.
  13. ^ "Danaus gilippus". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 19 September 2022.
  14. ^ "Danaus gilippus". BioLib.BioLib
  15. ^ Opler, Paul A. Attributes of Danaus gilippus. Butterflies and Moths of North America.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i Holland, W.J. (1931). The Butterfly Book. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. pp. 66–69.
  17. ^ a b J. Richard; Joan E. Heitzman; Kathy Love; LuAnne Larsen (1996). Butterflies and moths of Missouri. Jim Rathert, principal photographer. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Dept. of Conservation. pp. 197, 199. ISBN 1-887247-06-8.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Krizek, Paul A. Opler; George O. (1984). Butterflies: east of the Great Plains: an ill. natural history. Baltimore u.a.: Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-8018-2938-0.
  19. ^ Douglas, Matthew M. (1986). The lives of butterflies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-10078-5.
  20. ^ a b Scoble, Malcolm J. (1995). The Lepidoptera: form, function and diversity (Repr. (with corr.). ed.). Oxford [u.a.]: Natural History Museum [u.a.] ISBN 0-19-854952-0.
  21. ^ a b c Ritland, David B. (August 1991). "Palatability of aposematic queen butterflies (Danaus gilippus) feeding on Sarcostemma clausum (Asclepiadaceae) in Florida". Journal of Chemical Ecology. 17 (8): 1593–1610. doi:10.1007/bf00984691. PMID 24257883. S2CID 22781660.
  22. ^ a b Ritland, David B. (September 1991). "Unpalatability of viceroy butterflies (Limenitis archippus) and their purported mimicry models, Florida queens (Danaus gilippus)". Oecologia. 88 (1): 102–108. Bibcode:1991Oecol..88..102R. doi:10.1007/bf00328409. PMID 28312737. S2CID 24753614.
  23. ^ a b Moranz, Raymond; Lincoln P. Brower (May 1998). "Geographic and Temporal Variation of Cardenolide-Based Chemical Defenses of Queen Butterfly (Danaus gilippus) in Northern Florida". Journal of Chemical Ecology. 24 (5): 905–932. doi:10.1023/a:1022329702632. S2CID 23995699.
  24. ^ Meinwald, J.; Meinwald, Y. C.; Mazzocchi, P. H. (6 June 1969). "Sex Pheromone of the Queen Butterfly: Chemistry". Science. 164 (3884): 1174–1175. Bibcode:1969Sci...164.1174M. doi:10.1126/science.164.3884.1174. PMID 17810532. S2CID 35167178.
  25. ^ a b c d Pliske, T. E.; Eisner, T. (6 June 1969). "Sex Pheromone of the Queen Butterfly: Biology". Science. 164 (3884): 1170–1172. Bibcode:1969Sci...164.1170P. doi:10.1126/science.164.3884.1170. PMID 17810530. S2CID 2717872.
  26. ^ Pliske, TE; Salpeter, MM (June 1971). "The structure and development of the hairpencil glands in males of the Queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus berenice". Journal of Morphology. 134 (2): 215–42. doi:10.1002/jmor.1051340206. PMID 5135654. S2CID 22815403.

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Queen (butterfly): Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

The queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus) is a North and South American butterfly in the family Nymphalidae with a wingspan of 80–85 mm (3+1⁄8–3+3⁄8 in). It is orange or brown with black wing borders and small white forewing spots on its dorsal wing surface, and reddish ventral wing surface fairly similar to the dorsal surface. The ventral hindwings have black veins and small white spots in a black border. The male has a black androconial scent patch on its dorsal hindwings. It can be found in meadows, fields, marshes, deserts, and at the edges of forests.

This species is possibly a close relative to the similarly colored soldier butterfly (or tropical queen, D. eresimus), in any case, it is not close to the plain tiger (D. chrysippus, African queen) as was long believed. There are seven subspecies.

Females lay one egg at a time on larval host plants. Larvae use these plants as a food source, whereas adult butterflies feed mainly on nectar from flowers. Unpalatability to avian predators is a feature of the butterfly; however, its level is highly variable. Unpalatability is correlated with the level of cardenolides obtained via the larval diet, but other compounds like alkaloids also play a part in promoting distastefulness.

Males patrol to search for females, who may mate up to 15 times a day. Male organs called hair-pencils play an important role in courtship, with males with lower hair-pencil counts being selected against. These hair-pencils may be involved in releasing pheromones during courtship that could attract female mates.

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Danaus gilippus ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Le Papillon Reine (Danaus gilippus), est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Nymphalidae, de la sous-famille des Danainae et du genre Danaus.


Danaus gilippus a été décrit par Pieter Cramer en 1775 sous le nom initial de Papilio gilippus[1].

