Image of Gephyromantis atsingy Crottini, Glaw, Casiraghi, Jenkins, Mercurio, Randrianantoandro, Randrianirina & Andreone 2011
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Gephyromantis atsingy Crottini, Glaw, Casiraghi, Jenkins, Mercurio, Randrianantoandro, Randrianirina & Andreone 2011


provided by Zookeys
Subadult male in mediocre state of preservation, with the belly opened for gonadal inspection and part of the ventral surface of thighs cut and opened to check the glands. SVL 34.8 mm; for other measurements see Tab. 1. Body slender; head longer than wide, in line with the body; snout slightly pointed in dorsal view, rather rounded in lateral view; nostrils directed laterally, much nearer to tip of snout than to eye; canthus rostralis well defined; tympanum distinct, rounded, its horizontal diameter about 50% of eye diameter; supratympanic fold well distinct, regularly curved; tongue distinctly bifid posteriorly. Arms slender; subarticular tubercles single; outer and inner metacarpal tubercles paired; fingers without webbing; finger disks triangular distinctly enlarged; nuptial pads absent. Hind limbs slender; tibiotarsal articulation reaching the nostril when hindlimbs are adpressed along body; lateral metatarsalia partly connected; inner metatarsal tubercle distinct, outer metatarsal tubercle small but recognizable; webbing of foot 1(1), 2i(1), 2e(1), 3i(2), 3e(1), 4i(2), 4e(2), 5(1). Skin slightly granular on dorsum and belly, ventral skin smooth on throat and chest. Femoral glands cluster ("Type 2", according to Glaw et al. 2000) hardly recognizable from external view, but with an overall granular structure and with 4–6 single whitish granular glands of ca. 1 mm diameter scattered on thighs. The vocal sacs in the male holotype are indistinct. The live colouration, based upon the photograph taken by J.E. Randrianirina is light brownish with darker dots and marbling (Fig. 2; A). The finger and toe tips are lighter than the remnant parts of fore- and hindlegs. After about seven years of preservation in ethanol the holotype still conserves the original marbled-brownish colour patterns, although it showed a slight loss of colour (Fig. 2; K–L). In particular, the belly became much whitish and inconspicuous. A rather characteristic and darker X-shaped marking is visible on the shoulder region, as well as a diffuse marbling darker pattern on the back and head. The tympanum is whitish. Limbs are brownish, with dark brown cross-bands: 3 on femur, 3 on tibia, 5–6 on tarsus and foot, 4 on lower arm and hand. On the flanks, the dorsal colour fades into the whitish ventral colour. The ventral side is uniformly cream-whitish on forelimbs and belly, while the throat is very lightly pigmented.
Angelica Crottini, Frank Glaw, Maurizio Casiraghi, Richard K.B. Jenkins, Vincenzo Mercurio, Christian Randrianantoandro, Jasmin E. Randrianirina, Franco Andreone
bibliographic citation
Crottini A, Glaw F, Casiraghi M, Jenkins R, Mercurio V, Randrianantoandro C, Randrianirina J, Andreone F (2011) A new Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) frog species from the pinnacle karst of Bemaraha, western Madagascar ZooKeys 81: 51–71
Angelica Crottini
Frank Glaw
Maurizio Casiraghi
Richard K.B. Jenkins
Vincenzo Mercurio
Christian Randrianantoandro
Jasmin E. Randrianirina
Franco Andreone
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
Only known from the localities of the type specimens within the Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park.
Angelica Crottini, Frank Glaw, Maurizio Casiraghi, Richard K.B. Jenkins, Vincenzo Mercurio, Christian Randrianantoandro, Jasmin E. Randrianirina, Franco Andreone
bibliographic citation
Crottini A, Glaw F, Casiraghi M, Jenkins R, Mercurio V, Randrianantoandro C, Randrianirina J, Andreone F (2011) A new Gephyromantis (Phylacomantis) frog species from the pinnacle karst of Bemaraha, western Madagascar ZooKeys 81: 51–71
Angelica Crottini
Frank Glaw
Maurizio Casiraghi
Richard K.B. Jenkins
Vincenzo Mercurio
Christian Randrianantoandro
Jasmin E. Randrianirina
Franco Andreone
visit source
partner site