
Image of Starksia

Image of Starksia


Figure 4.Comparisons among species of the Starksia atlantica complex. Left to right for each row -- Starksia atlantica: AMNH 241247; USNM 399621, BAH 8176, 15.0 mm SL; USNM 386971, 19.0 mm SL; USNM 386242, 17.0 mm SL. Starksia sangreyae: (Note: top and bottom images in first two columns represent Starksia sangreyae A and Starksia sangreyae B genetic sublineages, respectively.) Males – USNM 398936 (top), paratype, BLZ 8028, 17.0 mm SL and USNM 398937 (bottom), paratype, BLZ 8029, 17 mm SL; Females – USNM 398934 (top), paratype, BLZ 5161, 17.0 mm SL and USNM 398940 (bottom), paratype, BLZ 8353, 16.0 mm SL; preserved – USNM 276147, paratype, 15.5 mm SL; USNM 321073, paratype, 18.0 mm SL. Starksia springeri: USNM 399658, paratype, CUR 8148, 15.0 mm SL; USNM 398945, holotype, CUR 08-10, 19.0 mm SL; Starksia sp. (Saba): SABA-06-01, 15.0 mm SL (no voucher).Photographs by Carole Baldwin, Cristina Castillo, Donald Griswold, Julie Mounts, Ross Robertson, James Van Tassell, and Jeffrey Williams.

Source Information

Carole C. Baldwin, Cristina I. Castillo, Lee A. Weigt, Victor Benjamin C.
bibliographic citation
Baldwin C, Castillo C, Weigt L, Benjamin C. V (2011) Seven new species within western Atlantic Starksia atlantica, S. lepicoelia, and S. sluiteri (Teleostei, Labrisomidae), with comments on congruence of DNA barcodes and species ZooKeys 79: 21–72
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