
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Leptonema auriculatum

MALE.—Color ochraceous; forewing ochraceous slightly darker along chord and in cells, nygmata dark. Forewing length 19–20 mm.

Malar space relatively broad, almost height of eye. Parafacial area width of malar space; postocular area same width as parafacial; with 8–9 postocular setae. Processes of fifth sternum medium in size, oval in shape.

Genitalia: Clasper with moderately long apical segment, almost length of basal. Tenth tergum with lateral lobe rather small, with setae borne on a convex lobe; warts a and b united, developed as a series of small lobes and large setae on protuberant bases. Phallus relatively simple; process c ear-like with b a small dorsal angle from it; processes d and e very small and rudimental, only a few small points each.


TYPES.—Holotype (male): BOLIVIA, Dpto. La Paz, quebradas del Río Zongo, 1400 m, 24–30 Oct 1984, L.E. Peña G.

Paratypes: Same data, 18; Unduavi/Coroico, 2500 m, 19–25 Nov 1984, L.E. Peña G., 1. Yungas La Paz, Circuata to Cajuata, 2400 m, 3–5 Dec 1984, L.E. Peña G., 1. [Dpto. Cochabamba], Incachaca, 2500 m, J. Steinbach, Acc. 6873, 1.

Holotype in USNM; paratypes in CMP, CNC, and USNM.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr., McAlpine, J. F., and Ross, H. H. 1987. "A Revision of the Genus Leptonema Guérin (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae: Macronematinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-193. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.450