Unresolved name

Betaeus truncatus


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates


Front truncate, not at all emarginate at middle. Basal scale of outer antennæ about as long as base of either pair; outer spine short; basal spine of inner pair very long, basal joints elongate, subequal. Anterior feet much unequal, larger hand long, nearly linear, much compressed, minutely scabrous but nearly smooth, fingers long, hardly as long as half the hand, the upper terete; smaller hand linear. Feet of second pair longer than third, carpus rather short, first joint of carpus more than twice as long as second, second, third, and fourth all short. Third joint of the following legs wholly unarmed.

Plate 35, fig. 10 a, animal, enlarged two diameters ; b, upper view of front ; c, smaller hand.

Hermite Island, Fuegia, where it was dredged up in ten fathoms water, Jan. 27, 1839.—Lieut. Case.

Length, fifteen lines. Last joint of outer maxillipeds rather densely pubescent, hairs not half as long as joint. All legs slender; carpus and hand of second pair hardly longer than fourth, fifth, and sixth joints of third pair, fourth joint of carpus shortest, third joint not shorter than second. The three joints of the base of the inner antennæ are unusually long, and the second is a little the longest. The lower margin of the hand is subtrenchant, and fine scabrous ; margins of the arm also minutely scabrous.”

(Dana, 1852)