Noms vernaculaires

Danaus gilippus se nomme Queen en anglais, Papillon Reine en français[1],[2].


  • Danaus gilippus gilippus présent au Brésil.
  • Danaus gilippus berenice (Cramer, 1779).
  • Danaus gilippus candidus Clark, 1941 ; au Pérou.
  • Danaus gilippus cleothera (Godart, 1819) en République dominicaine
  • Danaus gilippus hermippus (C. et R. Felder, 1865) présent en Colombie.
  • Danaus gilippus jamaicensis (Bates, 1864) à la Jamaïque.
  • Danaus gilippus nivosus (Godman & Salvin, 1897) au Pérou.
  • Danaus gilippus strigosus (Bates, 1864)
  • Danaus gilippus thersippus (Bates, 1863) en Amérique Centrale et dans le sud de l'Amérique du Nord.
  • Danaus gilippus wheeleri Talbot, 1943 ; en Colombie.
  • Danaus gilippus xanthippus (C. et R. Felder, 1860)présent au Venezuela[1].


Danaus gilippus est un papillon d'une envergure qui varie de 67 à 98 mm, au corps orange à tête marron noir et aux ailes antérieures à bord externe légèrement concave[3]. Les ailes sont de couleur marron orangé bordées de noir et cette bordure est ornée de deux lignes de points blancs. Sur le revers des ailes postérieures les veines sont teintées de noir.



Les chenilles sont de couleur noire, annelées de blanc et ornées de taches jaunes et de trois paires de filaments[2],[4].


Danaus gilippus vole toute l'année en Floride et dans le sud du Texas[3]. Plus au nord, où il est migrateur, il n'est présent qu'en juillet-août.

Plantes hôtes

Les plantes hôtes de sa chenille sont de nombreuses Apocynaceae, des Asclepias Asclepias amplexicaulis , Asclepias curassavica (pour Danaus gilippus thersippus d'après les travaux de Roque-Albelo, 2004), Asclepias erosa, Asclepias humistrata, Asclepias incarnata et Asclepias tuberosa et des Sarcostemma dont Sarcostemma angustissima, des Nerium, des Vincetoxicum[1]. Ces espèces produisent un latex contenant des substances toxiques qui s'accumulent dans les chenilles, ce qui rend la chenille et le futur papillon toxiques pour les prédateurs[2].

Écologie et distribution

Danaus gilippus sur Chromolaena odorata (Mato Grosso, Brésil)

Danaus gilippus est présent en Amérique du Sud et la moitié sud de l'Amérique du Nord. Aux États-Unis, il est résident dans le sud et migrateur jusqu'en Utah, au Nevada, au Colorado, au Nebraska et le long de la cote Atlantique en Caroline du Nord. Il est résident au Mexique, au Guatemala, à Panama, en Colombie, au Venezuela, au Pérou, dans le nord de l'Argentine, au Brésil, au Surinam, en Guyana et en Guyane ainsi qu'à la Jamaïque en République dominicaine, et aux îles Galápagos[1].


Danaus gilippus réside dans les milieux ouverts ensoleillés, les prairies, les bords de routes, les dunes et même les déserts[3].


Pas de statut de protection particulier[3].

Notes et références

  1. a b c d et e « Danaus », sur funet.fi (consulté le 8 mars 2012)
  2. a b et c « Danaus gilippus », sur papiliorama.ch (consulté le 8 mars 2012)
  3. a b c et d « Danaus gilippus », sur butterfliesandmoths.org (consulté le 8 mars 2012)
  4. « Danaus gilippus thersippus », sur butterfliesofamerica.com (consulté le 7 mars 2012)


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Danaus gilippus: Brief Summary ( French )

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Le Papillon Reine (Danaus gilippus), est un insecte lépidoptère de la famille des Nymphalidae, de la sous-famille des Danainae et du genre Danaus.

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Danaus gilippus ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Danaus gilippus is een vlinder uit de familie Nymphalidae, onderfamilie Danainae.

De naam Danaus gilippus is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Cramer in 1775.[1]


De vleugels zijn bruin-oranje met een opvallende zwarte tekening.


De vlinder bezoekt graag bloemen van het geslacht Asclepias en Lippia.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze vlindersoort komt voor in de zuidelijke Verenigde Staten, Cuba, Jamaica tot aan Panama.

De rups en zijn waardplanten

De waardplanten behoren tot het geslacht Asclepias, maar ook Nerium oleander en Sarcostemma genieten een voorkeur.

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Danaus gilippus: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Danaus gilippus is een vlinder uit de familie Nymphalidae, onderfamilie Danainae.

De naam Danaus gilippus is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Cramer in 1775.

