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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Pocket Gophers
Cellular Organisms
Jawed Fish
Lobe Finned Fishes
Terrestrial Vertebrates
Mouse relatives
Beavers, Gophers, Kangaroo Rats, Pocket Mice, And Relatives
Pocket Gophers
Smooth Toothed Pocket Gopher
Botta's Pocket Gopher
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
Subspecies recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
Thomomys bottae cultellus
Subspecies recognized by
wikipedia NL
Thomomys bottae cultellus
Kelson 1951
Subspecies recognized by
GBIF classification
bottae cultellus
Kelson 1951
Recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Thomomys bottae cultellus
Subspecies recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Thomomys bottae cultellus
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson
Subspecies recognized by
NMNH type specimens
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
Subspecies recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
Recognized by
NMNH Collection
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Mouse relatives
Thomomys Wied-Neuwied 1839
Thomomys subgen. Megascapheus Elliot 1903
Thomomys bottae (Eydoux & Gervais 1836)
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
(this page)
Thomomys bottae abbotti Huey 1928
Thomomys bottae abstrusus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae actuosus Kelson 1951
Thomomys bottae albatus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae albicaudatus Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae alexandrae Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae alpinus Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae alticolus J. A. Allen 1899
Thomomys bottae analogus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae angustidens Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae aureiventris Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae aureus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae awahnee Merriam 1908
Thomomys bottae baileyi Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae basilicae Benson & Tillotson 1940
Thomomys bottae birdseyei Goldman 1937
Thomomys bottae borjasensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae cactophilus Huey 1929
Thomomys bottae canus Bailey 1910
Thomomys bottae catalinae Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae centralis Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae cervinus J. A. Allen 1895
Thomomys bottae chrysonotus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae collis Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae confinalis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae contractus Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae convexus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae cunicularius Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae curtatus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae depressus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae desertorum Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae detumidus Grinnell 1935
Thomomys bottae dissimilis Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae divergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae fulvus Woodhouse 1852
Thomomys bottae fumosus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae homorus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae howelli Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae humilis Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae internatus Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae jojobae Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae juarezensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae lachuguilla Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae lacrymalis Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae laticeps Baird 1855
Thomomys bottae latus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae lenis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae leucodon Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae levidensis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae limitaris Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae lucidus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae lucrificus Hall & Durham 1938
Thomomys bottae martirensis J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae minimus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae modicus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae morulus Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae nanus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae navus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae nesophilus Durrant 1936
Thomomys bottae nigricans Rhoads 1895
Thomomys bottae optabilis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae opulentus Goldman 1935
Thomomys bottae osgoodi Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae paguatae Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae pascalis Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pectoralis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae peramplus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae perditus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervagus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervarius Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae pinalensis Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae planirostris Burt 1931
Thomomys bottae planorum Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae powelli Durrant 1955
Thomomys bottae proximarinus Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae retractus Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae rhizophagus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae rubidus Youngman 1958
Thomomys bottae rupestris Chattin 1941
Thomomys bottae ruricola Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae russeolus Nelson & Goldman 1909
Thomomys bottae saxatilis Grinnell 1934
Thomomys bottae scotophilus Davis 1940
Thomomys bottae sevieri Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae siccovallis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae simulus Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae sinaloae Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae spatiosus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae stansburyi Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae sturgisi Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae subsimilis Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae texensis Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae tivius Durrant 1937
Thomomys bottae toltecus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae tularosae Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae vanrosseni Huey 1934
Thomomys bottae varus Hall & Long 1960
Thomomys bottae vescus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae winthropi Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae xerophilus Huey 1945
27 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Mammalia Linnaeus 1758
Theria Parker & Haswell 1897
Eutheria Gill 1872
Rodentia Bowdich 1821
Castorimorpha A. E. Wood 1955
Geomyidae Bonaparte 1845
Thomomys Wied-Neuwied 1839
Megascapheus Elliot 1903
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae (Eydoux & Gervais 1836)
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
(this page)
Thomomys bottae albicaudatus Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae alexandrae Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae alpinus Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae alticolus J. A. Allen 1899
Thomomys bottae analogus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae angustidens Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae anitae J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae aphrastus Elliot 1903
