
Rosa lyoni

Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Rosa lyoni Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 345. 1814
Rosa pusilla Raf. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. 5: 218. 1820.
Rosa lucida y T. & G. Fl. N. Am. 1: 459. 1840.
Rosa humilis villosa Best, Bull. Torrey Club 14: 256. 1887.
Stem usually low, 3-15 dm. high, terete, glabrous, more or less bristly, especially the young shoots, armed with infrastipular prickles, which are spreading, usually slender and terete, 4-8 mm. long, or rarely stouter, up to 10 mm. long, and then slightly flattened below; stipules adnate, usually narrow or the upper somewhat dilated, 1.5-2 cm. long, more or less villous, often somewhat glandular-dentate; petiole and rachis villous, sometimes prickly or glandularhispid; free portion of the petioles 1-2 cm. long; leaflets 5-7, oval to lance-elliptic, usually acute at both ends or rarely obtuse at the apex, 1.5-5 cm. long, regularly serrate, the lateral ones short-petioluled, rather thin and dull, sparingly pubescent or glabrate above, decidedly villous beneath; flowers 2-4, corymbose or solitary; pedicels 1-4 cm. long, more or less glandular-hispid; hypanthium usually depressed-globose, more or less glandular-hispid or rarely glabrous, in fruit 8-10 mm. broad; sepals lanceolate, caudate-acuminate, glandular-hispid on the back, tomentose within, 1.5-2 cm. long; some of them usually with linear or subulate lobes, after anthesis reflexed and soon deciduous; petals obcordate, rose-colored, 2-2.5 cm. long; styles distinct, persistent, not exserted; achenes attached in the bottom of the hypanthium.
Type locality: Tennessee.
Distribution: Massachusetts to Georgia, Arkansas, Kansas, and Minnesota.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Per Axel Rydberg. 1918. ROSACEAE (conclusio). North American flora. vol 22(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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موقع الشريك
North American Flora