Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 469, Figs. 14-17: Holocene, Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Side, apertural, edge, and basal views of holotype, x 104 (from McCulloch, 1977).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 469, Figs. 20-23: L. Cretaceous (Albian), Netherlands. 20, Side view, x 80; 21, 22, apertural and side views of another specimen, x 80; 23, broken test showing entosolenian tube, x 80 (from van Voorthuysen, 1947).
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1933. The Foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific Collections of the ”Albatross”. Part 2. Lagenidae to Alveolinellidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 161: vi+79 pp.+19 pls.
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 468, Figs. 20-22: Holocene, Chukchi Sea, at 49 m, off Point Barrow, Alaska, USA. Opposite sides and basal view of holotype, x 90 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1953).
Glandulina ovula sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 61
Glandulina ovula sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 63
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 470, Figs. 28-30: Holocene, Pacific. Opposite sides and apertural view, x 140 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1964).
Globulotuba sp.nov1. sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl
Globulotuba sp.nov1. sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 71
Globulotuba sp.nov2. sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 72
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 468, Figs. 23-24: Holocene, Great Barrier Reef, outside Trinity Opening, Australia. Side and basal views of holotype, x 134 (from Collins, 1958).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 470, Figs. 14-18: Holocene, Xisha lslands, China, at 6 m. 14, 15, Side and apertural views of holotype, x 135; 16-18, opposite sides and apertural view of paratype, x 135 (from S. Y. Zheng, 1979).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 469, Figs. 1-2: Holocene, E. Gulf of Mexico. Side and dorsal edge views of holotype, x 64 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1963).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 470, Figs. 9-11: Holocene, Pacific, Philippines. 9, 10, Side and face views of holotype showing long entosolenian tube crossing upper part of chamber, x 165; 11, paratype, x 165 (from McCulloch, 1977).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 468, Figs. 19: Holocene, Pacific, Philippine Islands. Side view of holotype, x 104 (from McCulloch, 1977).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 470, Figs. 19-21: Holocene, Pacific, Bikini Atoll. 19, Side view of paratype, x 165; 20, 21, side and apertural views of holotype, x 165 (from McCulloch, 1977):
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 468, Figs. 14-16: Holocene, Atlantic. 14, 15, Casco Bay, Maine, USA, side and basal views of holotype, x 41; 16, Ungava Bay, at 73 m, off Akpatok Island, Quebec, Canada, side view of hypotype, x 41 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1953).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 468, Figs. 6-7: Holocene, off Angel de Ia Guarda Island, Gulf of California, Mexico. Apertural and side views of holotype, x 134 (from McCulloch, 1977).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 469, Figs. 18-19: Holocene, W. Pacific, off Korea, at 45 m. Side and basal views, x 130 (from McCulloch, 1977).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 469, Figs. 3-5: Miocene, Australia. Base, side, and face views, x 40 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1964).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 469, Figs. 8-10: Holocene; 8, North Star Bay, Greenland, at 31m; 9, Probisher Bay, Canada. 8, Specimen showing internal tube, x 43; 9, side view, x 43 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1953); 10, diagrammatic longitudinal section showing entosolenian tube and indicating position of resorbed septa (from Gudina and Saidova, 1969).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 470, Figs. 6-8: Holocene, San Benito Island, Mexico. Top, side, and basal views of holotype, x 172 (from McCulloch, 1977).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 470, Figs. 12-13: Holocene, Pacific, off Mexico, at 92 m. Side and basal views of holotype, x 130 (from McCulloch, 1977).
Loeblich, A. R., Tappan, H. N., 1987: Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New York 1728 pp. Plate 469, Figs. 11-13: Holocene, E. Gulf of Mexico. Opposite sides and edge view of holotype, x 64 (from Loeblich and Tappan, 1963).