Thomomys bottae aureus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae awahnee Merriam 1908
Thomomys bottae baileyi Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae birdseyei Goldman 1937
Thomomys bottae bonnevillei Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae borjasensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae bottae (Eydoux & Gervais 1836)
Thomomys bottae brazierhowelli Huey 1960
Thomomys bottae brevidens Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae cactophilus Huey 1929
Thomomys bottae camoae Burt 1937
Thomomys bottae canus Bailey 1910
Thomomys bottae catalinae Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae catavinensis Huey 1931
Thomomys bottae centralis Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae cervinus J. A. Allen 1895
Thomomys bottae cinereus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae collis Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae concisor Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae confinalis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae connectens Hall 1936
Thomomys bottae contractus Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae convergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae convexus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae cunicularius Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae curtatus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae depressus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae desertorum Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae dissimilis Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae divergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae estanciae Benson & Tillotson 1939
Thomomys bottae fumosus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae guadalupensis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae homorus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae howelli Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae humilis Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae internatus Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae jojobae Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae juarezensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae lachuguilla Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae laticeps Baird 1855
Thomomys bottae latus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae lenis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae leucodon Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae levidensis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae limitaris Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae limpiae Blair 1939
Thomomys bottae lucidus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae lucrificus Hall & Durham 1938
Thomomys bottae martirensis J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae mearnsi Bailey 1914
Thomomys bottae minimus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae modicus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae morulus Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae navus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae nesophilus Durrant 1936
Thomomys bottae nigricans Rhoads 1895
Thomomys bottae operarius Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae optabilis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae opulentus Goldman 1935
Thomomys bottae osgoodi Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae paguatae Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae pascalis Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pectoralis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae peramplus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae perpallidus Merriam 1886
Thomomys bottae pervagus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervarius Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae phelleoecus Burt 1933
Thomomys bottae pinalensis Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae planirostris Burt 1931
Thomomys bottae planorum Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae powelli Durrant 1955
Thomomys bottae proximarinus Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae pusillus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae retractus Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae rhizophagus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae riparius Grinnell & Hill 1936
Thomomys bottae rubidus Youngman 1958
Thomomys bottae ruidosae Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae rupestris Chattin 1941
Thomomys bottae russeolus Nelson & Goldman 1909
Thomomys bottae saxatilis Grinnell 1934
Thomomys bottae scotophilus Davis 1940
Thomomys bottae sevieri Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae siccovallis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae simulus Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae sinaloae Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae solitarius Grinnell 1926
Thomomys bottae spatiosus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae stansburyi Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae sturgisi Goldman 1938
27 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
(this page)
Thomomys bottae abbotti Huey 1928
Thomomys bottae abstrusus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae actuosus Kelson 1951
Thomomys bottae albatus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae albicaudatus Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae alexandrae Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae alpinus Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae alticolus J. A. Allen 1899
Thomomys bottae analogus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae angustidens Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae aureiventris Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae aureus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae awahnee Merriam 1908
Thomomys bottae baileyi Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae basilicae Benson & Tillotson 1940
Thomomys bottae birdseyei Goldman 1937
Thomomys bottae borjasensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae cactophilus Huey 1929
Thomomys bottae canus Bailey 1910
Thomomys bottae catalinae Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae centralis Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae cervinus J. A. Allen 1895
Thomomys bottae chrysonotus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae collis Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae confinalis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae contractus Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae convexus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae cunicularius Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae curtatus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae depressus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae desertorum Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae detumidus Grinnell 1935
Thomomys bottae dissimilis Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae divergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae fulvus Woodhouse 1852
Thomomys bottae fumosus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae homorus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae howelli Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae humilis Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae internatus Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae jojobae Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae juarezensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae lachuguilla Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae lacrymalis Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae laticeps Baird 1855
