
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
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DESCRIPTION. (of young male, like the female).—Antenna 1 extending much farther than antenna 2, both pairs of antennae long and thin, article 1 of antenna 1 bearing 2 ventral spines, article 2 scarcely shorter than 1, flagella of medium length; lateral cephalic lobes broad and strongly protuberant, rounded; anteroventral cephalic margin with bulge supporting antenna 2 upper lip rounded below but very broadly so; right mandible with 2 spines, left with 3, each molar with small ragged seta, very small ordinary setae on both mandibles, molars moderately triturative; cones on lower lip obsolescent or absent, mandibular lobes conical, blunt; inner plate of maxilla 1 large, naked, outer plate with 10 spines, apex of palp with 2 setae and cone; inner plate of maxilla 2 very short, bearing several apical setae, no seta strongly divorced from another, lobes broader than in S. wunda maxillipeds with very small mammilliform inner lobes each bearing 1 small apical spinule, spines on outer plate sparse and thin, article 4 of palp especially prominent (in this genus) coxa 1 expanding apically, coxae 1–3 each with small spine posteriorly; gnathopod 2 [sic] like gnathopod 1 of S. wunda in general proportions, but gnathopod 1 extremely stout and short; pereopods 1–2 stouter than in S. wunda, sixth articles weakly prehensile, spines stout and slightly striate pereopods 3–5 very stout and short, not appearing prehensile, article 2 of pereopod 4 broadly pyriform, article 2 of pereopod 5 broad with spine at posteroventral corner, unlobed; dactyls of pereopods with main marginal seta free and curved; rami of uropod 1 extending equally, outer ramus of uropod 2 shorter than inner; uropod 3 small, ordinary, outer ramus slightly shorter than inner but rami not as dissimilar as in S. wane and lacking apical spines; telson broad, each apex bearing 1 spine and 1 proximolateral spine; pleonal epimera 1–2 with lateral ridge and epimera 1–3 each with medium posteroventral tooth, epimeron 1 with 4–5 side spines in row, epimeron 2 with 3–4 side spines in row and 4–6 ventral spines, epimeron 3 with 6–8 spines (or 1 seta anteriorly) pleonite 3 weakly protuberant dorsally, pleonite 4 with saddle-shaped dorsal process bearing sharp posterior tooth cuticle nearly smooth everywhere but very weak slits and vestigial remnants of polygons occurring on middle coxae, article 2 of pereopods 3–5 and epimera, occasional setule present.

HOLOTYPE.—NMV, young male, 3.19 mm.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Port Phillip 60, Victoria area 60–67, 19 January 1958.

DISTRIBUTION.—Port Phillip, Victoria.
bibliographic citation
Barnard, J. L. and Drummond, M. M. 1978. "Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part III. The Phoxocephalidae." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-551. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.103