Examples of shells with A, a flattened spire (Polygyratia); B, a globose spire (Natica); C, a greatly produced spire (Terebra).
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 2.Photographs of shells. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18221, Fuzhou, China) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18415, Guangdong, China) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (FJIQBC 18417, Hangzhou, China) D Bradybaena virgo virgo (Pilsbry, 1927) (FJIQBC 18432, Haerbin, China) E Bradybaena virgo mongolia subsp. n. (Holotype, FJIQBC 18466, Inner Mongolia, China).
Figure 2.A Oospira formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.5/1 B Oospira swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040583/1 C Elma swinhoei (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.14/1 D Videnoida shermani (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040584/1 E Petalochlamys formosanus (Schmacker & Boettger, 1891) syn. Petalochlamys hypograpta Godwin-Austen, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1903.7.1.1713 F Petalochlamys vesta (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040580 G Ovachlamys fulgens (Gude, 1900) syn. Lamprocystis fulgida Godwin-Austen, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1903.7.1.1714 H Aegista fulvicans (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.10/1 I Aegista granti (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040579. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 3.Ecological photographs of snails. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (National Forest Park, Fuzhou, Fujian) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (Luofu Mountain, Guangdong) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (Lingshan Hole, Hangzhou, Zhejiang).
Figure 2.A Oospira formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.5/1 B Oospira swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040583/1 C Elma swinhoei (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.14/1 D Videnoida shermani (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040584/1 E Petalochlamys formosanus (Schmacker & Boettger, 1891) syn. Petalochlamys hypograpta Godwin-Austen, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1903.7.1.1713 F Petalochlamys vesta (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040580 G Ovachlamys fulgens (Gude, 1900) syn. Lamprocystis fulgida Godwin-Austen, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1903.7.1.1714 H Aegista fulvicans (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.10/1 I Aegista granti (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040579. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 4.Reproductive system. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18237, Fuzhou, China) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18416, Guangdong, China) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (FJIQBC 18423, Hangzhou, China) D Bradybaena virgo virgo (Pilsbry, 1927) (FJIQBC 18462, Haerbin, China) E Bradybaena virgo mongolia subsp. n. (Paratype, FJIQBC 18471, Inner Mongolia, China).
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 5.Phylogenetic tree inferred by maximum likelihood (ML) method based on COI gene. The tree is rooted with Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774). Numbers near the nodes represent bootstrap values.
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 2.Photographs of shells. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18221, Fuzhou, China) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18415, Guangdong, China) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (FJIQBC 18417, Hangzhou, China) D Bradybaena virgo virgo (Pilsbry, 1927) (FJIQBC 18432, Haerbin, China) E Bradybaena virgo mongolia subsp. n. (Holotype, FJIQBC 18466, Inner Mongolia, China).
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 3.Ecological photographs of snails. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (National Forest Park, Fuzhou, Fujian) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (Luofu Mountain, Guangdong) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (Lingshan Hole, Hangzhou, Zhejiang).
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 4.Reproductive system. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18237, Fuzhou, China) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18416, Guangdong, China) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (FJIQBC 18423, Hangzhou, China) D Bradybaena virgo virgo (Pilsbry, 1927) (FJIQBC 18462, Haerbin, China) E Bradybaena virgo mongolia subsp. n. (Paratype, FJIQBC 18471, Inner Mongolia, China).
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 5.Phylogenetic tree inferred by maximum likelihood (ML) method based on COI gene. The tree is rooted with Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774). Numbers near the nodes represent bootstrap values.
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 2.Photographs of shells. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18221, Fuzhou, China) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18415, Guangdong, China) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (FJIQBC 18417, Hangzhou, China) D Bradybaena virgo virgo (Pilsbry, 1927) (FJIQBC 18432, Haerbin, China) E Bradybaena virgo mongolia subsp. n. (Holotype, FJIQBC 18466, Inner Mongolia, China).
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 3.Ecological photographs of snails. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (National Forest Park, Fuzhou, Fujian) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (Luofu Mountain, Guangdong) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (Lingshan Hole, Hangzhou, Zhejiang).
Figure 3.A Pseudobuliminus incertus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040582/1 B Acusta assimilis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.11/1 C Nesiohelix swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040585/1 D Dolicheulota formosensis (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.1/1 E Dolicheulota swinhoei (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040586/1 F Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040577/1 G Satsuma bacca (Pfeiffer, 1866) syn. Eulota warburgi Gude, 1907, holotype NHMUK 1922.8.29.66 H Satsuma bairdi (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040587/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 4.Reproductive system. A Satsuma mellea stenozona (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18237, Fuzhou, China) B Satsuma meridionalis (Moellendorff, 1884) (FJIQBC 18416, Guangdong, China) C Satsuma uncopila (Heude, 1882) (FJIQBC 18423, Hangzhou, China) D Bradybaena virgo virgo (Pilsbry, 1927) (FJIQBC 18462, Haerbin, China) E Bradybaena virgo mongolia subsp. n. (Paratype, FJIQBC 18471, Inner Mongolia, China).
Figure 4.A Satsuma formosensis (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040578 B Satsuma mellea (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040576/1 C Satsuma succincta (H. Adams, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 1866.5.9.9/1 D Satsuma sphaeroconus (Pfeiffer, 1866), lectotype NHMUK 20040575/1. Scale bars = 5 mm.
Pei Wang, Qiong Xiao, Wei-Chuan Zhou, Chung-Chi Hwang
Figure 5.Phylogenetic tree inferred by maximum likelihood (ML) method based on COI gene. The tree is rooted with Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774). Numbers near the nodes represent bootstrap values.