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Tufted Hairsedge

Bulbostylis vestita (Kunth) C. B. Clarke

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Bulbostylis vestita (Kiinth) Clarke, Symb. Ant 2 : 87. 1900.
Isolepis vestita Kunth, Enum. PI. 2: 210. 1837. Oncostylis vestita Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 2^: 88. 1842. Oncostylis hispida Liebm. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. V. 2: 240. 1851. (Mexico.) Scirpus hirtus Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub. 241. 1866. (C. Wright 3383 from Pinales, Cajolbana, Cuba.) Scirpus vestitus Reichenb. ; Bock. Linnaea 36: 753. 1870. Fimbristilis vestita Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. Bot. 3 : 460. 1885. Stenophylhis vestitus Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 43: 446. 1916.
Bulbostylis Langsdorffiana Clarke, Symb. Ant. 2 : 89. 1900. (Only as to Antillean citation, Sintenis 1208.)
Perennial, sometimes with bulbously-enlarged culm-bases ; culms filiform, rigid, 1-3.5 dm. high, strigose-pubescent ; leaves capillary, channeled, strigose-pubescent, the sheaths stramineous to light brown, long-fimbriate at the apex ; inflorescence capitate or frequently umbellate with spikelets (3-6 mm. long) in glomerules; scales brown, frequently glutinous, hirtellous, with a yellowish keel, prominently mucronate ; achenes obovate, trigonous, 0.9 mm. long, frequently truncate, dark-semitranslucent-brown, with a prominent yellow stripe beneath the blunt angles, often at maturity with minute papillae projecting through a bluishgray waxy covering; tubercle light brown, flattened; style short, 0.5 mm. long below the branches; stamens 3, the anthers acuminate, 1.0 mm. long.
Type locality : Suriname.
Distribution: Dry rocks and sandy pinelands : Cuba; Puerto Rico; Haiti; Mexico; British Honduras ; South America.
bibliographic citation
Henry Knut Svenson. 1957. (POALES); (CYPERACEAE); SCIRPEAE (CONTINUATIO). North American flora. vol 18(9). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora