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Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot.

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pycnidium of Lichenoconium coelomycetous anamorph of Lichenoconium usneae lives on/in dark brown to blackened apothecium of Cladonia arbuscula

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Cladonia arbuscula ( anglais )

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Cladonia arbuscula, also referred to as shrubby cup lichen[2] or green reindeer lichen, is a species of cup lichen in the Cladoniaceae family. The lichen is composed of two thalli; an initial primary squamulose thallus growing across bark in a scaly, flaking pattern, followed by a secondary fruticose thallus (podetium), with cup shaped podetia (4-10cm tall) bearing terminal ascocarps contained in apothecial structures.[3][4] The coloring of C. arbuscula varies between subspecies, but is primarily white-gray, pale yellow, or bright green, with darker orange tips where ascocarps are formed.[4][5][6] The thallus shows negative results in typical K-tests with no color change.

Magnified view of Cladonia arbuscula podetium with dark terminal ascocarps.



The species name "arbuscula" is Latin for the word "bush" or "shrub", which may be due to the fact that the lichen has branches that resemble a bush.[7]


C. arbuscula has 6 subspecies:[8]

  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot.
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. beringiana Ahti
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. boliviana (Ahti) Ahti & De Priest
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. imshaugii (Ahti) Ahti & De Priest
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. mitis (Sandst.) Ruoss
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. pachyderma (Ahti) Ahti & De Priest

Distribution and Habitat

Global Distribution

C. arbuscula is found throughout the world, tolerating harsh conditions that many vegetative plants cannot. It is widely spread in Canada and the Northern United States (mostly Alaska), but also found in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Although it is relatively uncommon in the Pacific Northwest, it can be found there. Common in Labrador and Newfoundland and found throughout England and Ireland.[5] It has been found in more southern latitudes such as Chile, Tasmania, and New Zealand as well, but is most dominant in northern latitudes.[9] The lichen is considered to be secure in terms of conservation, but in some subspecies there are areas of concern in which the species is declining.[10]


Lichens typically grow in areas of high climatic stress, where many vascular plants cannot tolerate the conditions and survive. C. arbuscula is most commonly found growing on white or black spruce, but can be found on the ground in bogs or fens as well as growing on sunny rocks. Reindeer lichens require a small amount of soil in order to stay attached to their substrate, but rarely grow directly on soil due to their ability ot absorb nutrients and water from the air. Other substrates that C. arbuscula can be found on include decaying organic material, raised peat, other coniferous or hardwood trees, and rely on lakeshore rocks.[3][11][5][12] The species can be found growing in association with mosses in some cases, which is thouhgt ot help with their attachment to rocks or woody debris.The species is shade intolerant, and typically cannot grow in areas with 70% canopy cover or more. With the exception of populations in the Pacific Northwest, reindeer lichen grow dominantly in cool, dry sites. They avoid areas with standing water, and in areas of high moisture will grow in the driest microbiomes. C. arbuscula is more commonly found in moist areas when compared to other species in the genus, but still prefers dry, cool habitats for ideal growth. Reindeer lichens are rarely found at high elevations, and grow dominantly at low-middle elevations.

Reproduction and Growth

Asexual Reproduction

C. arbuscula can reproduce both asexually and sexually. The asexual reproduction process can occur through fragmentation of the primary thallus in which a small portion of the thallus can regenerate a fully productive new thallus as long as the original portion contains both algal and fungal cells. Asexual spores known as conidia are produced on pycnidia borne at the edges of the podetia cups[6][12] and are used to reproduce asexually via fragmentation. Due to the microscopic nature of these asexual reproductive elements, not many studies have been done to describe the in depth reproduction of C. arbuscula.[3]

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction in C. arbuscula is done through the production and release of ascospores. These sexual spores are contained in an ascus located at the tip of the podetia, and are dispersed via wind. This lichen does not disperse far from the parent organism, however, with an average dispersal distance of only around 8-10 inches in forest sites and no more than 30 inches in prairies and savannas. Lichen fragments can be dispersed from animals at longer distances, but this is not the main method used in reproduction and regeneration.[3] Lichens reproduce sexually in one of two ways, heterothally or homothally, yet the obligate lifestyle of Cladonia species and many others makes studying the sexual reproductive cycle nearly impossible in a lab, and remains unknown for this species.[13]


