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Branchamphinome Hartman 1967

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

"Genus Branchamphinome, new genus

Type Branchamphinome antarctica, new species

The body is ovate; branchiae are dendritically divided and present on all segments. The prostomium has four large eyes, three antennae, and is followed by a tripartite caruncle. Parapodia are biramous, have numer­ous long, slender setae; notopodia have a few thick spurred setae; neuro­podia have similar slenderer setae and a few thick, long setae later­ally serrated. This species has affinities with Benthoscolex Horst (1912) in having a tripartite prostomial caruncle; but it has eyes and bran­chiae are on the first segment. Branchiae are better developed in Branch­amphinome than in Benthoscolex."

(Hartman, 1967)