
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Marilia infundibulum

This species belongs to the section of the genus with spur count of 2,4,2. It is one of the small species and as such is readily distinguished from M. eleutheria, which is distinctly larger and has differently shaped genitalia. In general it is more like M. truncata in size and clasper shape but has a much longer, more pointed tenth tergum as well as differences in the size of the apical clasper segment and shape of the phallotremal sclerite.

ADULT.—Length of forewing, 8 mm. Color grayish brown; body and appendages covered with white hairs, antennae annulate; forewing with grayish-brown and white hair intermingled, with 2 darker areas, one at midlength of posterior margin, other over chord. Eyes of male not quite touching middorsally. Spurs 2,4,2.

Male Genitalia: Ninth segment with a small anterolateral projection; dorsal brace confluent with ventral brace posteriorly. Cercus elongate, slightly widened subapically. Tenth tergum long, tip projecting dorsally; in dorsal aspect with apex narrowly divided, with a low, subapical angle laterally. Clasper with basal segment parallel-sided; apical segment short, terete. Aedeagus curved basally; phallotremal sclerite with a ventral, tubular opening surrounded by a flat plate.

MATERIAL.—Holotype (male): BRAZIL, EDO. SANTA CATARINA, Nova Teutonia (27°11′S, 52°23′W), 300–500 m, 15 Oct 1963, F. Plaumann, USNM Type 100555.

Paratypes: Same data as holotype, 1 same, but 11 Oct 1963, 1. ARGENTINA, PCIA. MISIONES, Arroyo Piray Mini, Rt. 17 W Dos Hermanas, 21 Nov 1973, O.S. Flint, Jr., 7.
bibliographic citation
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1983. "Studies of Neotropical Caddisflies, XXXIII: New Species from Austral South America (Trichoptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-100. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.377