Most lichens are slow growing and have long life spans, particularly in the Cladonia species of reindeer lichen. Despite the overall slow process of growth, their lives can be broken down into three distinct sections of growth. The first stage of growth consists of the fastest increase in size, and is considered the growth accumulation period. The lichen grows larger in size every year without losing any parts of the podetium. This first stage typically lasts around 10 years, but depending on species and location can range from 6-25 years.[3] Especially in areas disturbed by fire regimes, growth rates are on average 4.8 mm/year, but can reach up to 12 mm/year.[14] The second period of growth is known as the renovation period, and while the podetium height continues to increase, internodes begin to decay and die at the base. This is the longest stage, lasting over 100 years in some cases. Finally, the withering period lasts around 10-20 years and consists of the decay of both the remaining internodes and the podetia.[3]

Growth periods depend heavily on a multitude of outside factors, such as habitat, climate, amount of grazing, fire regimes, and substrate material. Growth rates appear to be highest in areas with high fire disturbance and high grazing, however the overall size of lichen in areas of high grazing were on smaller on average.[3][14]


Interactions with Other Species

Cladonia arbuscula is a vital foodsource for caribou in the Northern hemisphere. Due to the lichen's ability to survive through cold, dry winters, they are a primary food source throughout winter for many caribou in North America. In Canada, the lichen make up around 50-90% of the caribou's diet (according to studies of caribou rumens). The fungi however can be damaged by large numbers of caaaribou due to overgrazing and trampling. Some small mammals such as voles and mice feed on these lichens in the winter as well. Despite the low protein levels of these lichen, especially in comparison with other vascular plants, they are the main food source for many animals, and if not protected can cause bottom-up trophic cascades with detrimental effects on caribou populations.[15] Lichens themselves are photosymbionts, and consist of intermixing fungal, cyanobacteria, and algal layers working together to survive.[16]

Fire Ecology

Thallus fragments can travel fro unburned areas to freshly burned ones and easily colonize the shadeless, dry terrain. In areas of recent burns, C. arbuscula growth rates increased substantially compared to areas without fire.[3][14] While reindeer lichens can persist in the absence of fire, the decreased canopy cover and increased groundlayer biodiversity from frequent burns can significantly help lichens grow. Fire itself does kill reindeer lichen, but leads to more favorable conditions for growth post-fire. C. arbuscula is typically found in late primary successional stages, and in early-middle secondary successional stages. Caribou grazing and trampling can affect the diversity of lichen in an area by causing early and late successional staged species to grow simultaneously.


Despite the species being considered stable and secure globally, there are many threats facing C. arbuscula across the globe. These threats include pollution, fire suppression, and mountain pine beetles. C. arbuscula is extremely sensitive to pollution, and heavy metals and acids from factories or manufacturing facilities can travel miles and harm these lichen. The toxins build up in the lichens and inhibit growth and kill many organisms each year. Mountain pine beetles indirectly affect reindeer lichen as well due to their ability to cause large scale lodgepole pine death, a commonly used substrate for the lichen.[3]


