
Pachycondyla wallacea Yamane

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Figure 8

Worker. Measurements (mm), holotype in parentheses: HW 1.05 - 1.13 (1.11); HL 1.10 - 1.17 (1.15); SL: 1.10 - 1.15 (1.15); EL: 0.21 - 0.23 (0.22); MSL: 0.08 - 0.09 (0.08). SL / HL 0.97 - 1.01 1.00). Number of ommatidia along long axis of eye ca. 14.

Structure. Head slightly longer than wide, in full-face view with posterior margin weakly emarginate, almost parallel-sided behind eye. Mandible with six larger and three smaller teeth on the masticatory margin; basal fovea absent or obsolete. Antennal scape rather long, surpassing the posterior margin of head by more than 1 / 4 (often almost 1 / 3) of its total length in full-face view. Pronotal dorsum bluntly demarcated from lateral face; seen from above anterolateral corner round. Mesonotum distinctly demarcated from pronotum and propodeum by deep furrows, posteriorly weakly emarginate. In profile propodeum demarcated by a distinct obliquely running suture from metapleuron; posterior face well demarcated from lateral face by a rather sharp ridge, but separation from dorsal face indistinct. Petiole thick, in posterior view round and slightly wider than high. Sculpture. Dorsum of head minutely and densely punctate. Clypeus with much more superficial sculpture and shining except in median sculptured portion. Greater part of mandible finely and densely striate, leaving small area around apex and along mesal margin smooth. Pronotum very finely striatopunctate dorsally; its lateral face strongly rugose. Mesonotum finely and superficially punctate; mesopleuron almost smooth and shining, but rugulose below; metapleuron smooth, but punctate below and rugose above. Propodeum dorsally irregularly sculptured and mat; lateral face rugose; posterior face densely and transversely striate. Petiole with anterior and posterior faces densely and superficially punctate. gastral segments densely and weakly punctate evenly over the surface. Pilosity. Body except for lateral face of mesosoma extensively covered with dense decumbent pubescence. Standing hairs sparse; gastral tergites 1 and 2 each with more than ten standing hairs.

Coloration. Body dark brown to blackish; gaster slightly lighter than head and mesosoma. Antennal funiculus, mandible, subpetiolar process and legs yellowish brown to orangish.

Queen. Only one winged teneral individual is available, which is not suitable for detailed description. Striation on mesosoma less conspicuous than in the worker; pronotal side very finely and densely striate; striation on metapleuron above and propodeal side irregular; dorsum of pronotum and mesonotum very finely punctate and matte.


INDONESIA: 2 w, S. E. Sulawesi, Indonesia, 25 xi 2000, IKT Ginarsa; 10 w, West Bali, 27 vi 1998, IKT Ginarsa.


Named for the famous " Wallace's Line " dividing the Asian from the Melanesian faunas.


This species is similar to P. atrata (Karavaiev, 1925) in having rugose pronotal sides (also see Wilson, 1958). It is, however, easily distinguished from the latter in the worker caste by having the pronotal dorsum and propodeum extensively rugose / striate, and the antennal scape much longer. In P. atrata the scape surpasses the posterior margin of head by only 1 / 5 of its length, while in P. wallacea by more than 1 / 4 (often almost 1 / 3) of its length. P. atrata is known from Amboina and Boeton, eastern Indonesia, and excluded here.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Yamane, S., 2007, Pachycondyla nigrita and related species in Southeast Asia., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 650-663, vol. 80
Yamane, S.
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Plazi (legacy text)