
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Leptonema fortunum

Leptonema undescribed species “A.”—McElravy et al., 1981:153; 1982:307,310, 312.

MALE.—Color in alcohol, uniformly brown. Forewing length 15–18 mm.

Malar space narrow, about height of eye. Parafacial and postocular areas about width of malar; postocular area with a row of 3–5 stout setae. Maxillary palpus with apical segment about length of basal 4 segments combined. Fifth sternum with process large, elongate, ovoid.

Genitalia: Tenth tergum with wart a on a short stalk; warts b1 and b2 on long stalks; lateral lobe broadly rounded apically. Clasper with apical segment short, terete; basal segment about 4 times as long as apical, base unmodified. Phallobase elongate, slightly angulate; a slightly produced, with a small dorsal point; b elongate, reflexed, sinuate; f short, tip bifid; g developed into a pointed, erect, dorsal lobe and an apical lobe ending in a ventromesal point.

MAP 20.—Distributions of Leptonema hamuli, new species, L. fortunum, new species, L. plicatum Mosely, and L. michoacanense, new species


TYPES.—Holotype (male): PANAMA, Pcia. Chiriquí;, Rio Chiriquí, Fortuna dam site, week 44 1978, H. Wolda (OTU #22).

Paratypes: Same, but various dates between Nov 1976 and Dec 1977, 874 .

Holotype in USNM; paratypes in CNC, UCB, and USNM.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr., McAlpine, J. F., and Ross, H. H. 1987. "A Revision of the Genus Leptonema Guérin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae: Macronematinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-193. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.450