  1. ^ "Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. names - Encyclopedia of Life". eol.org. Retrieved 2020-09-23.
  2. ^ "Standardized Common Names for Wild Species in Canada". National General Status Working Group. 2020.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Cladonia (Cladina) spp.)". www.fs.usda.gov. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  4. ^ a b "Cladonia arbuscula". fungi.myspecies.info. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  5. ^ a b c Brabban, David. "Cladonia Arbuscula" (PDF). British Lichen Society.
  6. ^ a b "Cladonia sp. (Lichens of Bouverie Preserve) · iNaturalist". iNaturalist. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  7. ^ "Latin Definition for: arbuscula, arbusculae (ID: 4442) - Latin Dictionary and Grammar Resources - Latdict". latin-dictionary.net. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  8. ^ "Index Fungorum - Search Page". www.indexfungorum.org. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  9. ^ "Cladonia arbuscula". www.gbif.org. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  10. ^ "NatureServe Explorer 2.0". explorer.natureserve.org. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  11. ^ Brodo, Irwin M.; Cameron, Robert; Andrachuk, Heather; Craig, Brian (2001). Identifying Lichens of Nova Scotia. Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Coordinating Office, Environment Canada.
  12. ^ a b "Consortium of Lichen Herbaria - Cladonia arbuscula". lichenportal.org. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  13. ^ Seymour, Fabian A.; Crittenden, Peter D.; Dickinson, Matthew J.; Paoletti, Mathieu; Montiel, Dolores; Cho, Lily; Dyer, Paul S. (2005-06-01). "Breeding systems in the lichen-forming fungal genus Cladonia". Fungal Genetics and Biology. 42 (6): 554–563. doi:10.1016/j.fgb.2005.03.006. ISSN 1087-1845. PMID 15893256.
  14. ^ a b c Dunford, Jesse S.; McLoughlin, Phillip D.; Dalerum, Fredrik; Boutin, Stan A. (December 2006). "Lichen abundance in the peatlands of northern Alberta: Implications for boreal caribou". ResearchGate.
  15. ^ "Rangifer tarandus". bioweb.uwlax.edu. Retrieved 2023-05-07.
  16. ^ Arun, Ashitha B.; Girish, Shabari; Ravi, Lokesh (2023-01-01), Dharumadurai, Dhanasekaran (ed.), "Chapter 9 - Photobiont symbiotic association in lichens", Microbial Symbionts, Developments in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Academic Press, pp. 161–175, ISBN 978-0-323-99334-0, retrieved 2023-05-07
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Mets-põdrasamblik ( estonien )

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Mets-põdrasamblik Raplamaal

Mets-põdrasamblik (Cladonia arbuscula; varem Cladonia sylvatica või Cladina arbuscula) on liik samblikke põdrasambliku perekonnast.

Mets-põdrasamblik on valkjasrohekas põõsasjas peamiselt maapinnal kasvav samblik.

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Valkoporonjäkälä ( finnois )

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Valkoporonjäkälä (Cladonia arbuscula) on torvijäkälien sukuun kuuluva jäkälä. Se on Suomen toiseksi yleisin poronjäkälälaji. Lisäksi se on merkittävä poron ravintojäkälä poronjäkälän ohella.[1]

Jäkälä muodostaa laajoja 5–10 senttimetriä korkeita tiheähaaraisia mattoja. Väriltään se on kellertävän vaaleanharmaa. Latvahaarat ovat samaan suuntaan kääntyneitä. Kärkiosat ovat tummettuvia. Kasvaa kuivissa kangasmetsissä, kalliolla, kivillä ja lahopuilla. Se on jäkäläkankaiden valtalajeja. Hyvin yleinen Etelä- ja Keski-Suomessa, pohjoisessa niukempi.[1]

Saattaa sekoittua mietoporonjäkälään (Cladonia mitis), jonka kanssa se mahdollisesti risteytyy, mutta välimuotoja on ainakin havaittu. Lajit erottaa yleensä siitä, että valkoporonjäkälällä on rotevampi pääranka sekä haarainen ja taipunut latvus.[1]


  1. a b c Stenroos, Soili & Ahti, Teuvo et al.: Suomen jäkäläopas, s. 117. Helsinki: Luonnontieteellisen keskusmuseon kasvimuseo, 2011. ISBN 978-952-10-6804-1.

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Valkoporonjäkälä: Brief Summary ( finnois )

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Valkoporonjäkälä (Cladonia arbuscula) on torvijäkälien sukuun kuuluva jäkälä. Se on Suomen toiseksi yleisin poronjäkälälaji. Lisäksi se on merkittävä poron ravintojäkälä poronjäkälän ohella.

Jäkälä muodostaa laajoja 5–10 senttimetriä korkeita tiheähaaraisia mattoja. Väriltään se on kellertävän vaaleanharmaa. Latvahaarat ovat samaan suuntaan kääntyneitä. Kärkiosat ovat tummettuvia. Kasvaa kuivissa kangasmetsissä, kalliolla, kivillä ja lahopuilla. Se on jäkäläkankaiden valtalajeja. Hyvin yleinen Etelä- ja Keski-Suomessa, pohjoisessa niukempi.

Saattaa sekoittua mietoporonjäkälään (Cladonia mitis), jonka kanssa se mahdollisesti risteytyy, mutta välimuotoja on ainakin havaittu. Lajit erottaa yleensä siitä, että valkoporonjäkälällä on rotevampi pääranka sekä haarainen ja taipunut latvus.

