Figure 1.Photograph of habitus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, specimen number 30.
Figure 10.Drawing of hypandrium of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male; par = paraproct, ep = epiproct, trich = trichobothria; scale bar = 0.3 mm.
Figure 11.Photograph of hypandrium and aedeagus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male.
Figure 12.Photograph of paraproct of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male; arrow shows the anal spine.
Figure 2.Drawing of habitus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, scale bar = 0.3 mm.
Figure 3.Photograph of hypopharynx filaments (arrows) of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male.
Figure 4.Drawing of wings of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, scale bar = 0.3 mm.
Figure 5.Microphotograph of nodulus, arrow showing the meeting area of Cu2 and A.
Figure 6.Microphotograph of structure of forewing margin.
Figure 7.Microphotograph of hind leg coxal rasp (Pearman’s organ).
Figure 8.Drawing of pretarsal claw of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male, scale bar = 0.03 mm.
Figure 9.Drawing of aedeagus of Libanopsyllipsocus alexanderasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., holotype, male; Ep = epiproct, Hyp = hypandrium, Par = paraproct, par = paramers, Pha = phallosome, sp = anal spine, trich = trichobothria; scale bar = 0.3 mm.