Thomomys bottae latus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae lenis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae leucodon Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae levidensis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae limitaris Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae lucidus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae lucrificus Hall & Durham 1938
Thomomys bottae martirensis J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae minimus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae modicus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae morulus Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae nanus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae navus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae nesophilus Durrant 1936
Thomomys bottae nigricans Rhoads 1895
Thomomys bottae optabilis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae opulentus Goldman 1935
Thomomys bottae osgoodi Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae paguatae Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae pascalis Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pectoralis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae peramplus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae perditus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervagus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervarius Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae pinalensis Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae planirostris Burt 1931
Thomomys bottae planorum Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae powelli Durrant 1955
Thomomys bottae proximarinus Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae retractus Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae rhizophagus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae rubidus Youngman 1958
Thomomys bottae rupestris Chattin 1941
Thomomys bottae ruricola Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae russeolus Nelson & Goldman 1909
Thomomys bottae saxatilis Grinnell 1934
Thomomys bottae scotophilus Davis 1940
Thomomys bottae sevieri Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae siccovallis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae simulus Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae sinaloae Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae spatiosus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae stansburyi Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae sturgisi Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae subsimilis Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae texensis Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae tivius Durrant 1937
Thomomys bottae toltecus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae tularosae Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae vanrosseni Huey 1934
Thomomys bottae varus Hall & Long 1960
Thomomys bottae vescus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae winthropi Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae xerophilus Huey 1945
27 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Mouse relatives
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae (Eydoux & Gervais 1836)
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
(this page)
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae abbotti Huey 1928
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae abstrusus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae actuosus Kelson 1951
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae albatus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae albicaudatus Hall 1930
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae alexandrae Goldman 1933
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae alpinus Merriam 1897
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae alticolus J. A. Allen 1899
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae analogus Goldman 1938
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae angustidens Baker 1953
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae aureiventris Hall 1930
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae aureus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae awahnee Merriam 1908
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae baileyi Merriam 1901
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae basilicae Benson & Tillotson 1940
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae birdseyei Goldman 1937
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae borjasensis Huey 1945
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae cactophilus Huey 1929
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae canus Bailey 1910
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae catalinae Goldman 1931
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae centralis Hall 1930
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae cervinus J. A. Allen 1895
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae chrysonotus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae collis Hooper 1940
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae confinalis Goldman 1936
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae contractus Durrant 1946
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae convexus Durrant 1939
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae cunicularius Huey 1945
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae curtatus Hall 1932
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae depressus Hall 1932
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae desertorum Merriam 1901
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae detumidus Grinnell 1935
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae dissimilis Goldman 1931
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae divergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae fulvus Woodhouse 1852
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae fumosus Hall 1932
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae homorus Huey 1949
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae howelli Goldman 1936
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae humilis Baker 1953
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae internatus Goldman 1936
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae jojobae Huey 1945
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae juarezensis Huey 1945
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae lachuguilla Bailey 1902
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae lacrymalis Hall 1932
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae laticeps Baird 1855
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae latus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae lenis Goldman 1942
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae leucodon Merriam 1897
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae levidensis Goldman 1942
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae limitaris Goldman 1936
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae lucidus Hall 1932
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae lucrificus Hall & Durham 1938
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae martirensis J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae minimus Durrant 1939
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae modicus Goldman 1931
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae morulus Hooper 1940
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae nanus Hall 1932
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae navus Merriam 1901
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae nesophilus Durrant 1936
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae nigricans Rhoads 1895
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae optabilis Goldman 1936
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae opulentus Goldman 1935