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Cladonia arbuscula ( italien )

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Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. (1839), (= Cladonia arbuscula subsp. arbuscula), è una specie di lichene appartenente al genere Cladonia, dell'ordine Lecanorales.

Il nome deriva dal latino arbuscula, arboscello, piccolo albero, a causa della fitta ramificazione che la rende simile ad un albero in miniatura; come tutte le specie della sezione Cladina è fra i licheni preferiti dalle renne.

Caratteristiche fisiche

Il tallo primario di questa specie si presenta crostoso all'aspetto, e spesso non è presente. I podezi sono abbondantemente ramificati in tutte le direzioni, non hanno cortex e sono di colore giallo, diversamente da C. rangiferina che li ha di colore grigio. Non molto distinguibile dalle altre specie della sezione Cladina; in modo particolare si distingue della Cladonia mitis solo per il sapore: alla masticazione la mitis è dolce e la arbuscula decisamente amarognola.[1]


Presente in alta montagna, forma tappeti erbosi di una certa estensione sul terreno.

Località di ritrovamento

La specie si può quasi definire cosmopolita, essendo stata ritrovata nelle seguenti località:

Canada (Nunavut, Nuovo Brunswick, Alberta, Terranova, Labrador, Nuova Scozia, Ontario, Québec, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Columbia Britannica); USA (Connecticut, Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Carolina del Sud, Vermont, Alabama, Maryland, Wisconsin, Alaska, New York (stato), Montana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Washington, Colorado, Virginia Occidentale); Germania (Meclemburgo, Sassonia-Anhalt, Amburgo, Renania-Palatinato, Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia, Baden-Württemberg, Baviera, Berlino, Essen, Schleswig-Holstein, Turingia), Spagna (Castiglia e León, Cantabria), Marocco, Madera, Isole Canarie, Corea del Sud, Andorra,

Cladonia arbuscula

Repubblica Ceca, Islanda, Irlanda, Isole Svalbard, Cile, Austria (Oberösterreich, Steiermark), Lituania, Norvegia, Svezia, Danimarca, Portogallo, Cina (Yunnan), Romania, Ungheria, Groenlandia, Regno Unito, Bolivia.

In Italia, in senso generico si può definire abbastanza rara al nord a ridosso della catena alpina, mentre è molto rara in Sardegna. Più in particolare è stata rinvenuta nella parte settentrionale del Friuli, nel Veneto settentrionale, in tutto il Trentino-Alto Adige, nelle valli del versante nordorientale della Lombardia, in tutta la Valle d'Aosta, nelle valli dei versanti occidentale e settentrionale del Piemonte con diffusione alquanto comune; abbastanza rara in Liguria e in Sardegna.[2]


Cladonia arbuscula, apoteci

Questa specie attualmente appartiene alla sezione Cladina, più comunemente conosciuti come licheni delle renne[3] e presenta le seguenti forme, sottospecie e varietà (al 2008):

  • Cladonia arbuscula f. arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. (1839).
  • Cladonia arbuscula f. caerulescens (Schade) Grummann (1963).
  • Cladonia arbuscula f. decumbens (Anders) Asahina (1971).
  • Cladonia arbuscula f. subspumosa (Coem.) Grummann (1963).
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. (1845).
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. arbuscula (Wallr.) Hale & W. L. Culb.
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. beringiana Ahti (1961).
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. boliviana (Ahti) Ahti & DePriest (2001).
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. imshaugii (Ahti) Ahti & DePriest (2001).
Cladonia arbuscula
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. mitis (Sandst.) Ruoss (1987), (= Cladonia mitis).
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. pachyderma (Ahti) Ahti & DePriest (2001).
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. squarrosa (Wallr.) Ruoss (1987).
  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. stictica Ruoss (1989), (= Cladonia mitis).
  • Cladonia arbuscula var. arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. (1839).
  • Cladonia arbuscula var. mitis (Sandst.) Sipman, (= Cladonia mitis).



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Cladonia arbuscula: Brief Summary ( italien )

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Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. (1839), (= Cladonia arbuscula subsp. arbuscula), è una specie di lichene appartenente al genere Cladonia, dell'ordine Lecanorales.

