
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Pseudoparmelia aptata

Pseudoparmelia aptata (Krempelhuber) Hale, 1974:189.

Parmelia aptata Krempelhuber in Nylander, 1869:291 [type collection: Kotgurh, Himalayas, India, Skoliczka 509 (M, lectotype; BM, H, K, US, isolectotypes)].

Parmelia asmarana Vainio, 1898b:37 [type collection: Asmara, Ethiopia, Levander (TUR, Vainio herbarium number 2664, lectotype)].

Parmelia nipponica Zahlbruckner, 1927:353 [type collection: Hachinoche, Japan, Faurie 1239 (W, lectotype)].

DESCRIPTION.—Thallus adnate on bark, whitish mineral gray, 6–12 cm broad; lobes sublinear to subirregular, more or less apically rotund, 2–5 mm wide; upper surface plane, continuous or cracked with age, laminally sorediate, the soralia capitate; medulla white except for pale orange pigmentation below the soralia; lower surface black, sparsely rhizinate except for a narrow marginal papillate zone. Apothecia not seen.

CHEMISTRY.—Cortex K+ yellow, medulla K−, C−, KC+ rose, P−; atranorin, perlatolic acid, and an unidentified pigment.

DISTRIBUTION.—Africa, India, Indonesia, Australia, and Japan.

HABITAT.—On trees (Pinus, deciduous trees), secondary forests at low to mid elevations.
bibliographic citation
Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1976. "A Monograph of the Lichen Genus Pseudoparmelia Lynge (Parmeliaceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-62. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.31