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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Barbados Cherry Family
Cellular Organisms
Green Plants
Seed Plants
Barbados Cherry Family
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Stigmaphyllon affine
Species recognized by
Brazil Species List
South Atlantic Species List
Stigmaphyllon affine
A. Juss.
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
GBIF classification
GBIF national node type records France
GBIF national node type records Brazil
, and
GBIF national node type records Germany
Stigmaphyllon hastatum
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records Brazil
Stigmaphyllon irregulare
Species recognized by
Brazil Species List
South Atlantic Species List
Stigmaphyllon irregulare
A. Juss.
Species recognized by
GBIF national node type records France
GBIF national node type records Brazil
Banisteria angulata
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Stigmaphyllon affine
Species recognized by
Global Biotic Interactions
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
Species recognized by
Flora do Brasil
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
, and
GBIF data coverage
Alternative Names
Banisteria angulata Vell.
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Stigmaphyllon hastatum Griseb.
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Stigmaphyllon irregulare A. Juss.
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Banisteria angulata
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Stigmaphyllon affine
Doubtful according to
GBIF classification
Stigmaphyllon hastatum
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Stigmaphyllon irregulare
A. Juss.
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Banisteria angulata Vell.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Stigmaphyllon gayanum Griseb.
Ambiguous synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Stigmaphyllon hastatum Griseb.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Stigmaphyllon irregulare A. Juss.
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
(this page)
Stigmaphyllon aberrans C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon abutilifolium (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon acuminatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenodon A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon albidum (Bl.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon alternans Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon alternifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angulosum (L.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angustifolium (Nied.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon angustilobum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon arenicola C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon argenteum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon auriculatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides (L.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon blanchetii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon boliviense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bonariense (Hook. & Arn.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bradei C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon caatingicola R. F. Almeida & Amorim
Stigmaphyllon calcaratum N. E. Brown
Stigmaphyllon carautae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cardiophyllum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cavernulosum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ciliatum (Lam.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon columbicum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon convolvulifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cordatum J. N. Rose ex J. D. Smith
Stigmaphyllon crenatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cuzcanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dealbatum (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dichotomum (L.) Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon discolor (Gand.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon diversifolium (Kunth) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon echitoides Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon ecuadorense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon eggersii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ellipticum (Kunth) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon emarginatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon finlayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon floribundum (DC.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon goudotii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gymnopodum (Guillaumin) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hatschbachii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hispidum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hypargyreum Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon intermedium (Hochr.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon jobertii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon laciniatum (Ekman ex Nied.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lacunosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lalandianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lanceolatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lindenianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon macedoanum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon mackeeanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon macropodum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon mariae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon matogrossense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon mcphersonii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon merrillii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon microphyllum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon nudiflorum Diels
Stigmaphyllon occidentale R. F. Almeida
Stigmaphyllon orientale Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon palmatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon papuanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paraense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paralias A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon patricianum-firmenichianum Butaud
Stigmaphyllon peruvianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon pseudopuberum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon puberulum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon puberum (L. C. Rich.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon pullenii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon retusum Griseb. & Oerst.
Stigmaphyllon romeroi Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon rotundifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon salzmannii A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon selerianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon singulare C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon solomonense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon stenophyllum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon strigosum Poepp. ex A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon stylopogon C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon suffruticosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon sundaicum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon taomense (Baker fil.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tarapotense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon timoriense (DC.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tomentosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon tonduzii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon urenifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon velutinum Planch. & Linden ex Triana & Planch.
Stigmaphyllon venulosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon yungasense C. Anderson
15 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Malpighiaceae Juss.
Malpighioideae Burnett
Stigmaphyllon A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
(this page)
Stigmaphyllon aberrans C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon abutilifolium (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon acuminatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenodon A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon albidum (Blume) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon alternans Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon alternifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angulosum (L.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angustifolium (Nied.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon angustilobum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon arenicola C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon argenteum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon auriculatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon australiense (Nied.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides (L.) C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon blanchetii C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon bogotense Triana & Planch.
Stigmaphyllon boliviense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bonariense (Hook. & Arn.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bradei C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon caatingicola R. F. Almeida & Amorim
Stigmaphyllon calcaratum N. E. Br.
