
Palm in Pantanal (Copernicia alba)

Image of copernicia


Category hierarchy: Plants | Palms
Description: Palm near the Rio Negro river with tree sapling growing from its trunk. Located near RAMSAR site and Rio Negro National Park in the Pantanal ecoregion, near the border between Paraguay and Bolivia. This region, situated in the extreme northeastern corner of western Paraguay and extending south along the Paraguay river forms a southern extension to the primarily Brazilian Pantanal. It is typified by medium-height subhumid forests, wetlands and periodically flooded forests. Near 19°55’S, 58°35’W. (Portion of text from: Guyra Paraguay 2004, Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Paraguay, Paraguay.) Lo que se ve alrededor del tronco de la palmera es un fenómeno común en la Copernicia alba pero no sabemos con seguridad la causa. Puede ser una raíz original que quedó desplazada hacia arriba, que ocurrió por causa de la erosión del terreno que ocasionó que se forme una nueva raíz, o puede ser una raíz adventicia (una raíz secundaria). En todo caso ha acumulado sustrato en donde ha crecido una plantita.
Original date: 20040424

Locality: Latitude: -1.991670000000000e+001; Longitude: -5.858330000000000e+001

Source Information

Andrea Grosse /life.nbii.gov
National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)
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