
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Elasmopus bollonsi Chilton, 1915:328–330, figs. 11, 12

DIAGNOSIS OF MALE.—Accessory flagellum 4-articulate, antennae heavily setose; eyes medium in size, ommatidia numerous, poorly pigmented (in alcohol); mandibular palp normally falcate; article 5 of gnathopod 1 scarcely shorter than article 6, hand with medial comb row; right and left male gnathopod 2 highly dissimilar, either right or left grossly enlarged, articles 2–3 lacking lobes, articles 4–5 forming halfmoon tightly appressed proximally to article 6, posterior lobe of article 5 lacking setae, article 6 immensely enlarged, elongate, palm and posterior margin essentially confluent, palmar limit marked by shallow pocket receiving apex of dactyl, palm bisinute laterally, with medial ridge bearing hump, medial face bearing normal sets of anterior setae, posterior sets confined to weak row set well in from proximoposterior margin, dactyl thickening towards mark 80, then tapering; small gnathopod 2 of form similar to juveniles or females, article 5 about two-thirds as long as article 6, posterior lobe broad and extended distalwards, hand elongate, oblique palm slightly shorter than posterior margin of hand, palm weakly excavate near apex of dactyl, defined by one medial, one marginal spines; locking spines of pereopods 1–2 unequal to each other in size, nearly simple, dactyl with about three large inner castellae, then thick seta, two thinner setae, nail strongly marked and facially striped; locking spines of pereopods 3–5 equal to each other in size; pereopods 3–5 with long setae on several articles, especially posterodistal margin of article 6, article 2 of pereopod 4 especially rectangular, of pereopod 3 weakly so, of pereopod 5 weakly ovate, posterior margins poorly serrate, posteroventral lobe of pereopod 5 reaching only halfway along article 3; pleonal epimera 1–2 with lateral ridge, posteroventral corners of epimera 1–3 with small tooth and weak sinus, posterior margins weakly serrate (notched), ventral margins with three or four spines, no pairs; urosomites simple; rami of uropods ordinarily spinose; inner ramus of uropod 3 extending about 60 percent along outer ramus, both rami narrowly truncate and moderately spinose apically, outer with tiny article 2 bearing two setae; telson broader than long, deeply cleft, each apex truncate and bearing two or three long spines.

FEMALE.—Gnathopod 2 like small version of male gnathopod 2 but palm not excavate, article 5 shorter and posterior lobe not distally extended; antennae less setose than in male.

PLEOPODS.—Especially small for species of Elasmopus, about as long as height of pleonite (generally 1.5 times or longer in normal members of genus).

ILLUSTRATIONS (Figures 11–13).—Mouthparts generally like those shown for E. yunde, new species, but upper lip slightly more truncate ventrally, and mandibular lobes of lower lip slightly sharper; maxilla 1 and palp articles 3–4 of maxilliped distinct and illustrated for E. bollonsi.

DISTRIBUTION.—New Zealand; warm-temperate Australia; depth, 0–110 m.
bibliographic citation
Barnard, J. L. 1974. "Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.103