Stigmaphyllon carautae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cardiophyllum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cavernulosum C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon ciliatum (Lam.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon coloratum Rusby
Stigmaphyllon columbicum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon crenatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon finlayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon floribundum (DC.) C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon florosum C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon gayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon glabrum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon goudotii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon grandifolium (Guillaumin) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gymnopodum (Guillaumin) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon harleyi W. R. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hatschbachii C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon herbaceum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon hispidum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hypargyreum Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon intermedium (Hochr.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon jobertii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon laciniatum (Ekman ex Nied.) C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon lacunosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lalandianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lanceolatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lindenianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon macedoanum C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon mackeeanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon macropodum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon mariae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon matogrossense C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon maynense Huber
Stigmaphyllon mcphersonii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon merrillii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon micranthum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon microphyllum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon nudiflorum Diels
Stigmaphyllon occidentale R. F. Almeida
Stigmaphyllon orientale Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon palmatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon panamense C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon papuanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paraense C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon paralias A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon patricianum-firmenichianum Butaud
Stigmaphyllon peruvianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon pseudopuberum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon puberulum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon puberum (Rich.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon pullenii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon retusum Griseb. & Oerst.
Stigmaphyllon romeroi Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon rotundifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon salzmannii A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sarmentosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon saxicola C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon selerianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon singulare C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon stenophyllum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon strigosum Poepp. ex A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon suffruticosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon sundaicum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon taomense (Baker fil.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tarapotense C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon tergolanatum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon timoriense (DC.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tomentosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon tonduzii C. E. Andersson
Stigmaphyllon urenifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon venulosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon vitifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon yungasense C. E. Andersson
16 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3 - Test
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
(this page)
Stigmaphyllon aberrans C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon abutilifolium (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon acuminatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenodon A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon albidum (Bl.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon alternans Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon alternifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angulosum (L.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angustifolium (Nied.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon angustilobum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon arenicola C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon argenteum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon auriculatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides (L.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon blanchetii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon boliviense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bonariense (Hook. & Arn.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bradei C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon caatingicola R. F. Almeida & Amorim
Stigmaphyllon calcaratum N. E. Brown
Stigmaphyllon carautae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cardiophyllum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cavernulosum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ciliatum (Lam.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon columbicum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon convolvulifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cordatum J. N. Rose ex J. D. Smith
Stigmaphyllon crenatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cuzcanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dealbatum (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dichotomum (L.) Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon discolor (Gand.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon diversifolium (Kunth) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon echitoides Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon ecuadorense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon eggersii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ellipticum (Kunth) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon emarginatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon finlayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon floribundum (DC.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon goudotii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gymnopodum (Guillaumin) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hatschbachii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hispidum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hypargyreum Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon intermedium (Hochr.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon jobertii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon laciniatum (Ekman ex Nied.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lacunosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lalandianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lanceolatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lindenianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon macedoanum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon mackeeanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon macropodum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon mariae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon matogrossense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon mcphersonii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon merrillii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon microphyllum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon nudiflorum Diels
Stigmaphyllon occidentale R. F. Almeida
Stigmaphyllon orientale Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon palmatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon papuanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paraense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paralias A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon patricianum-firmenichianum Butaud
Stigmaphyllon peruvianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon pseudopuberum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon puberulum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon puberum (L. C. Rich.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon pullenii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon retusum Griseb. & Oerst.
Stigmaphyllon romeroi Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon rotundifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon salzmannii A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon selerianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon singulare C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon solomonense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon stenophyllum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon strigosum Poepp. ex A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon stylopogon C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon suffruticosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon sundaicum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon taomense (Baker fil.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tarapotense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon timoriense (DC.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tomentosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon tonduzii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon urenifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon velutinum Planch. & Linden ex Triana & Planch.