Il nome deriva dal latino arbuscula, arboscello, piccolo albero, a causa della fitta ramificazione che la rende simile ad un albero in miniatura; come tutte le specie della sezione Cladina è fra i licheni preferiti dalle renne.

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Lys reinlav ( norvégien )

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Lys reinlav (Cladonia arbuscula) er en lavart i slekten begerlav (Cladonia). Den vokser på bakken, gjerne på næringsfattig mark, og med buskformet thallus (plantelegeme) med podetier som blir opptil 10-12 cm høy. Fargen er normalt lys blekgul eller gulgrønn. Vanlig i hele landet. Den vokser ofte sammen andre lavarter i gruppen reinlav som grå reinlav og kvitkrull. Kan forveksles med fjellreinlav, men greinspissene på lys reinlav går ofte i alle retninger mens greinspissene på fjellreinlav gjerne bøyer seg til samme side.


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Lys reinlav: Brief Summary ( norvégien )

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Lys reinlav (Cladonia arbuscula) er en lavart i slekten begerlav (Cladonia). Den vokser på bakken, gjerne på næringsfattig mark, og med buskformet thallus (plantelegeme) med podetier som blir opptil 10-12 cm høy. Fargen er normalt lys blekgul eller gulgrønn. Vanlig i hele landet. Den vokser ofte sammen andre lavarter i gruppen reinlav som grå reinlav og kvitkrull. Kan forveksles med fjellreinlav, men greinspissene på lys reinlav går ofte i alle retninger mens greinspissene på fjellreinlav gjerne bøyer seg til samme side.

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Chrobotek leśny ( polonais )

fourni par wikipedia POL
Cladonia arbuscula subsp. squarrosa
Cladonia arbuscula-5.jpg

Chrobotek leśny, chrobotka leśna (Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot.) – gatunek grzybów należący do rodziny chrobotkowatych (Cladoniaceae)[1]. Ze względu na współżycie z glonami zaliczany jest do porostów[2].

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Cladonia, Cladoniaceae, Lecanorales, Lecanoromycetidae, Lecanoromycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi[1].

Po raz pierwszy takson ten zdiagnozował w 1829 r. Carl Wallroth nadając mu nazwę Patellaria foliacea var. arbuscula. Obecną, uznaną przez Index Fungorum nazwę nadał mu w 1839 r. Flotow, przenosząc go do rodzaju Cladonia[1].

Gatunek ten występuje w dwóch podgatunkach[1]:

  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot. 1839. Synonimy: Cladina arbuscula (Wallr.) Burgaz,

Cladina arbuscula (Wallr.) Burgaz, subsp. arbuscula, Cladonia sylvatica var. scabrosa Leight.

  • Cladonia arbuscula subsp. squarrosa (Wallr.) Ruoss 1987. Synonim: Cladina arbuscula subsp. squarrosa (Wallr.) Burgaz

Nazwa polska według Krytycznej listy porostów i grzybów naporostowych Polski[2].

W Polsce występuje podgatunek squarrosa[2]. W polskim piśmiennictwie mykologicznym czasami wyróżnia się jeszcze podgatunek Cladonia arbuscula subsp. mitis (Sandst.) Ruoss 1987[2], jednak według Index Fungorum jest to odrębny gatunek, o polskiej nazwie chrobotek łagodny (Cladonia mitis)[3].


Plecha z glonami protokokkoidalnymi, zróżnicowana na plechę pierwotną i wtórną. Skorupiasta plecha pierwotna zanika bardzo wcześnie. Plecha wtórna to krzaczkowate podecja o wysokości 2–10 cm i grubości 0,7–2 mm. Podecja są puste w środku, rozgałęzione 2-4-dzielnie, a ich brunatne zakończenia są lekko zagięte w jedną stronę. W miejscu rozgałęzień występuje otworek. Kory brak, powierzchnia podecjów jest pilśniowata i ma barwę żółtozieloną lub szarozieloną. Smak gorzki. Reakcje barwne: podecja K -, Pd+ czerwony[3].

Owocniki pojawiają się bardzo rzadko na szczytach gałązek. Są to apotecja lecideowe o brązowych tarczkach i średnicy 0,5-0,8 mm. W jednym worku powstaje po 8 bezbarwnych, jednokomórkowych askospor o rozmiarach 7-13 × 2,5-5 μm. Często natomiast na szczytach gałązek występują brązowe pyknidy[3].

