
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Astragalus marcidus Greene, sp. nov
A subacaulescent cespitose perennial; stems several, very short; leaves about 1 dm. long, spreading; stipules deltoid, about 5 mm. long, silky-villous with long loose hairs; peduncles 7-12 cm. long, long-villous; racemes very dense, 5-8 cm. long; bracts lance-subulate, about 5 mm. long; calyx loosely silky-villous, the tube 6 mm. long, the teeth 2 mm. long, subulate; corolla apparently white, 12 mm. long, nearly as in A. Bigelovii, but the keel-petals broader and shorter; pod densely villous, 1 cm. long or less, rounded-ovoid, slightly arched, sulcate on the upper suture, 4 mm. wide, 6 mm. thick.
Type collected in the Davis Mountains, Texas, April 28, 1902, Tracy & Earle 319 (herb. N. Y. Bot. Gard.).
Distribution: Western Texas and Chihuahua.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Per Axel Rydberg. 1919. (ROSALES); FABACEAE; PSORALEAE. North American flora. vol 24(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora