
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Betrichia hamulifera

This species is closely related to B. argentinica Flint, from which it may be most easily distinguished by the apicolateral process of the claspers and the presence of a basal pair of hooks in the aedeagus.

ADULT.—Length of forewing, 3 mm. Color fuscous and pale green; antennae annulate, head with green hair anteriorly, fuscous hair from posterior warts, thorax with green hair; forewing mostly pale green, with a pale spot at apex, fringing hairs fuscous. Head and antennae unmodified; with 3 ocelli; forewing with a small basal bulla on radius. Seventh sternum with a large brush of hair and a slender apicomesal spine.

Male Genitalia: Eighth sternum produced into a point posterolaterally; in ventral aspect broadly and deeply excised posteromesally. Ninth segment with anterolateral margin obliquely truncate; posterolateral margin with a row of enlarged setae borne on a low shoulder. Subgenital plate open dorsally, broad basally, tapering to a narrow, hooked apex. Claspers fused mesally, elongate, narrow, slightly shorter than subgenital plate, apex with a pair of short, dorsolateral processes. Aedeagus with typical basal tube, basal loop (both broken off in specimen figured), and midlength complex; apex with a basodorsal hood, a pair of basoventral hooks (lacking in some specimens), and a pair of long, straight, apical spines.

MATERIAL.—Holotype (male): ARGENTINA, PCIA. ENTRE RÍos, Río Uruguay, Salto Grande, 16 Nov 1973, O.S. Flint, Jr., USNM Type 100504.

Paratypes: Same data as holotype, 21 19. PCIA. CORRIENTES, Yapeyú, 17 Nov 1973, O.S. Fiint, Jr., 1. PARAGUAY, DPTO. GUAIRÁ, 3.9 km S Villarica, 2 Dec 1973, O.S. Flint, Jr., 4. BRAZIL, EDO. SAO PAULO, Piracicaba, 12 Mar 1965, C.A. Triplehorn, 1. EDO. SANTA CATARINA, Nova Teutonia, Jan 1964, F. Plaumann, 18 same, but Jan 1963, 11 same, but Feb 1964, 162 same, but Oct 1963, 2 same, but Nov 1963, 22. URUGUAY, DPTO. LAVALLEJA, Río Cebollati, Picada de Rodriguez, 28 Feb 1958, C.S. Carbonell, 2 DPTO. ARTIGAS, San Gregorio, 29 Nov 1959, Carbonell, Mesa, and San Martin, 21, 5 (FHCU).
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1983. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XXXIII: New Species from Austral South America (Trichoptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-100. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.377