Występowanie i siedlisko

Występuje w Ameryce Północnej, Środkowej, Południowej, Europie i Azji, znany jest także na wielu wyspach. Szczególnie częsty jest na półkuli północnej, tutaj jego północny zasięg sięga po północne wybrzeża Grenlandii i Svalbard[4]. W Polsce jest pospolity na terenie całego kraju[3].

Rośnie w świetlistych borach sosnowych i lasach mieszanych[3]. W Polsce podlega ochronie częściowej[5].

Gatunki podobne

W Polsce występują cztery bardzo podobne gatunki chrobotków: leśny (Cladonia arbuscula), łagodny (Cladonia mitis), reniferowy (Cladonia rangiferina) i najeżony (Cladonia portentosa). Wszystkie są pospolite i występują na podobnych siedliskach. Sytuację dodatkowo komplikuje fakt, że niektóre z nich posiadają podgatunki, a jeszcze bardziej to, że te same gatunki opisywane są pod różnymi nazwami, w zależności od przyjętej taksonomii. Chrobotka łagodnego najłatwiej rozróżnić po smaku (ma łagodny), chrobotek najeżony tworzy najczęściej 3-dzielne rozgałęzienia, chrobotek reniferowy 3-4-dzielne i jest jasnoszary[3].


  1. a b c d Index Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2013-11-12].
  2. a b c d Wiesław Fałtynowicz: The Lichenes, Lichenicolous and allied Fungi of Poland.Krytyczna lista porostów i grzybów naporostowych Polski. Kraków: Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera PAN, 2003. ISBN 83-89648-06-7.
  3. a b c d e f Hanna Wójciak: Porosty, mszaki, paprotniki. Warszawa: Multico Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2010. ISBN 978-83-7073-552-4.
  4. Discover Life Maps. [dostęp 2014-04-18].
  5. Dz.U. z 2014 r. nr 0, poz. 1408 – Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 października 2014 r. w sprawie ochrony gatunkowej grzybów
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Chrobotek leśny: Brief Summary ( polonais )

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 src= Cladonia arbuscula subsp. squarrosa Cladonia arbuscula-5.jpg

Chrobotek leśny, chrobotka leśna (Cladonia arbuscula (Wallr.) Flot.) – gatunek grzybów należący do rodziny chrobotkowatych (Cladoniaceae). Ze względu na współżycie z glonami zaliczany jest do porostów.

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wikipedia POL

Cladonia arbuscula ( Szl )

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[[Bild:Reinlav - Cladonia.JPG|mini|Cladonia arbuscula tillsammans med grå renlav (Cladonia rangiferina) i fönsterlav (Cladonia stellaris).]]

Cladonia arbuscula je porost[2], co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Carl (Karl) Friedrich Wilhelm Wallroth, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Flot. Cladonia arbuscula nŏleży do zorty Cladonia i familije Cladoniaceae.[3][4]


Gatōnek sie dzieli na take podgatōnki:[3]

  • arbuscula (gulvit renlav)[5]
  • mitis (mild renlav)[5]
  • boliviana
  • imshaugii
  • pachyderma


  1. Hale & W. L. Culb. (1970) Bryologist, Vol.: 73 p. 510
  2. Flot. (1839) Wendt: Thermen Warmbrunn, p. 94
  3. 3,0 3,1 Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.): Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2019 Annual Checklist.. Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands., 2019. [dostymp 24 września 2012].
  4. LIAS: A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-Lichenized Ascomycetes. Rambold G. (lead editor); for detailed information see http://liaslight.lias.net/About/Impressum.html and http://liasnames.lias.net/About/Impressum.html, 2019-03-09
  5. 5,0 5,1 Dyntaxa Cladonia arbuscula
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wikipedia SZL

Cladonia arbuscula: Brief Summary ( Szl )

fourni par wikipedia SZL

[[Bild:Reinlav - Cladonia.JPG|mini|Cladonia arbuscula tillsammans med grå renlav (Cladonia rangiferina) i fönsterlav (Cladonia stellaris).]]

Cladonia arbuscula je porost, co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Carl (Karl) Friedrich Wilhelm Wallroth, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Flot. Cladonia arbuscula nŏleży do zorty Cladonia i familije Cladoniaceae.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia SZL