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Danaus gilippus ( Swedish )

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Danaus gilippus är en fjärilsart som liknar monarken och Danaus eresimus. Den förekommer på soliga platser i Västindien, södra Nordamerika och norra Sydamerika. Den är 7-9 cm lång. Vingarna är chokladfärgade med en svart kant och vita prickar på ovansidan och på undersidan förekommer även ett ådrat svart mönster. Larven är vanligtvis svart, vit och gul och skiljer sig från monarkens genom ett extra par antennliknande utskott. Det har förekommit fynd av larver med en mörkare teckning.[1]

De vita äggen läggs på, och larverna äter sedan på växter av Sidenörtssläktet. Dessa växter innehåller ämnen som framkallar illamående och kräkningar hos fåglar. Larverna samlar på sig dessa ämnen då de äter på sina värdväxter, och de finns även kvar i vuxna fjärilar. Eftersom fjärilsarten Limenitis archippus liknar monarken och Danaus gilippus där de samexisterar pågår forskning om sambandet mellan arterna. Fenomenet hos D. gilippus är en form av mimikry som kallas Browers mimikry och innebär en skyddande likhet inom arten.[2]

D. gilippus övervintrar som vuxen fjäril.


Externa länkar




  1. ^ http://www.naba.org/chapters/nabast/queendf.html
  2. ^ Pasteur 1982, s. 169-199

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Danaus gilippus: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Danaus gilippus är en fjärilsart som liknar monarken och Danaus eresimus. Den förekommer på soliga platser i Västindien, södra Nordamerika och norra Sydamerika. Den är 7-9 cm lång. Vingarna är chokladfärgade med en svart kant och vita prickar på ovansidan och på undersidan förekommer även ett ådrat svart mönster. Larven är vanligtvis svart, vit och gul och skiljer sig från monarkens genom ett extra par antennliknande utskott. Det har förekommit fynd av larver med en mörkare teckning.

De vita äggen läggs på, och larverna äter sedan på växter av Sidenörtssläktet. Dessa växter innehåller ämnen som framkallar illamående och kräkningar hos fåglar. Larverna samlar på sig dessa ämnen då de äter på sina värdväxter, och de finns även kvar i vuxna fjärilar. Eftersom fjärilsarten Limenitis archippus liknar monarken och Danaus gilippus där de samexisterar pågår forskning om sambandet mellan arterna. Fenomenet hos D. gilippus är en form av mimikry som kallas Browers mimikry och innebär en skyddande likhet inom arten.

D. gilippus övervintrar som vuxen fjäril.

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Danaus gilippus ( Vietnamese )

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Danaus gilippus là một loài bướm thuộc chi Danaus, họ Bướm giáp. Loài này phân bố ở Bắc MỹNam Mỹ. Loài này có sải cánh 2,75–3.25" (70–88mm). Nó có màu vàng hay nâu với các rìa cánh màu đen và các đốm cánh trước màu trắng.

Hình ảnh

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Opler, P. A.; A. D. Warren (2002). “Danaus gilippus”. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 7 năm 2013. Chú thích sử dụng tham số |coauthors= bị phản đối (trợ giúp)

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Danaus gilippus: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Danaus gilippus là một loài bướm thuộc chi Danaus, họ Bướm giáp. Loài này phân bố ở Bắc MỹNam Mỹ. Loài này có sải cánh 2,75–3.25" (70–88mm). Nó có màu vàng hay nâu với các rìa cánh màu đen và các đốm cánh trước màu trắng.

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ジョオウマダラ ( Japanese )

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ジョオウマダラ Danaus gilippus-03 (xndr).jpg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda : 昆虫綱 Insecta : チョウ目(鱗翅目) Lepidoptera 上科 : アゲハチョウ上科 Papilionoidea : タテハチョウ科 Nymphalidae 亜科 : マダラチョウ亜科 Danainae : マダラチョウ族 Danaini : オオカバマダラ属 Danaus : ジョオウマダラ D. gilippus 学名 Danaus gilippus
(Cramer, 1775) 英名 Queen butterfly

ジョオウマダラ (Danaus gilippus) は、チョウ目(鱗翅目)・アゲハチョウ上科タテハチョウ科に分類されるチョウの一種。





良く似た種に、ヘイタイマダラ (Danaus eresimus) やオオカバマダラ (Danaus plexippus) がいるが、本種は後翅の黒い翅脈に白い模様がある。



  • ケン・プレストン・マフハム(著者) 大谷剛(日本語版監修) 『世界チョウ図鑑500種』 ネコ・パブリッシングISBN 978-4-7770-5250-9。
 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ジョオウマダラに関連するメディアがあります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。


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ジョオウマダラ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

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 src= 幼虫

ジョオウマダラ (Danaus gilippus) は、チョウ目(鱗翅目)・アゲハチョウ上科タテハチョウ科に分類されるチョウの一種。

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