

provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

“lanisera trepidus sp. nov.


Male: Body elongate, parallel-sided, bearing numerous short setae. Head anteriorly trilobed, rostral process evenly rounded; eyes tiny, dorsal, situated in posterior half of head. Coxal plates visible on all pereional segments. Pleo­telson slightly longer than wide; lateral margins bearing about five serrations, posterior margin with broadly rounded median lobe; single lateral ridge on distal half, just median to lateral margin, ending distally in spine. Antennule about half length of antennae, consisting of large basal segment, second segment about half length and width of basal segment, flagellum of four segments. Antenna consisting of 5-segmented peduncle, second segment bearing well-developed scale; first and second segments equal in length to third segment, latter two-thirds length of fourth segment; flagellum of twelve segments. Mandible bearing 3-segmented palp, distal segment curved, armed with seven serrate spines, middle segment with four slender serrate spines; incisor process of five teeth, setal row of six serrate setae well separated from distally truncate molar process.

First maxilla, inner ramus bearing two stout setae plus several very fine setae, outer ramus with at least twelve serrate spines.

Second maxilla, outer ramus slender, bearing three elongate simple setae; outer lobe of inner ramus slender, bearing four elongate simple setae, inner ramus stout, carrying numerous simple setae.

Maxillipedal palp 5-segmented, two distal segments slender, three proximal segments expanded; endite bearing several fringed setae distally, two coupling hooks medially. Pereiopods similar, basal segment longest, all dactyli tipped with two curved spines. Pleopod 1 broad, two basal sections together forming almost complete sphere, distal area between median line and outer spine broadly convex, carrying about twenty alternately long and short setae.

Pleopod 2 bearing eight elongate simple setae distally.

Uropods with base almost hidden by distal margin of pleotelson, outer ramus slightly longer and broader than inner, both carrying numerous setae.

Female: Similar in all head and pereional appendages to male.

Operculum carrying numerous close-set setae on distal margin, latter somewhat concave medially.


Holotype AMS 16.1.1971 1 S 2,0 mm Paris Museum Is. 1007

Paratypes AMS 133 2 SS 1,1 mm 1,7 mm 2 1,3 mm 1,9 mm Paris Museum Is. 1008

Paratypes AMS 17.1.1971 1 S 1,8 mm 2 ?Y 1,3 mm 1,8 mm SAM-14996 AMS 39 2 Y9 1,9 mm 2,0mm”

(Kensley, 1976: 300)