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae osgoodi Goldman 1931
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae paguatae Hooper 1940
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae pascalis Merriam 1901
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae pectoralis Goldman 1936
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae peramplus Goldman 1931
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae perditus Merriam 1901
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae pervagus Merriam 1901
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae pervarius Goldman 1938
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae pinalensis Goldman 1938
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae planirostris Burt 1931
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae planorum Hooper 1940
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae powelli Durrant 1955
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae proximarinus Huey 1945
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae retractus Baker 1953
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae rhizophagus Huey 1949
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae rubidus Youngman 1958
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae rupestris Chattin 1941
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae ruricola Huey 1949
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae russeolus Nelson & Goldman 1909
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae saxatilis Grinnell 1934
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae scotophilus Davis 1940
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae sevieri Durrant 1946
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae siccovallis Huey 1945
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae simulus Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae sinaloae Merriam 1901
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae spatiosus Goldman 1938
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae stansburyi Durrant 1946
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae sturgisi Goldman 1938
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae subsimilis Goldman 1933
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae texensis Bailey 1902
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae tivius Durrant 1937
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae toltecus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae tularosae Hall 1932
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae vanrosseni Huey 1934
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae varus Hall & Long 1960
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae vescus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae winthropi Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys (Megascapheus) bottae xerophilus Huey 1945
27 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
(this page)
Thomomys bottae abbotti Huey 1928
Thomomys bottae abstrusus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae actuosus Kelson 1951
Thomomys bottae albatus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae albicaudatus Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae alexandrae Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae alpinus Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae alticolus J. A. Allen 1899
Thomomys bottae analogus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae angustidens Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae aureiventris Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae aureus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae awahnee Merriam 1908
Thomomys bottae baileyi Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae basilicae Benson & Tillotson 1940
Thomomys bottae birdseyei Goldman 1937
Thomomys bottae borjasensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae cactophilus Huey 1929
Thomomys bottae canus Bailey 1910
Thomomys bottae catalinae Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae centralis Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae cervinus J. A. Allen 1895
Thomomys bottae chrysonotus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae collis Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae confinalis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae contractus Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae convexus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae cunicularius Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae curtatus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae depressus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae desertorum Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae detumidus Grinnell 1935
Thomomys bottae dissimilis Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae divergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae fulvus Woodhouse 1852
Thomomys bottae fumosus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae homorus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae howelli Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae humilis Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae internatus Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae jojobae Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae juarezensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae lachuguilla Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae lacrymalis Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae laticeps Baird 1855
Thomomys bottae latus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae lenis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae leucodon Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae levidensis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae limitaris Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae lucidus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae lucrificus Hall & Durham 1938
Thomomys bottae martirensis J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae minimus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae modicus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae morulus Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae nanus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae navus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae nesophilus Durrant 1936
Thomomys bottae nigricans Rhoads 1895
Thomomys bottae optabilis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae opulentus Goldman 1935
Thomomys bottae osgoodi Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae paguatae Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae pascalis Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pectoralis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae peramplus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae perditus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervagus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervarius Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae pinalensis Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae planirostris Burt 1931
Thomomys bottae planorum Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae powelli Durrant 1955
Thomomys bottae proximarinus Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae retractus Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae rhizophagus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae rubidus Youngman 1958
Thomomys bottae rupestris Chattin 1941
Thomomys bottae ruricola Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae russeolus Nelson & Goldman 1909
Thomomys bottae saxatilis Grinnell 1934
Thomomys bottae scotophilus Davis 1940