Stigmaphyllon venulosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon yungasense C. Anderson
15 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
(this page)
Stigmaphyllon aberrans C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon abutilifolium (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon acuminatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenodon A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon albidum (Bl.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon alternans Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon alternifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angulosum (L.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angustifolium (Nied.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon angustilobum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon arenicola C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon argenteum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon auriculatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides (L.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon blanchetii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon boliviense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bonariense (Hook. & Arn.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bradei C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon caatingicola R. F. Almeida & Amorim
Stigmaphyllon calcaratum N. E. Brown
Stigmaphyllon carautae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cardiophyllum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cavernulosum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ciliatum (Lam.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon columbicum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon convolvulifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cordatum J. N. Rose ex J. D. Smith
Stigmaphyllon crenatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cuzcanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dealbatum (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dichotomum (L.) Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon discolor (Gand.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon diversifolium (Kunth) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon echitoides Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon ecuadorense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon eggersii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ellipticum (Kunth) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon emarginatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon finlayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon floribundum (DC.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon goudotii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gymnopodum (Guillaumin) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hatschbachii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hispidum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hypargyreum Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon intermedium (Hochr.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon jobertii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon laciniatum (Ekman ex Nied.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lacunosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lalandianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lanceolatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lindenianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon macedoanum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon mackeeanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon macropodum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon mariae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon matogrossense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon mcphersonii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon merrillii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon microphyllum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon nudiflorum Diels
Stigmaphyllon occidentale R. F. Almeida
Stigmaphyllon orientale Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon palmatum (Cav.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon papuanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paraense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paralias A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon patricianum-firmenichianum Butaud
Stigmaphyllon peruvianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon pseudopuberum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon puberulum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon puberum (L. C. Rich.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon pullenii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon retusum Griseb. & Oerst.
Stigmaphyllon romeroi Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon rotundifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon salzmannii A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon selerianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon singulare C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon sinuatum (DC.) A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon solomonense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon stenophyllum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon strigosum Poepp. ex A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon stylopogon C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon suffruticosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon sundaicum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon taomense (Baker fil.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tarapotense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon timoriense (DC.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tomentosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon tonduzii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon urenifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon velutinum Planch. & Linden ex Triana & Planch.
Stigmaphyllon venulosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon yungasense C. Anderson
15 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Stigmaphyllon A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon affine A. Juss.
(this page)
Stigmaphyllon affine var. affine
Stigmaphyllon aberrans C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon acuminatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenodon A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon adenophorum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon alternans Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon alternifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angulosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon angustilobum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon arenicola C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon argenteum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon auriculatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon bannisterioides (L.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon blanchetii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bogotense Triana & Planch.
Stigmaphyllon boliviense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bonariense (Hook. & Arn.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon bradei C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon brassii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon calcaratum N. E. Br.
Stigmaphyllon carautae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cardiophyllum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cavernulosum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ciliatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon coloratum Rusby
Stigmaphyllon columbicum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon convolvulifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon cordatum Rose ex Donn. Sm.
Stigmaphyllon crenatum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon cuzcanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dealbatum (A. Juss.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon dichotomum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon discolor (Gand.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon diversifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon echitoides Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon ecuadorense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon eggersii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon ellipticum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon emarginatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon finlayanum Juss.
Stigmaphyllon floribundum (DC.) C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon florosum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gayanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon glabrum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon goudotii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon gymnopodum (Guillaumin) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon harleyi W. R. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hatschbachii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon herbaceum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon hispidum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon hypargyreum Planch. & Triana
Stigmaphyllon iatrophifolium
Stigmaphyllon intermedium (Hochr.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon jatrophifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon jobertii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon laciniatum (Nied.) C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon lacunosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lalandianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon lindenianum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon macedoanum C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon macropodum Juss.
Stigmaphyllon mariae C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon matogrossense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon maynense Huber
Stigmaphyllon merrillii C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon microphyllum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon nudiflorum Diels
Stigmaphyllon orientale Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon palmatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon panamense C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon papuanum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paraense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon paralias A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon periplocaefolium
Stigmaphyllon peruvianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon pseudopuberum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon puberulum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon puberum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon retusum Griseb.
Stigmaphyllon romeroi Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon rotundifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sagraeanum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sagranum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon saltzmannii A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon sarmentosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon saxicola C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon selerianum Nied.
Stigmaphyllon singulare C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon sinuatum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon stenophyllum C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon strigosum A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon stylopogon C. E. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon suffruticosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon tarapotense C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon tergolanatum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon tonduzii C. Anderson
Stigmaphyllon urenifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon velutinum Planch. & Linden ex Triana & Planch.
Stigmaphyllon venulosum Cuatrec.
Stigmaphyllon vitifolium A. Juss.
Stigmaphyllon yungasense C. Anderson
24 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.