
Image de Microteaceae

Image de Microteaceae

Description :

Figure 7. Fruits and seeds of Microteaportoricensis and M.glochidiata: A, B fruit of M.portoricensis, enclosed in the perianth (Puerto Rico, Cabo Rojo, 1864, Grosourdy 13, P04598159) C, D seed of M.portoricensis (Puerto Rico, Cabo Rojo, 1864, Grosourdy 13, P04598159) E, F fruit of M.glochidiata (Brazil, Maranhão, Barao do Grajau, 21 Jan 2012, R.M. Harley et al. 56455, K) G, H seed of M.glochidiata (Brazil, Maranhão, Barao do Grajau, 21 Jan 2012, R.M. Harley et al. 56455, K). Magnification: A, E – 30×, B, F – 100×, C, G – 50×, D, H – 300×.

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Informations sur la provenance

droit d’auteur
Alexander P. Sukhorukov, Alexander N. Sennikov, Maya V. Nilova, Yuri Mazei, Maria Kushunina, Maria Salete Marchioretto, Pavel Hanáček
citation bibliographique
Sukhorukov A, Sennikov A, Nilova M, Mazei Y, Kushunina M, Marchioretto M, Hanáček P (2019) Evolutionary relationships and taxonomy of Microtea (Microteaceae), a basal lineage in the core Caryophyllales PhytoKeys (115): 1–50
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