Thomomys bottae sevieri Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae siccovallis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae simulus Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae sinaloae Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae spatiosus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae stansburyi Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae sturgisi Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae subsimilis Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae texensis Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae tivius Durrant 1937
Thomomys bottae toltecus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae tularosae Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae vanrosseni Huey 1934
Thomomys bottae varus Hall & Long 1960
Thomomys bottae vescus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae winthropi Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae xerophilus Huey 1945
27 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Thomomys Wied-Neuwied 1839
Thomomys bottae (Eydoux & Gervais 1836)
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
(this page)
Thomomys bottae abbotti Huey 1928
Thomomys bottae albatus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae albicaudatus Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae alexandrae Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae alpinus Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae alticolus J. A. Allen 1899
Thomomys bottae analogus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae angustidens Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae anitae J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae aphrastus Elliot 1903
Thomomys bottae aureiventris Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae basilicae Benson & Tillotson 1940
Thomomys bottae birdseyei Goldman 1937
Thomomys bottae bonnevillei Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae borjasensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae brazierhowelli Huey 1960
Thomomys bottae brevidens Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae cactophilus Huey 1929
Thomomys bottae camoae Burt 1937
Thomomys bottae canus Bailey 1910
Thomomys bottae catalinae Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae chrysonotus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae cinereus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae collis Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae concisor Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae confinalis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae connectens Hall 1936
Thomomys bottae contractus Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae convergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae convexus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae desertorum Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae detumidus Grinnell 1935
Thomomys bottae dissimilis Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae divergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae estanciae Benson & Tillotson 1939
Thomomys bottae fulvus Woodhouse 1852
Thomomys bottae fumosus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae guadalupensis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae homorus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae howelli Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae internatus Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae jojobae Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae juarezensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae lachuguilla Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae lacrymalis Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae laticeps Baird 1855
Thomomys bottae latus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae lenis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae leucodon Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae levidensis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae lucidus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae lucrificus Hall & Durham 1938
Thomomys bottae martirensis J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae mearnsi Bailey 1914
Thomomys bottae mewa Merriam 1908
Thomomys bottae minimus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae modicus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae morulus Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae nesophilus Durrant 1936
Thomomys bottae nigricans Rhoads 1895
Thomomys bottae operarius Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae optabilis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae opulentus Goldman 1935
Thomomys bottae osgoodi Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae paguatae Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae pascalis Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pectoralis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae peramplus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae pervarius Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae phelleoecus Burt 1933
Thomomys bottae pinalensis Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae planirostris Burt 1931
Thomomys bottae planorum Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae powelli Durrant 1955
Thomomys bottae proximarinus Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae pusillus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae retractus Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae rhizophagus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae ruidosae Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae rupestris Chattin 1941
Thomomys bottae ruricola Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae russeolus Nelson & Goldman 1909
Thomomys bottae saxatilis Grinnell 1934
Thomomys bottae scotophilus Davis 1940
Thomomys bottae sevieri Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae siccovallis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae simulus Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae sinaloae Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae stansburyi Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae sturgisi Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae subsimilis Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae texensis Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae tivius Durrant 1937
Thomomys bottae toltecus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae tularosae Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae vanrosseni Huey 1934
Thomomys bottae varus Hall & Long 1960
Thomomys bottae vescus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae villai Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae xerophilus Huey 1945
32 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Mammalia Linnaeus 1758
Theria Parker & Haswell 1897
Eutheria Gill 1872
Rodentia Bowdich 1821
Castorimorpha A. E. Wood 1955
Geomyidae Bonaparte 1845
Thomomys Wied-Neuwied 1839
Thomomys subgen. Megascapheus Elliot 1903
Thomomys bottae (Eydoux & Gervais 1836)
Thomomys bottae cultellus Kelson 1951
(this page)
Thomomys bottae abbotti Huey 1928
Thomomys bottae abstrusus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae actuosus Kelson 1951
Thomomys bottae albatus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae albicaudatus Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae alexandrae Goldman 1933
Thomomys bottae alpinus Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae alticolus J. A. Allen 1899
Thomomys bottae analogus Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae angustidens Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae anitae J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae aphrastus Elliot 1903
Thomomys bottae aureiventris Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae aureus J. A. Allen 1893
Thomomys bottae awahnee Merriam 1908
Thomomys bottae baileyi Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae basilicae Benson & Tillotson 1940
Thomomys bottae birdseyei Goldman 1937
