Description: English: Leaf-miner fly (Melanagromyza sp.) laying eggs into the stem of Anthriscus sylvestris. Filmed at the Wollenberg, Hesse, Germany. Deutsch: Eine Minierfliege (Melanagromyza sp., Agromyzidae) legt ihre Eier in den Stängel von Wiesenkerbel (Anthriscus sylvestris); gefilmt am Wollenberg, Mittelhessen. ID:
Paul Beuk, Milos Cerny (fly),
User:Donkey_shot (plant). Date: 11 May 2012. Source: Own work. Author:
Pristurus. : This file was selected as the
media of the day for 24 May 2012. It was captioned as follows: English: A
Leaf-miner fly (Melanagromyza sp.) lays eggs into the stem of
Anthriscus sylvestris. Other languages English: A
Leaf-miner fly (Melanagromyza sp.) lays eggs into the stem of
Anthriscus sylvestris.Македонски:
Мува минерка (Melanagromyza sp.) како несе јајца на стебленце од
девесил (Anthriscus sylvestris).中文(简体): 一只
食叶蝇(Melanagromyza sp.)在
峨参 ( Anthriscus sylvestris)茎上产卵。.