Thomomys bottae bonnevillei Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae borjasensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae bottae (Eydoux & Gervais 1836)
Thomomys bottae brazierhowelli Huey 1960
Thomomys bottae brevidens Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae cactophilus Huey 1929
Thomomys bottae camoae Burt 1937
Thomomys bottae canus Bailey 1910
Thomomys bottae catalinae Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae catavinensis Huey 1931
Thomomys bottae centralis Hall 1930
Thomomys bottae cervinus J. A. Allen 1895
Thomomys bottae chrysonotus Grinnell 1912
Thomomys bottae cinereus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae collis Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae concisor Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae confinalis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae connectens Hall 1936
Thomomys bottae contractus Durrant 1946
Thomomys bottae convergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae convexus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae cunicularius Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae curtatus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae depressus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae desertorum Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae detumidus Grinnell 1935
Thomomys bottae dissimilis Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae divergens Nelson & Goldman 1934
Thomomys bottae estanciae Benson & Tillotson 1939
Thomomys bottae fulvus Woodhouse 1852
Thomomys bottae fumosus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae guadalupensis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae homorus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae howelli Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae humilis Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae internatus Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae jojobae Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae juarezensis Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae lachuguilla Bailey 1902
Thomomys bottae lacrymalis Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae laticeps Baird 1855
Thomomys bottae latus Hall & Davis 1935
Thomomys bottae lenis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae leucodon Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae levidensis Goldman 1942
Thomomys bottae limitaris Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae limpiae Blair 1939
Thomomys bottae lucidus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae lucrificus Hall & Durham 1938
Thomomys bottae martirensis J. A. Allen 1898
Thomomys bottae mearnsi Bailey 1914
Thomomys bottae mewa Merriam 1908
Thomomys bottae minimus Durrant 1939
Thomomys bottae modicus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae morulus Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae nanus Hall 1932
Thomomys bottae navus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae nesophilus Durrant 1936
Thomomys bottae nigricans Rhoads 1895
Thomomys bottae operarius Merriam 1897
Thomomys bottae optabilis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae opulentus Goldman 1935
Thomomys bottae osgoodi Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae paguatae Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae pascalis Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pectoralis Goldman 1936
Thomomys bottae peramplus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae perditus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae perpallidus Merriam 1886
Thomomys bottae pervagus Merriam 1901
Thomomys bottae pervarius Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae phelleoecus Burt 1933
Thomomys bottae pinalensis Goldman 1938
Thomomys bottae planirostris Burt 1931
Thomomys bottae planorum Hooper 1940
Thomomys bottae powelli Durrant 1955
Thomomys bottae proximarinus Huey 1945
Thomomys bottae pusillus Goldman 1931
Thomomys bottae retractus Baker 1953
Thomomys bottae rhizophagus Huey 1949
Thomomys bottae riparius Grinnell & Hill 1936
Thomomys bottae robustus Durrant 1946
27 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
cellular organisms
Thomomys bottae
Thomomys bottae cultellus
(this page)
Thomomys bottae actuosus
Thomomys bottae albatus
Thomomys bottae alpinus
Thomomys bottae alticolus
Thomomys bottae amargosae
Thomomys bottae analogus
Thomomys bottae angularis
Thomomys bottae argusensis
Thomomys bottae aureus
Thomomys bottae awahnee
Thomomys bottae bottae
Thomomys bottae brevidens
Thomomys bottae cactophilus
Thomomys bottae chrysonotus
Thomomys bottae connectens
Thomomys bottae curtatus
Thomomys bottae fulvus
Thomomys bottae guadalupensis
Thomomys bottae imitabilis
Thomomys bottae incomptus
Thomomys bottae ingens
Thomomys bottae lacrymalis
Thomomys bottae laticeps
Thomomys bottae lenis
Thomomys bottae leucodon
Thomomys bottae litoris
Thomomys bottae mewa
Thomomys bottae mohavensis
Thomomys bottae opulentus
Thomomys bottae oreoecus
Thomomys bottae pervagus
Thomomys bottae providentialis
Thomomys bottae riparius
Thomomys bottae ruidosae
Thomomys bottae saxatilis
Thomomys bottae scapterus
Thomomys bottae stansburyi
Thomomys bottae vescus
Thomomys bottae xerophilus
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Thomomys bottae
Thomomys bottae cultellus
(this page)
Thomomys bottae abbotti
Thomomys bottae abstrusus
Thomomys bottae acrirostratus
Thomomys bottae actuosus
Thomomys bottae albatus
Thomomys bottae alpinus
Thomomys bottae amargosae
Thomomys bottae angustidens
Thomomys bottae anitae
Thomomys bottae aureiventris
Thomomys bottae aureus
Thomomys bottae awahnee
Thomomys bottae basilicae
Thomomys bottae birdseyei
Thomomys bottae boreorarius
Thomomys bottae borjasensis
Thomomys bottae bottae
Thomomys bottae brazierhowelli
Thomomys bottae brevidens
Thomomys bottae cactophilus
Thomomys bottae camargensis
Thomomys bottae camoae
Thomomys bottae caneloensis
Thomomys bottae canus
Thomomys bottae carri
Thomomys bottae catavinensis
Thomomys bottae chiricahuae
Thomomys bottae cinereus
Thomomys bottae collis
Thomomys bottae comobabiensis
Thomomys bottae concisor
Thomomys bottae connectens
Thomomys bottae convergens
Thomomys bottae crassus
Thomomys bottae cunicularis
Thomomys bottae cunicularius
Thomomys bottae curtatus
Thomomys bottae desertorum
Thomomys bottae dissimilis
Thomomys bottae estanciae
Thomomys bottae homorus
Thomomys bottae howelli
Thomomys bottae hualpaiensis
Thomomys bottae humilis
Thomomys bottae ingens
Thomomys bottae jacinteus
Thomomys bottae jojobae
Thomomys bottae lachuguilla
Thomomys bottae lacrymalis
Thomomys bottae laticeps
Thomomys bottae latus
Thomomys bottae lenis
Thomomys bottae levidensis
Thomomys bottae limpiae
Thomomys bottae litoris
Thomomys bottae martirensis
Thomomys bottae mearnsi
Thomomys bottae minimus
Thomomys bottae muralis
Thomomys bottae mutabilis
Thomomys bottae nanus
Thomomys bottae navus
Thomomys bottae neglectus
Thomomys bottae nesophilus
Thomomys bottae operosus
Thomomys bottae optabilis
Thomomys bottae paguatae
Thomomys bottae parvulus
Thomomys bottae pascalis
Thomomys bottae pectoralis
Thomomys bottae peramplus
Thomomys bottae perditus
Thomomys bottae perpallidus
Thomomys bottae phasma
Thomomys bottae phelleoecus
Thomomys bottae piutensis
Thomomys bottae planirostris
Thomomys bottae powelli
Thomomys bottae providentialis
Thomomys bottae pusillus
Thomomys bottae retractus
Thomomys bottae rhizophagus
Thomomys bottae rufidulus
Thomomys bottae ruidosae
Thomomys bottae saxatilis
Thomomys bottae sevieri
Thomomys bottae siccovallis
Thomomys bottae silvifugus
Thomomys bottae simulus
Thomomys bottae solitarius
Thomomys bottae stansburyi
Thomomys bottae subsimilis
Thomomys bottae texensis
Thomomys bottae trumbullensis
Thomomys bottae tularosae
Thomomys bottae vanrossemi
Thomomys bottae vanrosseni
Thomomys bottae varus
Thomomys bottae villai
Thomomys bottae wahwahensis
81 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.